Author Topic: Where's The Fatwa Against Trey Parker  (Read 979 times)

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Where's The Fatwa Against Trey Parker
« on: March 03, 2005, 08:27:00 am »
According to the holy Koran, there are to be no images made whatsoever of the prophet.  Never.  To do so is to blaspheme.  Yet the South Park creators clearly portray Mohammed in the "Super Best Friends" espisode.
                        <img src="" alt=" - " />
 He being the one with the superpowers of fire.  
 Rushdie merely wrote a novel without visuals, yet he got fatwa-ed!  "By the power supreme of the cathode ray," I'm rather certain waymore of the faithful have seen the offending South Park episode than have ever read The Satanic Verses, so why no fatwa decree from whomever the current towelly grand-poobah in the mideast is?
 Islam sez you must, "...always eat with only the 'one' hand", yet you're also required to pull turds out of your ass with a totally different hand; though I'm not quite sure which hand is the Keanu, "the one"?
 This was probably usefull a thousand years ago because, as water was scarce, anti-bacterial Suave was scarcer.   It's just plain sense that there would be fewer fecal coliforms on the Keanu, so you should save him to shovel the hummus.  Apparently "the one" hand rule served to protect those ancient non-infidels from wicked medieval cooties such as cholera.
 Osama = Paris Hilton.  Both are loaded, yet they each prefer a simple life:  Paris cavorts with locals in sylvan burgs like Paris, Idaho.  While Bin Laden lives in a cave and eschews anti-bacterial soap.


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Re: Where's The Fatwa Against Trey Parker
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2005, 09:27:00 am »
<img src="" alt=" - " />