I found the first half of the race fairly boring - credit to the engineers of the rear spoilers. Even the few spinouts would have been disastorous early would have been disatorous in the past, but the car's didn't shoot up the track or lose control in the grass.
As for Smoke, I think he's not too happy with his new teammate, but the truth is, he made a bad decision on the last lap. I think he thought Kyle was closer than he really was, and when he went down and Kyle didn't have the horses to push him, he was a sitting duck.
One cool thing, was that DirecTV had a free preview of the NASCAR HotPass. I watched the Smoke channel for a lot of the race and really enjoyed the team audio (unedited too!). But I realized after a while that I couldn't watch just Tony's car for 500 miles and the split screen, even in HD, wasn't as nice as the race itself. Then I discovered that I could watch the Fox HD broadcast in the 700's with Tony's Team Audio (actually, I could cycle through all 10 featured drivers) and the Fox announcers. Awesome! I can even record that channel and it records all of the audio channels. I may have to ask the little lady if I can drop $40 on the hot pass.