Halo is as everyone said a first person shooter, with outstanding graphics and decent physics.
It was one of the first titles for xbox that got released from a small studio called Bungie Studios. Microsoft was so impressed with it, they bought it.
Halo just is really an average FPS but with some decent twists, nice weapons, and big maps. It is fun to play.
Recently, the sequel came out, with an added online multi-player, some updated weapons. There is a big craze for it because for some reason people who think it's the new gaming crack are on crack and don't realize how it's not that great of a game.
Everyone just gets Halo2 for online multiplayer because the first one lacked it, and honestly, it is a lot like the first one.
EDIT: Yes, you can draw a comparison with Golden Eye except add vehicles, bigger maps, and alien enemies.