well, yeah it'd be great to see something brand new again, but i suppose i'm just a little disinterested right now and also i haven't really been gung-ho about hurrying up to hear the new stuff in the past few years. i listened to the 2002 stuff and i don't know what it was about it, but hearing the recordings negatively affected how i felt about HTTT and i don't really like that because i eventually ended up liking the album quite a bit (actually being there and just hearing recordings are really two different things).
also, re: looking for last night
the recordings made in europe are typically sub-standard in quality compared to what gets made here. i wouldn't be going out of my way at all to look for any european radiohead recordings unless i know ahead of time that it's actually going to be decent quality. (this is mainly specifically in reference to radiohead and not a broad generalization about all recordings of all bands in europe)