I'll bet her management pressured her into it and she probably caved, not really stopping to think about what an uncool move that would be. That's a 23-year-old wannabe diva for you. I think it's gross personally. American Idol? Really? It'd be so easy for her right now to be punk rock, tell them to go screw and STILL make a fortune. Once upon a time, that's the route Madonna took. You can piss off your corporate sponsors, cause a ton of buzz, sell more records because of it, AND still keep the money even if your commercial only airs one time. It's kind of genius in a way. You become the media whore but are still somewhat legit because you make it appear that you're in control of how badass you want to be. Suckling at the teat of corporate pigs or shit like American Idol will just make you rise higher faster and crash harder. Maybe Gaga will surprise us all and pull a Millie Jackson and take a dump on Simon and then make out with Paula Abdul. Now that would be hot.