Author Topic: Meet Ted Stevens...Convicted Felon!  (Read 1613 times)


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Meet Ted Stevens...Convicted Felon!
« on: October 27, 2008, 04:23:00 pm »
 Alaska Senator Guilty of Lying About Gifts He Received
 WASHINGTON (AP) -- Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens has been convicted of lying about free home renovations and other gifts he received from a wealthy oil contractor.
 The Senate's longest-serving Republican, Stevens was found guilty on all seven counts of making false statements on Senate financial documents.
 The verdict throws the upcoming election into disarray. Stevens is fighting off a challenge from Democrat Mark Begich and must now either drop out or continue campaigning as a convicted felon.
 The trial hinged on the testimony of Stevens' longtime friend, who testified that his employees dramatically remodeled the senator's home.
 Stevens faces up to five years in prison on each count but, under federal sentencing guidelines, will likely receive much less prison time, if any.  
 The monthlong trial revealed that employees for oil services company VECO Corp. transformed the senator's modest mountain cabin into a modern, two-story home with wraparound porches, a sauna and a wine cellar. Stevens never paid for VECO's work.
 The Senate's longest-serving Republican, Stevens said he had no idea he was getting freebies. He said he paid $160,000 for the project and said he believed that covered everything.
 Stevens asked for an unusually speedy trial, hoping he'd be exonerated in time to return to Alaska and win re-election. He kept his campaign going and gave no indication that he had a contingency plan in case of conviction.
 Despite being a convicted felon, he is not required to drop out of the race or resign from the Senate. If he wins re-election, he can continue to hold his seat because there is no rule barring felons from serving in Congress. The Senate could vote to expel Stevens on a two-thirds vote.
 "Put this down: That will never happen -- ever, OK?" Stevens said in the weeks leading up to his trial. "I am not stepping down. I'm going to run through and I'm going to win this election.
 Democrats, who are hoping to capture a filibuster-proof Senate majority, have jumped at the chance to seize the once reliably Republican seat. They have invested heavily in the race, running television advertisements starring fictional FBI agents and featuring excerpts from wiretaps.
 Stevens' conviction hinged on the testimony of Bill Allen, the senator's longtime drinking and fishing buddy. Allen, the founder of VECO, testified that he never billed his friend for the work on the house and that Stevens knew he was getting a deal.
 Stevens spent three days on the witness stand, vehemently denying that allegation. He said his wife, Catherine, paid every bill they received.
 Living in Washington, thousands of miles away, made it impossible to monitor the project every day. Stevens relied on Allen to oversee the renovations, he said, and his friend deceived him by not forwarding all the bills.
 Stevens is a legendary figure in Alaska, where he has wielded political influence since before statehood. His knack for steering billions of dollars in federal money to his home state has drawn praise from his constituents and consternation from budget hawks.


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Re: Meet Ted Stevens...Convicted Felon!
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2008, 05:51:00 pm »
Politics in America at its finest!

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Meet Ted Stevens...Convicted Felon!
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2008, 06:37:00 pm »
Meet Sarah Palin... Throw 'em under the buser
 "This is a sad day for Alaska and a sad day for Senator Stevens and his family," she said on the tarmac at Richmond International Airport.
 "The verdict shines a light on the corrupting influence of the big oil service company up there in Alaska that was allowed to control too much of our state. And that control was part of the culture of corruption that I was elected to fight, and that fight must always move forward regardless of party affiliation or seniority or even past service.
 "As Governor of the State of Alaska, I will carefully now monitor the situation and I'll take any appropriate action as needed. In the meantime, I ask the people of Alaska to join me in respecting the workings of our judicial system and I'm confident that Senator Stevens from this point on will do the right thing for the people of Alaska," she also said.
 Wow is this rich coming from someone who was had ties to him in the past... Appears to have created a sweetheart deal for the company that got gas pipeline contract. I can only guess this is going to ruffle even more Republicans the wrong way about her...

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Re: Meet Ted Stevens...Convicted Felon!
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2008, 12:50:00 pm »
i have to revise my statement regarding palin... she  merely stole steven's walker, mccain is going to take care of the rest....


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Re: Meet Ted Stevens...Convicted Felon!
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2008, 01:03:00 pm »
until she throws her racist grandmother and pastor of 20 yeards under the bus she'll be ok..