Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
if you are a libertarian, dont searches with out probable cause make your head explode more than any of the other three issues mentioned? just sayin
Well, sure they would. Show me searches w/o probable cause and I'll condemn them. I believe what the article mentioned specifically was that they were focusing on the sector of the illegal immigrant population that was acting criminally. Traffic stops for one. I'd like to give the Frederick county government the benefit of the doubt that when pulling people over they are indeed speeding. And if you fail to show proper ID at that time, speak Spanish but virtually no English, and are of brown skin tone with black hair. You bet they should follow up on that and if you turn out to be illegal, so be it.
I'm Libertarian but ultimately try to be practical. I'm all for espousing Libertarian ideals, however am fully aware that they couldn't be implemented instantaneously. Until we have some sort of control over the thousands that pour across our borders, and some sort of decent, not needlessly harsh laws and policy in place to deal w/ illegals that have been here for years, liberties will be trod upon. It's a work in progress.