Author Topic: Cameras for Lucinda Williams show in August?  (Read 1911 times)


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Cameras for Lucinda Williams show in August?
« on: May 18, 2004, 12:47:00 pm »
Are any type of cameras allowed in side the building at concert time?


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Re: Cameras for Lucinda Williams show in August?
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2004, 05:34:00 pm »
First,  I don't see anything on our website mentioning that Lucinda Williams is doing a show here.   I hope she is going to because I think she is great.  But I certainly don't have any camera policy for a show that hasn't even appeared on the radar over here yet.  Second,  we generally don't have that kind of info until the week of the show.  So,  if we do indeed have a Lucinda Williams show in August,  ask again the a week or so before the show and I;ll probably have an answer for you.