Following up on my comment in the Vampire Weekend thread which was based on the scenario of people getting randomly assigned squares containing oft repeated comment about show... sort of like a Super Bowl score grid wagering pool...
This idea could work but would be tough to administer... So instead strictly for the sake of amusement, as trying to wager on this because it would be to easily rigged, would be turn this into a Buzzword Bingo style game. Where 24 or more oft heard phrases are used to randomly generate bingo cards which people would then check off every time that phrase appears here and possibly other local blogs, etc. The free square will of course have to be "Nobody Was Dancing"
So I'm looking for suggestions comments that often pop up in show reviews. And the inaugural show for the game could either be Wilco or Justice.
As far as actually playing, I think it's only fair that people going to show can get a card they just can't post a review
In order to get the white board going I suggest
"The Sound Was Lousy"
"Latecomers tried to shove their way past me"