Author Topic: Mark your calendars / Arcade Fire  (Read 38108 times)


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Re: Mark your calendars / Arcade Fire
« Reply #180 on: February 01, 2005, 02:30:00 pm »
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
  I just don't think smokers get it.
no, rhett. you dont get it. you are not smarter than the rest of us.  
  and intolerance goes both ways.


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Re: Mark your calendars / Arcade Fire
« Reply #181 on: February 01, 2005, 02:33:00 pm »
Originally posted by sonickteam2:
   is that i should be allowed to let people smoke in my business if i want to. shouldnt be up to the government....though that doesnt go with my socialistic views.
Or your democratic ones, because it's majority rule, and the majority say no smoking in public places in CA.
 And for your business, private property rights aren't inalienable.  There are other safety and health regulations that must be followed in all businesses and this is just another.  Your workers must wash their hands after using the restroom and your patrons must refrain from smoking in the place of business.
 No one is saying you can't smoke.  You just can't smoke in a public place.


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Re: Mark your calendars / Arcade Fire
« Reply #182 on: February 01, 2005, 02:34:00 pm »
i never said i had democratic values....did i?


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Re: Mark your calendars / Arcade Fire
« Reply #183 on: February 01, 2005, 02:37:00 pm »
Originally posted by sonickteam2:
  i never said i had democratic values....did i?
That was in response to "shouldn't be up to the government"


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Re: Mark your calendars / Arcade Fire
« Reply #184 on: February 01, 2005, 02:42:00 pm »
Originally posted by vansmack:
 Or your democratic ones, because it's majority rule, and the majority say no smoking in public places in CA.
 And for your business, private property rights aren't inalienable.  There are other safety and health regulations that must be followed in all businesses and this is just another.  Your workers must wash their hands after using the restroom and your patrons must refrain from smoking in the place of business.
 No one is saying you can't smoke.  You just can't smoke in a public place.
quit getting all lawyer on me. i am just stating my views.


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Re: Mark your calendars / Arcade Fire
« Reply #185 on: February 01, 2005, 02:43:00 pm »
Originally posted by vansmack:
    Your workers must wash their hands after using the restroom  
that must have REALLY pissed off the anti-hand washers!!! i bet there were protests everywhere.


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Re: Mark your calendars / Arcade Fire
« Reply #186 on: February 01, 2005, 02:46:00 pm »
Originally posted by sonickteam2:
Originally posted by vansmack:
    Your workers must wash their hands after using the restroom  
that must have REALLY pissed off the anti-hand washers!!! i bet there were protests everywhere. [/b]
I thought Canadians didn't use "restrooms" anyways.  They only use "washrooms."


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Re: Mark your calendars / Arcade Fire
« Reply #187 on: February 01, 2005, 03:14:00 pm »
Originally posted by sonickteam2:
  quit getting all lawyer on me. i am just stating my views.
Not meaning to pick on you mate.  Sorry about that.
 As a long time lung ailment sufferer I get a little over zealous in my pursuit/defense of smoking bans.


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Re: Mark your calendars / Arcade Fire
« Reply #188 on: February 01, 2005, 03:23:00 pm »
i do plan to quit smoking one day, but it will definitely not be because of anyone complaining or laws being passed.
   i also once had a job working for a cigarette company, giving away free cigarettes!!! just to seal up my spot in hell  ;)


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Re: Mark your calendars / Arcade Fire
« Reply #189 on: February 01, 2005, 03:25:00 pm »
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by sonickteam2:
  quit getting all lawyer on me. i am just stating my views.
Not meaning to pick on you mate.  Sorry about that.
i know.  to each his own and everyone values something different. for instance,  I am all for the cell phone driving ban.  talk about not caring about others' safety!  but its really the same principal.


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Re: Mark your calendars / Arcade Fire
« Reply #190 on: February 01, 2005, 03:41:00 pm »
Originally posted by sonickteam2:
   i also once had a job working for a cigarette company, giving away free cigarettes!!! just to seal up my spot in hell   ;)  
       Here you go.
       What's this?
             SUITED MAN
       A fine, for five hundred dollars.
       Five hundred bucks? What for?
             SUITED MAN
       For violation of New Jersey Statute
       Section Two A, number one-seventy
       slash fifty-one: Any person who
       sells or makes available tobacco or
       tobacco-related products to persons
       under the age of eighteen is
       regarded as disorderly.
       What are you talking about?
             SUITED MAN
       According to the NJAC-the New
       Jersey Administrative Code, section
       eighteen, five, slash twelve point
       five-a fine of no less than two
       hundred and fifty dollars is to be
       leveled against any person reported
       selling cigarettes to a minor.
       I didn't do that!
             SUITED MAN
       You said you were here all day?
       Yeah, but I didn't sell cigarettes
       to any kids!
             SUITED MAN
       An angry mother called the state
       division of taxation and complained
       that the man working at Quick Stop
       Convenience sold her five-year-old
       daughter cigarettes today at around
       four o'clock. Division of taxation
       calls the State Board of Health,
       and they send me down here to issue
       a fine. You say you were working
       all day, hence the fine is yours.
       It's doubled due to the incredibly
       young age of the child.
       But I didn't sell cigarettes to any
       To a five-year-old kid? What a
       That's sick, Dante.
       I didn't sell cigarettes to any
       kids! I swear!
             SUITED MAN
       The due date is on the bottom. This
       summons cannot be contested in any
       court of law. Failure to remit
       before the due date will result in
       a charge of criminal negligence,
       and a warrant will be issued for
       your arrest. Have a nice day.
 The SUITED MAN exits, with DANTE trying to follow.
       But I didn't sell cigarettes to any
       kids! Hey!
          (takes back the card)
       Forget it. I don't want to deal
       with a guy that sells cigarettes to
       a five-year-old.
          (to HEATHER)
       Can I offer you a ride somewhere?
       Sure. How about the beach?
       I like the way you think.


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Re: Mark your calendars / Arcade Fire
« Reply #191 on: February 01, 2005, 07:36:00 pm »
The default option here is obvious.... smoking proponents are looking through much distortion to support their claim.  The air at the club on Sunday was tremendous!


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Re: Mark your calendars / Arcade Fire
« Reply #192 on: February 02, 2005, 05:25:00 am »
Guess that I should repeat myself here.
 My post from the Earlimart/Bobby Bare, Jr. thread:
 "I can't stand when I'm trying to enjoy a show but have to fight to breathe, watch my moves so I don't get burned and then end up going home stinking sober and still get sick. In fact, I've found that I tend to drink less in a smoke saturated environment because it makes me so sick that I can't stomach the alcohol added to my system."


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Re: Mark your calendars / Arcade Fire
« Reply #193 on: February 02, 2005, 10:33:00 am »
A SMALL CROWD gathers around the ACTIVIST as he orates. It
 has become something of a rally.
       You're spending what? Twenty,
       thirty dollars a week on cigarettes.
             LISTENER 1
             LISTENER 2
       Fifty-three dollars. Would you pay
       someone that much money every week
       to kill you? Because that's what
       you're doing now, by paying for the
       so-called privilege to smoke!
             LISTENER 3
       We all gotta go sometime...
       It's that kind of mentality that
       allows this cancer-producing
       industry to thrive. Of course we're
       all going to die someday, but do we
       have to pay for it? Do we have to
       actually throw hard-earned dollars
       on a counter and say, "Please,
       please, Mister Merchant of Death,
       sir; please sell me something that
       will give me bad breath, stink up
       my clothes, and fry my lungs."
             LISTENER 1
       It's not that easy to quit.
       Of course it's not; not when you
       have people like this mindless
       cretin so happy and willing to sell
       you nails for your coffin!
       Hey, now wait a sec...
       Now he's going to launch into his
       rap about how he's just doing his
       job; following orders.
             ACTIVIST (CONT'D)
       Friends, let me tell you about
       another bunch of hate mongers that
       were just following orders: they
       were called Nazis, and they
       practically wiped a nation of
       people from the Earth...just like
       cigarettes are doing now! Cigarette
       smoking is the new Holocaust, and
       those that partake in the practice
       of smoking or sell the wares that
       promote it are the Nazis of the
       nineties! He doesn't care how many
       people die from it! He smiles as
       you pay for your cancer sticks and
       says, "Have a nice day."
       I think you'd better leave now.
       You want me to leave? Why? Because
       somebody is telling it like it is?
       Somebody's giving these fine people
       a wake-up call?!
       You're loitering in here, and
       causing a disturbance.
       You're the disturbance, pal! And
          (slaps a dollar on
          the counter)
       I'm buying some...what's
       this?...Chewlie's Gum. There. I'm
       no longer loitering. I'm a customer,
       a customer engaged in a discussion
       with other customers.
             LISTENER 2
          (to DANTE)
       Yeah, now shut up so he can speak!
       Oh, he's scared now! He sees the
       threat we present! He smells the
       changes coming, and the loss of
       sales when the nonsmokers finally
       demand satisfaction. We demand the
       right to breathe cleaner air!
             LISTENER 3
       We'd rather chew our gum than
       embrace slow death! Let's abolish
       this heinous practice of sucking
       poison, and if it means ruffling
       the feathers of a convenience store
       idiot, then so be it!
       That's it, everybody out.
       We're not moving! We have a right,
       a constitutional right, to assemble
       and be heard!
       Yeah, but not in here.
       What better place than this? To
       stamp it out, you gotta start at
       the source!
       Like I'm responsible for all the
       The ones in this town, yes! You
       encourage their growth, their habit.
       You're the source in this area, and
       we're going to shut you down for
       good! For good, cancer-merchant!
 The small crowd begins to chant and jeer in DANTE's face.
       Cancer merchant! Cancer merchant!
       Cancer merchant!
 VERONICA enters and surveys the mess. The CROWD throws
 cigarettes at DANTE, pelting him in the face. Suddenly, a
 loud blast is heard, and white powder explodes over the
 throng. Everyone turns to face...
 VERONICA as she stands in one of the freezer cases, holding
 a fire extinguisher.
       Who's leading this mob?
 The CROWD looks among themselves. Someone points to O.C.
       That guy.
 The ACTIVIST carries his briefcase surreptitiously toward
 the door.
             VERONICA (O.C.)
 VERONICA jumps off the freezer case, training the nozzle of
 the extinguisher on the ACTIVIST.
       Let's see some credentials.
 He reaches into his briefcase. She pokes the extinguisher
 nozzle at him, warningly.
 He pulls out a business card and hands it to her. She reads
       You're a Chewlie's Gum
 He nods.
       And you're stirring up all this
       antismoking sentiment
       to...what?...sell more gum?
 He nods again.
          (through gritted teeth)
       Get out of here.
 He quickly flees. She blasts him with more chemical as he
          (to the crowd)
       And you people: Don't you have jobs
       to go to? Get out of here and go
 The CROWD sheepishly exits, one by one, offering apologetic
 glances. DANTE tries to regain his composure.


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Re: Mark your calendars / Arcade Fire
« Reply #194 on: February 02, 2005, 10:48:00 am »
Originally posted by Jaguär:
  Guess that I should repeat myself here.
 My post from the Earlimart/Bobby Bare, Jr. thread:
 "I can't stand when I'm trying to enjoy a show but have to fight to breathe, watch my moves so I don't get burned and then end up going home stinking sober and still get sick. In fact, I've found that I tend to drink less in a smoke saturated environment because it makes me so sick that I can't stomach the alcohol added to my system."
oh my god, cry me a river.....
   at least you save some money on alcohol