Author Topic: Virgin Music Festival @ Pimlico  (Read 63193 times)


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Re: Virgin Music Festival @ Pimlico
« Reply #285 on: July 21, 2006, 11:02:00 pm »
will seth make enough $?  60000 tix @ $100/ea = $6,000,000.   that's not alot of $.  think of the overhead.  as far as the jewish holiday, what is more important, some god or making $ for seth?  i think the bass player for the who died of a cocaine od on the last who tour.  they posponed a show or two and got a new bass player fast.  they were up and running within a week of the loss.

Seth Hurwitz

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Re: Virgin Music Festival @ Pimlico
« Reply #286 on: July 22, 2006, 07:33:00 am »
here's my advice on the ticket price issue:
 what memories are you going to have with you the rest of your life, the concert or whatever else you did with that $100?
 now go make me lots of money so I don't have to do shows like Nick Lachey for a living

you be betty

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Re: Virgin Music Festival @ Pimlico
« Reply #287 on: July 22, 2006, 08:29:00 am »
Originally posted by nkotb:
  This post proves that we are the whiniest, most self-centered bunch of fucks in the world.  
Originally posted by fdalawyer:
Originally posted by brennser:
Originally posted by fdalawyer:
  It really is quite disappointing that they scheduled such a great concert on one of the most important Jewish holy days.  I would have loved to go to the show but unfortunately I can't.  Amazing that Seth Hurwitz wouldn't be sensitive to this issue.
give the guy a fucking break - sweet jesus, if its not high ticket prices its a shitty lineup, if its not a shitty lineup its religious about damned if you do and damned if you don't [/b]
I would have been happy to pay the ticket price and I generally like the line up.  But I can't go because I have to be in synagogue all day.  There are only two major Jewish holidays in the whole year.  It wouldn't be too hard to avoid them. [/b]
It really bothers me that you'd have even the slightest audacity to call anyone in this position "whiny."  For fucks sake, even if no one was complaining about the rest of it, they'd have a right to complain about that.  Yeah, it's our choice, but Rosh Hashana is one of the two holiest days of the year for Jews - it's the day when people who aren't even JEWISH go to services.  It's just an unwritten rule.  So imagine having this massive concert that you really wanted to go to held on Easter.  Or Christmas.  I know it's our choice as to whether we go to services that day or not, but it's just something that I'd really like to point out and suggest for the future not to do again.  I understand that bands are under very tight schedules and whatnot.

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Re: Virgin Music Festival @ Pimlico
« Reply #288 on: July 22, 2006, 09:47:00 am »
Originally posted by you be betty:
 Yeah, it's our choice, but Rosh Hashana is one of the two holiest days of the year for Jews - it's the day when people who aren't even JEWISH go to services.  It's just an unwritten rule.  So imagine having this massive concert that you really wanted to go to held on Easter.  Or Christmas.
In my experience Christians who say things like, "Easter is a sacred holy day that my family never fails to attend...even if there is a Toby Keith concert" are rabid, bible thumping fundamentalists. They are legion, and are easilly identified by the fish symbols on the back of their minivans.  They toe the line to all rabid fundamentalist Christian ideology.   There are very few who attend such Easter services with regularity who aren't of this stripe.
 Since you attend religious holy days without fail...does it mean you are merely hooked on the riutals of the ceremony, or are you truly buying into the whole Yahweh religious myth, at least a tiny little bit by attending?...and all of the talk about athiesm is just a smokescreen?  Are you really such a true believer?!?  Enquiring minds want to know.
 As a point of fact there's is no historical proof that Jesus/Moses are any more than myths.  In fact the only religious figure who provides historical record of His existence is Mohammed.  I prefer proof.  It's more scientific that way.
 I'm a Methodist/Lutheran by birth and an agnostic by choice.  I don't celebrate Easter.  I wish I could divorce myself totally from Christian ideology, but I'm afraid that it's ingrained too deeply in the collective subconcious.  Yes, I do partake in Christmas, but my God of choice for this pagan rite is the God of materialism.  Certain people in my family and circle of acquaintances expect to receive gifts from me.  It's can be seen as a form of emotional bribery....and is also greasing the wheels at work.  Of course I always get my supervisor a little gift.  Then later on I might get a little special treatment, less scutt work -for example.  But in no way do I actually believe in any of this holy horseshit.
 Hellfire, I usually work on most holidays anyway.  Memorial Day or George Washington's birthday are possibly the most authentic American holidays.  And I work during both.  Memorial Day is really labor day as far as I'm concerned.

you be betty

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Re: Virgin Music Festival @ Pimlico
« Reply #289 on: July 22, 2006, 10:20:00 am »
Chill's just something we do every year

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Re: Virgin Music Festival @ Pimlico
« Reply #290 on: July 22, 2006, 10:21:00 am »
okay, kewl


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Re: Virgin Music Festival @ Pimlico
« Reply #291 on: July 22, 2006, 10:55:00 am »
Originally posted by lbcardoni:
  From the Baltimore Sun...
 "The event falls on Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, and Pimlico is near Jewish communities in Northwest Baltimore. The director of the city's Office of Neighborhoods is setting up a meeting between the Mount Washington Improvement Association and concert organizers.
 A meeting date has not been set, but the president of the association, Mac Nachlas, said he was concerned about public safety, traffic, trash and noise. He said Rosh Hashana is a day of introspection when many people don't drive, and that traffic from the show could be dangerous for pedestrians.
 "When Pimlico has concerts, we can hear it quite loudly in our neighborhood," Nachlas said. "Frankly, I'm not sure the Red Hot Chili Peppers are conducive to a day of introspection."
 A spokeswoman for Mayor Martin O'Malley said the effect on the neighborhood would be manageable because the event would draw fewer people than the 100,000-plus who attend the Preakness every year."
Concerning the immediate neighborhood, at one time, this would have been true but nowadays, this doesn't wash. From what I know of the neighborhood, and I know it fairly well, I'd have to say that at least half of the Jewish families moved out with the newer families being mostly Black Christians and most don't celebrate any Jewish holidays. The heavier concentration of Jews have moved a little further north and should be minimally impacted. West, south and east is extremely culturally diverse once you extend a little.
 Yes, it's a shame that the Virgin Festival falls on a holiday that a portion of the potential fans might celebrate but one can't expect the rest of the world to shut down because one group does. We are a world that (supposedly) coexistes with a multitude of others which will result in even more overlapping of specific cultural holidays. That can't be avoided without major social engineering which would blend the holidays which is a whole other issue. Seth is juggeling an immense amount of factors here that have to all fall into place. That alone is a major chore. Christians would bitch if it fell on Christmas but they would make their personal choices and hope for better luck next time.
 While not as sacred, this massive festival which we are damned lucky to even have the opportunity of receiving also falls on the same day as several other musical events that the very same fans most likely would want to attend. Again, personal choices need to be made. That's the breaks.
 Regardless of my personal tastes and other obligations, besides hoping that the Virgin Festival is a massive success and hoping that there will be many more at Pimlico in years to come, I'm also very happy for the sake of Pimlico Race Track. The place is a classic and has been going through years of some trouble with the Preakness Stakes threatening to leave town. This would be a great loss to Baltimore on so many levels. I truly hope that this starts to bring in a little more money for them that is then invested back into the place to make it a little nicer so that you snobs who think that it's not nice enough for a rowdy rock concert will have less reason to complain.
 For the person who suggested that it should be on a farm in Baltimore County; forget it. It wouldn't work. You think Pimlico will have parking problems. There would be no parking at all on a farm. Harford County would be a much better location for such an idea but then you would bitch because it's maybe 15 or so miles farther.  There again, there would be way too many logistics like that to make it that much more difficult.
 For the DC area crowd, keep your eyes peeled for On Tap busses. I assume they will have as many as they can fill. In fact, for many of the Baltimore area fans, that would probably make your commute and parking issues even that much easier than ours considering how screwed up our public transportation is.

Sage 703

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Re: Virgin Music Festival @ Pimlico
« Reply #292 on: July 22, 2006, 11:01:00 am »
Originally posted by Jaguar:
 For the DC area crowd, keep your eyes peeled for On Tap busses. I assume they will have as many as they can fill. In fact, for many of the Baltimore area fans, that would probably make your commute and parking issues even that much easier than ours considering how screwed up our public transportation is.
In the works, Jaguar.  In the works  :)


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Re: Virgin Music Festival @ Pimlico
« Reply #293 on: July 22, 2006, 11:21:00 am »
If it was presented as "Wow, I'm bummed that this show is on Rosh Hashana, what a gyp that I can't go" that's one thing.  But acting like Seth has some moral obligation to pussy-foot around a select audience because of it is ridiculous.  
 Since this thing was announced, we've had people griping about the line-up (before it was announced), about the location, about the line-up some more (after it was announced), and about the ticket prices.  And how people are going to complain that that weekend doesn't work in their favor?  Give me a fucking break.  
 I'm not planning on going to the show, because to me, the cost isn't worth the catchign the few bands that I want to see.  But I'm still thankful that Baltimore of all places is getting a one-off music festival.  It's no wonder we haven't had more with people's self-important attitudes around here.
 Now, bring on Redsock's DAM festival so I can tear that to shreds before knowing fact one about it...
Originally posted by you be betty:
 It really bothers me that you'd have even the slightest audacity to call anyone in this position "whiny."  For fucks sake, even if no one was complaining about the rest of it, they'd have a right to complain about that.  Yeah, it's our choice, but Rosh Hashana is one of the two holiest days of the year for Jews - it's the day when people who aren't even JEWISH go to services.  It's just an unwritten rule.  So imagine having this massive concert that you really wanted to go to held on Easter.  Or Christmas.  I know it's our choice as to whether we go to services that day or not, but it's just something that I'd really like to point out and suggest for the future not to do again.  I understand that bands are under very tight schedules and whatnot.

you be betty

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Re: Virgin Music Festival @ Pimlico
« Reply #294 on: July 22, 2006, 11:39:00 am »
Wow, that's exactly how I feel.  I'm bummed that I can't go.  I don't expect them to make some massive exception because some people have a holiday to celebrate, because I realize that Seth has a lot to deal with.  I wouldn't ever expect someone to do that...the bottom line is, yeah, they have to make choices to please a wide group of people.  Understandable.  But I made a polite suggestion for next time.  The thing bothering me is that you can't be sympathetic to the people that are put in this position, and furthermore, have the mind to go out and call me a snob because I have a religious fucking obligation.  I didn't even MENTION a concern for the surrounding neighborhood.  It disappoints me that you'd overlook this as just another thing people are being whiny about, because I would say it's a pretty valid concern and future suggestion to make.  But then again, that's just me.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Virgin Music Festival @ Pimlico
« Reply #295 on: July 22, 2006, 11:40:00 am »
Originally posted by callat703:
Originally posted by Jaguar:
 For the DC area crowd, keep your eyes peeled for On Tap busses. I assume they will have as many as they can fill. In fact, for many of the Baltimore area fans, that would probably make your commute and parking issues even that much easier than ours considering how screwed up our public transportation is.
In the works, Jaguar.  In the works    :)   [/b]
i'd be all over this idea   :D   going there and back with a group of people and not having to worry about parking,etc  coolness...

Sage 703

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Re: Virgin Music Festival @ Pimlico
« Reply #296 on: July 22, 2006, 12:05:00 pm »
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
Originally posted by callat703:
Originally posted by Jaguar:
 For the DC area crowd, keep your eyes peeled for On Tap busses. I assume they will have as many as they can fill. In fact, for many of the Baltimore area fans, that would probably make your commute and parking issues even that much easier than ours considering how screwed up our public transportation is.
In the works, Jaguar.  In the works     :)    [/b]
i'd be all over this idea    :D    going there and back with a group of people and not having to worry about parking,etc  coolness... [/b]
I'm sure that details for this will be forthcoming.  Generally On Tap has a ticket package, which includes a ticket and a spot on the bus.  When I know more, I'll share.


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Re: Virgin Music Festival @ Pimlico
« Reply #297 on: July 22, 2006, 12:14:00 pm »
Originally posted by you be betty:
  Wow, that's exactly how I feel.  I'm bummed that I can't go.  I don't expect them to make some massive exception because some people have a holiday to celebrate, because I realize that Seth has a lot to deal with.  I wouldn't ever expect someone to do that...the bottom line is, yeah, they have to make choices to please a wide group of people.  Understandable.  But I made a polite suggestion for next time.  The thing bothering me is that you can't be sympathetic to the people that are put in this position, and furthermore, have the mind to go out and call me a snob because I have a religious fucking obligation.  I didn't even MENTION a concern for the surrounding neighborhood.  It disappoints me that you'd overlook this as just another thing people are being whiny about, because I would say it's a pretty valid concern and future suggestion to make.  But then again, that's just me.
Betty, calm down. I kind of get the impression that you are getting too emotionally involved and mashing up some of the comments thrown around here and twisting things a bit.
 By being called 'snobs', if you are referring to my use of the word, it was not at all placed on any Jewish people or in anyway connected to the Sun Paper article. Go back and reread it. It was meant towards whomever complained so many posts back about Pimlico being trashy, or something like that. Of course, anyone of that mind would probably also bitch if it was taken to some other more upscale place which would then inflate the ticket price even more.
 Seth knows what he's doing. Look what he did for Merriweather. Give him some time and let him work his musical magic on Pimlico and he'll have all the Virgins we can handle and we won't even have to die for them. (Now we'll probably have the Muslims bitching!    :roll:   )


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Re: Virgin Music Festival @ Pimlico
« Reply #298 on: July 22, 2006, 12:39:00 pm »
you guys are all lame.
 i have my tickets...bring on the show!!!!


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Re: Virgin Music Festival @ Pimlico
« Reply #299 on: July 22, 2006, 06:35:00 pm »
Originally posted by nkotb:
 Now, bring on Redsock's DAM festival so I can tear that to shreds before knowing fact one about it...
Please, let's not do that ok?