Author Topic: Sweeney Todd SUCKED  (Read 6448 times)


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Re: Sweeney Todd SUCKED
« Reply #15 on: December 19, 2007, 02:39:00 pm »
I'll make my own decision about the movie after I see it.
 I Am Legend was bleck.
 The best part was seeing this:
   <img src="" alt=" - " />


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Re: Sweeney Todd SUCKED
« Reply #16 on: December 19, 2007, 02:39:00 pm »
Originally posted by chaz:
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  With a breastfeeding, teething six month old at home, we'll soon be signing up for NetFlix. The movie theater days are over.
Ha yeah...the wife and I never go to the movies anymore.[/b]
something i haven't figured out yet: when you have a baby, are both parents joined at the hip for the first year?  can one not cover for the other for a few hours, so that either mom or dad can go catch a movie, or a concert, etc?  i think i'd need the occational evening to myself to preserve my sanity, but i don't have kids so what do i know... i have no doubt that i'll have to revisit this "need" if/when the time comes.

Re: Sweeney Todd SUCKED
« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2007, 03:18:00 pm »
Probably too much info but here it goes...
 My wife chose to breastfeed exclusively (no bottle, no formula). Our daughter is a voracious eater. Could she go two or three hours without food in the company of just dad? Probably, but my wife would be so worried about it that she probably wouldn't enjoy the movie. Plus, she's not a go to the movies by herself type of person. Part of the pleasure for her is my company, if you can believe that. She does go running and leaves the baby with me, but that's for a shorter period of time.
 I'm not lactating, so my presence isn't as crucial. Thus, I'm allowed to go to shows on my own (or with friends), but not movies.
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by chaz:
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  With a breastfeeding, teething six month old at home, we'll soon be signing up for NetFlix. The movie theater days are over.
Ha yeah...the wife and I never go to the movies anymore.[/b]
something i haven't figured out yet: when you have a baby, are both parents joined at the hip for the first year?  can one not cover for the other for a few hours, so that either mom or dad can go catch a movie, or a concert, etc?  i think i'd need the occational evening to myself to preserve my sanity, but i don't have kids so what do i know... i have no doubt that i'll have to revisit this "need" if/when the time comes. [/b]


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Re: Sweeney Todd SUCKED
« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2007, 03:36:00 pm »
Of course I spend a lot of time with the family, but if one of us wants to do something no biggie.
 It was actually easier the first year.  My wife breast fed but also pumped, so if she was gone i could feed.
 Infants are a piece of cake to take care of though, except for the sleeping issues, having to wake up with them for feeding etc.
 Much harder staying home alone with a couple toddlers or pre-schoolers.  That's when shit gets nuts.  It's fun though.  They're a riot most of the time.  
 I give parenthood 2 big thumbs up.  But your life is definately not all yours anymore.
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  Probably too much info but here it goes...
 My wife chose to breastfeed exclusively (no bottle, no formula). Our daughter is a voracious eater. Could she go two or three hours without food in the company of just dad? Probably, but my wife would be so worried about it that she probably wouldn't enjoy the movie. Plus, she's not a go to the movies by herself type of person. Part of the pleasure for her is my company, if you can believe that. She does go running and leaves the baby with me, but that's for a shorter period of time.
 I'm not lactating, so my presence isn't as crucial. Thus, I'm allowed to go to shows on my own (or with friends), but not movies.
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by chaz:
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  With a breastfeeding, teething six month old at home, we'll soon be signing up for NetFlix. The movie theater days are over.
Ha yeah...the wife and I never go to the movies anymore.[/b]
something i haven't figured out yet: when you have a baby, are both parents joined at the hip for the first year?  can one not cover for the other for a few hours, so that either mom or dad can go catch a movie, or a concert, etc?  i think i'd need the occational evening to myself to preserve my sanity, but i don't have kids so what do i know... i have no doubt that i'll have to revisit this "need" if/when the time comes. [/b]

Re: Sweeney Todd SUCKED
« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2007, 03:46:00 pm »
That can be solved by having the baby share the bed or in a cosleeper attached to the bed on mom's side.
 The part about the toddler acting nuts...well I'm hoping that having only one will help, and the fact that she's a girl will help, and keeping her away from too much sugar and other shit foods will help...but probably won't.
Originally posted by chaz:
 Infants are a piece of cake to take care of though, except for the sleeping issues, having to wake up with them for feeding etc.
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  Probably too much info but here it goes...
 My wife chose to breastfeed exclusively (no bottle, no formula). Our daughter is a voracious eater. Could she go two or three hours without food in the company of just dad? Probably, but my wife would be so worried about it that she probably wouldn't enjoy the movie. Plus, she's not a go to the movies by herself type of person. Part of the pleasure for her is my company, if you can believe that. She does go running and leaves the baby with me, but that's for a shorter period of time.
 I'm not lactating, so my presence isn't as crucial. Thus, I'm allowed to go to shows on my own (or with friends), but not movies.
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by chaz:
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  With a breastfeeding, teething six month old at home, we'll soon be signing up for NetFlix. The movie theater days are over.
Ha yeah...the wife and I never go to the movies anymore.[/b]
something i haven't figured out yet: when you have a baby, are both parents joined at the hip for the first year?  can one not cover for the other for a few hours, so that either mom or dad can go catch a movie, or a concert, etc?  i think i'd need the occational evening to myself to preserve my sanity, but i don't have kids so what do i know... i have no doubt that i'll have to revisit this "need" if/when the time comes. [/b]


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Re: Sweeney Todd SUCKED
« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2007, 03:49:00 pm »
Hello full night's sleep; goodbye sex life!
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  That can be solved by having the baby share the bed or in a cosleeper attached to the bed on mom's side.

Re: Sweeney Todd SUCKED
« Reply #21 on: December 19, 2007, 03:52:00 pm »
Hello sex on the living room floor.  
Originally posted by nkotb:
  Hello full night's sleep; goodbye sex life!
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  That can be solved by having the baby share the bed or in a cosleeper attached to the bed on mom's side.


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Re: Sweeney Todd SUCKED
« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2007, 03:58:00 pm »
Originally posted by chaz:
  Of course I spend a lot of time with the family, but if one of us wants to do something no biggie.
 It was actually easier the first year.  My wife breast fed but also pumped, so if she was gone i could feed.
 Infants are a piece of cake to take care of though, except for the sleeping issues, having to wake up with them for feeding etc.
 Much harder staying home alone with a couple toddlers or pre-schoolers.  That's when shit gets nuts.  It's fun though.  They're a riot most of the time.  
 I give parenthood 2 big thumbs up.  But your life is definately not all yours anymore.
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by chaz:
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  With a breastfeeding, teething six month old at home, we'll soon be signing up for NetFlix. The movie theater days are over.
Ha yeah...the wife and I never go to the movies anymore.[/b]
something i haven't figured out yet: when you have a baby, are both parents joined at the hip for the first year?  can one not cover for the other for a few hours, so that either mom or dad can go catch a movie, or a concert, etc?  i think i'd need the occational evening to myself to preserve my sanity, but i don't have kids so what do i know... i have no doubt that i'll have to revisit this "need" if/when the time comes. [/b]
In my experience, having a toddler is easier because once they go to bed, they're *usually* done for the night, whereas babies have no sense of timing and usually require attention every couple hours at least. I can pretty much plan on my 3-year-old being down for the count by 8:00 pm every night, so I'm able to do movies, concerts, games, exercise, etc. after that. The first year, I barely got out to do anything (my wife is a homebody so she's fine not going out at all). So everything is just perfect exactly the way it is, exactly the way it is.
 Oh wait, we've got another kid on the way. Shit. I mean, yay! If the Jesus & Mary Chain, Comets on Fire, or Earthless schedule a DC date any time between May and October, I'll be pissed.
 And THAT is what I think of Sweeney Todd.


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Re: Sweeney Todd SUCKED
« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2007, 04:26:00 pm »
once again, congrats relaxer!    and if any of those bands do roll through, i promise to post detailed reviews of how great the show was.  i can pick up a t-shirt for you if you want.


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Re: Sweeney Todd SUCKED
« Reply #24 on: December 19, 2007, 04:26:00 pm »
awesome threadjack!! all the proud boardie parents!!
 congrats Relaxer on #2. One was easy for us, two has consistently and repeatedly kicked our ass!! And Chaz is right, you're time is definitely not your own any more.
 With our limited nights out we'd rather go for a meal or see a show than see a movie. Excluding kids films which we are seeing more of we've probably averaged 1 movie in a theatre a year for the last 6 years.....Netflix rulezzzzz


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Re: Sweeney Todd SUCKED
« Reply #25 on: December 19, 2007, 05:10:00 pm »
Originally posted by Marty666:
  dont waste your time seeing this movie, its not even worth a rental. go see Juno or I am Legend
i find it interesting that the timestamp on this post is approximately 45 minutes before the screening at the drafthouse ended.  
 i thought sweeney todd was a lot of fun.  way more entertaining than i am legend.


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Re: Sweeney Todd SUCKED
« Reply #26 on: December 19, 2007, 05:24:00 pm »
Originally posted by thatguy:
 i find it interesting that the timestamp on this post is approximately 45 minutes before the screening at the drafthouse ended.
Last night's Sweeney Tood was, without a doubt, the worst movie ever. Rest assured I was on the internet within minutes registering my disgust throughout the world.
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Re: Sweeney Todd SUCKED
« Reply #27 on: December 19, 2007, 05:34:00 pm »
Originally posted by Relaxer:
  In my experience, having a toddler is easier because once they go to bed, they're *usually* done for the night, whereas babies have no sense of timing and usually require attention every couple hours at least. I can pretty much plan on my 3-year-old being down for the count by 8:00 pm every night, so I'm able to do movies, concerts, games, exercise, etc. after that. The first year, I barely got out to do anything (my wife is a homebody so she's fine not going out at all). So everything is just perfect exactly the way it is, exactly the way it is.
You pretty much just described my life .  The problem is that if you want to do something after bedtime, you are still faced with the reality that the kid will still wake up at 6:00 am saying "Wooo! Wooo!  I'm a fire truck!!"  (At least that's how it is in my house)

Frank Gallagher

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Re: Sweeney Todd SUCKED
« Reply #28 on: December 19, 2007, 06:25:00 pm »
Originally posted by eros:
Originally posted by Relaxer:
  In my experience, having a toddler is easier because once they go to bed, they're *usually* done for the night, whereas babies have no sense of timing and usually require attention every couple hours at least. I can pretty much plan on my 3-year-old being down for the count by 8:00 pm every night, so I'm able to do movies, concerts, games, exercise, etc. after that. The first year, I barely got out to do anything (my wife is a homebody so she's fine not going out at all). So everything is just perfect exactly the way it is, exactly the way it is.
You pretty much just described my life .  The problem is that if you want to do something after bedtime, you are still faced with the reality that the kid will still wake up at 6:00 am saying "Wooo! Wooo!  I'm a fire truck!!"  (At least that's how it is in my house) [/b]
And don't forget the things toddlers say or questions they ask? My boy has me in stitches with some of the stuff he comes out with.


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Re: Sweeney Todd SUCKED
« Reply #29 on: December 19, 2007, 06:38:00 pm »
Originally posted by thatguy:
Originally posted by Marty666:
  dont waste your time seeing this movie, its not even worth a rental. go see Juno or I am Legend
i find it interesting that the timestamp on this post is approximately 45 minutes before the screening at the drafthouse ended.  
 i thought sweeney todd was a lot of fun.  way more entertaining than i am legend. [/b]
Of course, I didnt even bother staying for the whole thing. thats just how bad it was.
 I havnt seen I am Legend tho, just think any random movie might be better then this one.