Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
Clearly, the answer is for the club to ban Asians.
...wow. made my day, right there. you did.
i have a cameraphone with really a very good camera, but i pretty much stopped taking pics with it at shows because i came accross some pictures on websites of the artists where i could see my cell phone. and then, i felt horribly like That Guy, and realized it was ridiculous.
as for other people taking pictures at concerts...what's it to you? yeah, it's kind of annoying when people stick their arms in the air for ten minutes trying to get a good shot, but most people don't do that. if i need to go up, i'll do it for a couple of seconds. i've gotten a ton of really cool, powerful photographs at concerts and i enjoy taking pictures of artists.
also, flashes really aren't always necessary.
i've been to some shows where the pictures turned out much better without the flash on, just due to all the colored lighting that the club already provides.
if you guys really want to complain; go to a show with the Cobrasnake. he is ALL up in everyone's grill, and he isn't using a little digital camera, either...it's this huge thing. but he's awesome and takes great pictures, so you know what? more power to him.
music is a form of artistic expression, as is photography, and i'm really surprised at how intolerant some people on here are of people that are just trying to take quality pictures.