Author Topic: British Sea Power Role Call  (Read 2399 times)

Darth Ed

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Re: British Sea Power Role Call
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2008, 04:26:00 am »
The sound was painfully loud even with ear plugs. I started off about three feet from the stage, but I had to retreat to the back of the room after about five songs. I just can't enjoy shows like that. The sound kept clipping, and it was muddy as hell on top of it. I couldn't understand any of the lyrics or anything the BSP guys said. It really put a negative spin on the whole performance for me. The sound guy should be drawn and quartered. And the big finale at the end just went on way too long. I was praying for it to end. I'm really disappointed. I've been wanting to see BSP since 2003; I had a ticket for their Black Cat show with Phaser back then, but I couldn't go because a family member was in the hospital. I've been trying to see them ever since, but some kind of conflict always prevented me until tonight's show. If this is representative of their live shows, I'll go back to listening to their CDs. I certainly enjoyed some of the songs they performed tonight, but I can't say I enjoyed the performance as a whole, primarily because it was too damn loud.
 I loved, loved, loved The Rosebuds though. I really liked them when they opened for National at the 9:30 Club last year, and I liked them even more tonight. I ended up buying all four of their CDs. So the evening wasn't a total loss.


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Re: British Sea Power Role Call
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2008, 06:07:00 am »
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
  I thought BSP were outstanding.  The twenty minute feedback-drenched primal-screaming chaotic and cacophonous finale was sweet icing on the cake.


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Re: British Sea Power Role Call
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2008, 09:23:00 am »
I thought last night was definitely a return to form for BSP.  I've been to every show of theirs since they opened for the Libertines in 2003, and I must say some of their shows lately have been a bit lackluster.  The foliage was back with a vengence, and I was actually surprised at the energy they've managed to muster since this has been by far their longest and most grueling tour of the states yet.  Wood (drummer) has severe tendonitis in his right leg (kick drum leg, not cool) and has been a trooper down the stretch.  They're playing for free, today, at noon, in Philadelphia!  I don't know where they find the energy.
 But for the show itself, I couldn't have been happier with the setlist.  I actually grabbed one but don't have it with me right now.  The sound at their shows has always been extremely bad for some reason.  I find that its best to be up front, for some reason it's better sound.  Couldn't speak to the crowd being comatose, but I'm not surprised.  Also why I like down the front for BSP, I'm surrounded by the few hardcore fans that are at least somewhat into it.

Bombay Chutney

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Re: British Sea Power Role Call
« Reply #18 on: May 09, 2008, 10:18:00 am »
For the record - flip-flops were allowed.