Author Topic: Timberlake Part 2  (Read 7279 times)


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Re: Timberlake Part 2
« Reply #30 on: October 03, 2003, 04:59:00 pm »
11, 7, 25 whores in the room next door, 25 whores and I want more.......


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Re: Timberlake Part 2
« Reply #31 on: October 03, 2003, 05:38:00 pm »
I went to JT Part One and It was awesome! I love the way he played a small club, it was a lot more fun and shall I say Intimate! I am so glad JT is coming back and I cant wait! Thanks so much for having him back... your making so many fans happy! Also.. does anyone know anyway to get VIP or backstage passes for Oct 13th JT?


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Re: Timberlake Part 2
« Reply #32 on: October 03, 2003, 05:50:00 pm »
Originally posted by Shadrach:
  I think Justin is trying to be taken more seriously as a solo artist and perhaps trying to break out of his N'SYNC mold. This show like the last one is 21 and over, so he's able to pack a place with his older fans. If he tried to play a larger venue and make it 21 and over he wouldn't be able to sell enough tix.
 We're also holding the show at a later time (10pm) and after an early show. We have Jonathan Richman early doors.
So he is playing the same day as Jonathan Richman? Leaving the first show and being able to see all of the fans waiting for the other show will be fun. However, things are not working well if a former NSYNC guy sells out the show and the former leader of the Modern Lovers is not capable of selling more than 50% of the tickets available. How well does Jonathan Richman in DC in terms of selling out shows? I guess playing at 7pm on a weekday may make things even more complicated.


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Re: Timberlake Part 2
« Reply #33 on: October 03, 2003, 10:49:00 pm »
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
  So what was the make-up of the crowd last time?
What I posted in a thread about the last JT show...
Originally posted by BlueStar:
 Some excerpts from the e-mail I wrote to my friends about the show...
 So, yeah, you might be saying to yourself right now "what the fuck?" Yeah, it was quite possibly very uncool of me. Oh well. Here are the exciting details, though...
 Justin Timberlake -- 9:30 Club -- August 25th
 Justin and Christina Aguilera were playing at the MCI Center at 7:30pm on August 25th. But, I couldn't convince myself that paying almost $100 for crappy ass seats in the back of the MCI Center, seated all by myself inbetween screaming 13 year olds, was a good idea. So, I passed. But, then there was a surprise was announced that Justin Timberlake would be playing a 21+ late show at the 9:30 Club. So, for half the price, I could go see Justin in a 21 and over environment in a small club. I decided that I really couldn't pass that opportunity up.
 So, at 7:15pm, I went to the 9:30 Club. Doors opened at 11:30pm. Justin took the stage at 1:00am. Yes, 1 in the morning. Insanity. Well, there was already a line. But, it was only a small line (since the majority of the fans were still at the MCI Center show). I was 8th in line. Not too shabby.
 I am perplexed by one thing (and this is just a generalization) would appear, in my intense study of boy band fans, that they tend to always fall into one of two categories: 1) very unattractive and rather large or 2) very pretty and fashion-oriented in that sorority girl/pop princess wannabe kind of way. ... The sorority girl/pop princess wannabes make me want to stab forks in my eyes.
 I felt like a fraud waiting in line all that time. I don't even own Justin's album. Shocker. And I only own two of the *N'SYNC albums. And I have never before seen *N'SYNC or Justin in concert. And all the people (I might as well just say girls since there were about a total of 5 guys there...all dragged along by their girlfriends) were so excited to see their Justin. I can't even name all the members of *N'SYNC. And I most certainly do not know things like Justin's middle name, hometown, or fav food. Oh well. I managed to hide my non-fanatic Justin fan-ness pretty well.
 There were far too many Britney Spears wannabes waiting in line. Why do all the Justin fans feel the need to dress exactly like Britney fucking Spears (a la the Britney look-alike in Justin's "Cry Me a River" video)??? Don't they realize that he broke up with her? That, to me, would be an indication of something that Justin doesn't want. But, hey, what do I know, I'm not a true Justin fan.
 The line situation wasn't chaotic, surprisingly. Yay for the 9:30 Club staff. ... I got front row, right in front of Justin. And there was no barricade. ...
 Around 1:00am, Justin's band took the stage. ...most decked out, head to toe, in NBA gear. They all looked like Nelly clones. I guess it is all part of Justin's plan to gain some street cred.
 The band jammed for awhile and tried to get the audience all pumped up. I would have enjoyed it had the band actually been good. They didn't suck, but I wouldn't classify them as good either. ...
 Finally, ...Justin came out. All the frills were gone. There was no elaborate stage set-up, there were no dancers, there were no costume changes, there were no flashy lights, etc., etc. Justin was wearing dark brown cargo pants, pristine white sneakers, a ribbed white tank top with an orange short-sleeve 'Peasant Run' t-shirt over it, and a camaflogue hat (which he later discarded). And there was none of that head thingy that all these pop stars are so find of was just a regular mic on a regular mic stand. In other words, it was a show about the music and not a show that was just meant to be a show.
 Justin opened with a kick ass version of "Cry Me a River". It was harder in some places and much lengthier than the original. He changed the lyrics around too. "Fuck you for making my cry a river." ... "I bet you think this song is about you, don't you, don't you, I bet you think this song is about you, don't you, don't you, IT IS!" Yes, indeed, it was very much a "fuck you" type of song. I loved it. ... I could have left the concert right then and been perfectly happy. "Cry Me a River" was hands down the song I wanted to hear most...and Justin definitely did not disappoint.
 There was, however, one odd/frilly thing about the stage set-up. Towards the back and off to the right, there was a little bar. Is this the new trend now? ...the people at the bar would randomly take turns throwing ice cubes at Justin and the band. ...
 So, I happen to look over to the right...and then I look back...and then I look to the right again. Is that another guy from *N'SYNC? It sure was. Chris Kirkpatrick (or whatever the hell his name is) was standing on the stage videotaping the performance. ...
 Then Justin did some slow songs that I didn't recognize (since I don't own the fucking album). And he played the guitar. ... Oh well...I'll give him points for effort...
 Ok, and it has to be said, Justin is pretty damn talented. Well, as a singer anyways...not so much as a guitar player. He has a great voice and a great stage presence. And, yes, he too is pretty damn good-looking. ... He's shorter and thinner than I had imagined. ...
 However, I must deduct some points for his constant "if I do this thrust, it looks like I am fucking" movement. Yeah, a little too much of that. But, it did earn high-pitched squeals from all the 21+ girlies in the house. So yeah, it must just be one of those things that I don't understand since I am not a true Justin fan.
 He did, however, have some other little gestures...which reminded me a lot of what Liam Gallagher does live. He would give new meaning to the song lyrics with his gestures...from fucking, to masturbating, to blow jobs, to squeazing tits, to smoking a joint. Oh no indeed, this is no longer that little boy in the boy band. He is now a full-blown, red-blooded, all-American male specimen. Oh joy. Maybe if he coyly sings about drugs and sex his street cred will go up and he will sell more records. He did, at times, seem to be trying a little too hard to please an older audience. On the other hand, you could just view it as him acting his age. Or, I supose, you could just view it as him being male.
 And then it was time for "Like I Love You" (or whatever that song is called). ... And it was pretty damn good live.
 And then he did a song (which I don't think is on his album) that was another "fuck you, you've done me wrong, you evil evil evil woman" song. It was pretty good. ...
 And then he did "Senorita", which was also rather good live. And a very good crowd interaction song. Though, it was rather lacking on the whole fellas part of the song.
 And then he introduced the band and had each band member do a solo on their instrument. Holy hell, the drummer sucked some serious ass. But then, Chris Kirkpatrick (or whatever) took over for the keyboardist. And for his solo, he played "Chopsticks". ...
 And then Justin finished up the evening with "Rock Your Body". ... This was the only part of the evening where Justin actually danced. At the end of the song, he did the dance he does in the video. And he did it right in front of me. I had my hands in front of me on the stage to brace myself against the crowd and I actually had to move them so he wouldn't step on them. He was so close to me that he was practically on top of me. ... And the best part of his little dance was that his shoelace was untied. The entire time I was thinking "he's going to trip and fall, he's going to trip and fall, he's going to trip and fall". I wanted to reach over and tie it for him. ...
 I wasn't blown away. I wasn't overly excited. I'm not consumed with an urge to purchase his album ASAP. But, I wasn't disappointed either. It was a good show. And a very different show from what I would have witnessed at the MCI Center. Justin has a great voice. ... The highlights of the evening were definitely the beginning and the end..."Cry Me a River" and "Rock My Body".


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Re: Timberlake Part 2
« Reply #34 on: October 03, 2003, 10:51:00 pm »
Originally posted by Jamie:
 And for the constant snickers and remarks about how fashionable myself and most girls chose to be.  Trust me, we were NOT trying to look like Britney. We can't help it if we don't want to shop at the Salvation Army to be original.
Trust me honey, it is entirely possible to shop at fashionable stores, wear non-Salvation Army clothes, and still manage to not be a carbon-copy of the fashion disaster that is Britney Spears.


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Re: Timberlake Part 2
« Reply #35 on: October 04, 2003, 07:24:00 am »
Anyone notice the tour is called "Lovin It Live"?
 Happens to be the same slogan for the new McDonalds ad campaign that Justin sings on.  Maybe he'll throw Big Macs and fries into the crowd.
 "Would you like a Britney with that?"

Seth Hurwitz

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Re: Timberlake Part 2
« Reply #36 on: October 04, 2003, 09:14:00 am »
the deal is that he actually really enjoyed the gig last time, and a lot of people didn't get in
 so he pretty much said "hey that was like a real gig...let's do it again"
 he could probably do something for a lot more money somewhere else
 I think that's a lot less pretentious then some of the characters we get through here


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Re: Timberlake Part 2
« Reply #37 on: October 04, 2003, 10:14:00 am »
Personally I find his music as enjoyable as having a colonoscopy...BUT, talent is talent wether his music is someones personal taste or not, and I think he's trying to graduate from his boy band thing. What are the other lot from n'sync and backstreet boys doing?


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Re: Timberlake Part 2
« Reply #38 on: October 04, 2003, 11:53:00 am »
I'm not a big fan but i think its a great idea, everyone wins, Justin, the fans and the club. And it gives all you Indie people a night off from concerts to relax for the next night   :)


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Re: Timberlake Part 2
« Reply #39 on: October 04, 2003, 01:41:00 pm »
Well I got tickets for Part 2 this morning, and I am incredibly excited! The last show was so awesome and it was great to see JT acting like a normal guy, and see him perform without all the costume changes, lights, and back up dancers. Im in college and coming home for this one! Im so happy that 930 club is having him back, its gonna rock! If anyone has any extra tickets for a few of my friends, let me know!   :)


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Re: Timberlake Part 2
« Reply #40 on: October 04, 2003, 03:16:00 pm »
Originally posted by Cindy:
  Well I got tickets for Part 2 this morning, and I am incredibly excited! The last show was so awesome and it was great to see JT acting like a normal guy, and see him perform without all the costume changes, lights, and back up dancers. Im in college and coming home for this one! Im so happy that 930 club is having him back, its gonna rock! If anyone has any extra tickets for a few of my friends, let me know!    :)  
That's the problem though, he was "acting" like a normal guy.


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Re: Timberlake Part 2
« Reply #41 on: October 04, 2003, 03:20:00 pm »
Well although I am a huge JT fan, I guess I see where you are coming from. I do think he might have been doing a bit of trying to hard at act normal, but It doesnt change anything for me. At the same time I kind of appreciate him trying to show us he can be normal... I think its a good way to act when you are with a 21+ crow. I still cant wait to see him again!


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Re: Timberlake Part 2
« Reply #42 on: October 06, 2003, 12:27:00 am »
does anyone know if we can bring cameras to JT part 2? cause we werent allowed for part 1   :(


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Re: Timberlake Part 2
« Reply #43 on: October 06, 2003, 02:58:00 am »
The whole cameras/no cameras thing is, generally, a performer preference.  The venue is informed by the musician/band the day of the show what will be allowed and what won't be allowed regarding photography, audio, etc.  Most likely, no one will know for sure about cameras until the day of the show.  Additionally, since cameras were not allowed last time, they probably won't be allowed this time.


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Re: Timberlake Part 2
« Reply #44 on: October 07, 2003, 11:04:00 am »
thanks for that info! it sucks that we cant have cameras.. but i guess theres nothing anyone can do about it. should i just call up the morning of the show to find out? or will it get posted on here?