I'm just pissed that its so easy to get beer as an underage kid these days. Do they go uncarded? Do they ask someone to get it for them? Where is security?
Back in the good old days when I wanted to drink but was too young, we had to actually sneak it in. I had to practically shove an entire bottle of Jack Daniels up my ass and secure it with duct tape. Then, later, with my pants around my ankles, painfully pull the thing off of my body in a mens room stall while enduring the pain of hair loss as I removed the tape. But damn, the reward afterwards was priceless.
It may be out of jealously, or it may just be the responsible/caring adult that I am, but it pisses me off to see some 18 year old kid celebrating with a beer at Merriweather.
And also, I'm not a fashion guy, but who wears cargo pants and a baseball hat to something as "evil" as a Slayer/Manson show?