Exactly. It was a situation where it was evacuate first and ask questions later. Obviously the order would not have come down to cancel the show unless it was a potentially dangerous situation. So to those in the parking lot who weren't satisfied with calling the club the next day to settle the matter of their parking costs, I beg you, PUT THINGS IN PERSPECTIVE. I can't believe and may never be able to believe the audacity of a select few who were more preoccupied with demanding a definitive answer when told one didn't exist at the time, than they were getting themselves, and the dozens of people they were holding up in the process, the hell out of there. It's not in the club's best interest to take advantage of their patrons with something as petty as a $10 parking space when there were a plethera of more legitamite concerns at the time. Frankly, it's scary to me knowing that when a potential crisis situation materializes, I could be stuck behind some self-absorbed douchebag who can't put things in perspective and realize now is not the time to pitch a hissy-fit.
(The thoughts expressed by me do not necessarily reflect those of the 9:30 Club or any of it's staff. Just a personal observation.)