Author Topic: Republican teabaggers  (Read 33000 times)


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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #30 on: April 16, 2009, 04:39:46 pm »
so they choose tax day, invoke a protest about taxes that we all learned about in elementary school about an issue that really isnt about taxes. and you wonder why so many people dismiss it

El Jefe Design

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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #31 on: April 16, 2009, 04:41:45 pm »
this is about spending. . . . . . . .why is this so hard to get?

Because they are using historical references that are not reflective of what they are arguing. You can not reference the Boston Tea Party and then say, well that was about X and we are about Y. The message is different.


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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #32 on: April 16, 2009, 04:44:49 pm »
if you want to find an earmark request from jeff flake or john mccain, have at it.

As much as he tries to defend it, there is no way the $10 Million request for the Rehnquist center was not an earmark and not requested by John McCain.


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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #33 on: April 16, 2009, 04:52:13 pm »

this is about spending. . . . . . . .why is this so hard to get?

Again, lead by example.  Federal Budgets during the Bush years:

2010: $3.60 trillion (Obama)
2009: $3.10 trillion (Last Bush)
2008: $2.90 trillion
2007: $2.77 trillion
2006: $2.7 trillion
2005: $2.4 trillion
2004: $2.3 trillion
2003: $2.2 trillion
2002: $2.0 trillion (First Bush)
2001: $1.9 trillion (last Clinton)
2000: $1.8 trillion
1999: $1.7 trillion
1998: $1.7 trillion
1997: $1.6 trillion
1996: $1.6 trillion

Venerable Bede

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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #34 on: April 16, 2009, 04:56:57 pm »

this is about spending. . . . . . . .why is this so hard to get?

Again, lead by example.  Federal Budgets during the Bush years:

2010: $3.60 trillion (Obama)
2009: $3.10 trillion (Last Bush)
2008: $2.90 trillion
2007: $2.77 trillion
2006: $2.7 trillion
2005: $2.4 trillion
2004: $2.3 trillion
2003: $2.2 trillion
2002: $2.0 trillion (First Bush)
2001: $1.9 trillion (last Clinton)
2000: $1.8 trillion
1999: $1.7 trillion
1998: $1.7 trillion
1997: $1.6 trillion
1996: $1.6 trillion

i think what this argues for, if anything, is that having a democrat in the white house and republicans in charge of congress is best.  :)

Venerable Bede

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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #35 on: April 16, 2009, 05:12:16 pm »
according to CBO, from this article:

"President Barack Obama's budget would produce $9.3 trillion in deficits over the next decade, more than four times the deficits of Republican George W. Bush's presidency. ...

By CBO's calculation, Obama's budget would generate deficits averaging almost $1 trillion a year of red ink over 2010-2019.

Worst of all, CBO says the deficit under Obama's policies would never go below 4 percent of the size of the economy, figures that economists agree are unsustainable. By the end of the decade, the deficit would exceed 5 percent of gross domestic product, a dangerously high level."


Sage 703

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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #36 on: April 16, 2009, 05:16:18 pm »
The tally of people attending tea-parties nationwide is around 250,000, give or take.

Thus, I thought this was well put.

?Did Sean Hannity get out from behind a desk and attend the immigration amnesty rally in Los Angeles to which 500,000 people showed up last year? Did Fox News dedicate around-the-clock coverage and nearly unbearable homerism to the Iraq War protests which over a million Americans attended (150,000 in San Francisco alone) five years ago? Did Glenn Reynolds claim that government needs to Listen Up and Get the Message and Pay Attention and all this shit when 800,000 people (NYPD estimate; protesters claimed over a million, but such estimates are inevitably high) marched in New York City in 2004 to protest the RNC? Do any of these hacks wax patriotic about the millions upon millions of people who did something real and substantive in electing the new President - not standing around bitching, not listening to talk radio millionaires give speeches in a park amidst misspelled, homemade signs - last November? Of course not. Why? Because ?those people? aren?t Real Americans. See, Real Americans means white people. Angry, middle-aged, rural or suburban white people."


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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #37 on: April 16, 2009, 05:38:55 pm »
according to CBO, from this article:

Again, you make this sounds like it's something new and disturbing.  Remember when GWB said there would be $5.6 Billion surplus when he left office and the CBO laughed at him.  Instead he left us in the whole how deep?

$459 Billion.

Practice what you preach and stop being an alarmist.


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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #38 on: April 16, 2009, 07:20:08 pm »
run for offices.
the end.

Venerable Bede

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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #39 on: April 16, 2009, 07:24:32 pm »
according to CBO, from this article:

Again, you make this sounds like it's something new and disturbing.  Remember when GWB said there would be $5.6 Billion surplus when he left office and the CBO laughed at him.  Instead he left us in the whole how deep?

$459 Billion.

Practice what you preach and stop being an alarmist.

i think i would take $459 billion over $1.75 trillion.....


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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #40 on: April 16, 2009, 07:51:28 pm »
i think i would take $459 billion over $1.75 trillion.....

You know it's not going to be that bad, nor is it going to be as rosey as Obama predicts.  This is a ten-year plan, not something set in stone.  It will be altered many times along the way.


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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #41 on: April 17, 2009, 02:15:03 am »
wasn't this whole mess caused by too much easy money to begin with? how is the problem suddenly going to become the solution?

let me take off my O's cap for a second, and admit that since late 07 i've been a ron paul guy, whether that means rep, lib, wacko, or most likely flamebait to you is a matter of perspective. any case, a lot of "us" zany less gov't/tax/war folks seem to feel that the protests were fox and "the neocons" trying to hijack some of the more successful aspects of the paul campaign to get "us" to come back to the flock, so to speak. that and/or to give butthurt mccain voters a way to protest obama without protesting obama, if that makes any sense.

i'll be interested to see if protests from the left still muster the same level of outrage about the shell game of ending the iraq war in favor of the afghan one.

and considering the current trend, we'll probably be lucky if the number ends up less than 2 trillion.


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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #42 on: April 17, 2009, 12:15:20 pm »
The republicans are a disgrace.. they didn't have any problems when Bush was running the country into the ground with deficits DURING AN ECONOMIC EXPANSION which is precisely when you should not be spending more than you are getting (tax cuts for wealthy, needless flushing of money and lives down the toilet for wars) but now they have problems with deficits in a time of virtual economic depression?

Come on...Give me a break people..go read an econ book or something..


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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #43 on: April 17, 2009, 01:03:18 pm »
Time photo essay

these people look like morons of the highest order.  i thought you were kidding when you wrote that they had "don't blame me, i voted for sarah" posters.  and i can't believe they're still trying to push the the socialism label.

El Jefe Design

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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #44 on: April 17, 2009, 01:11:38 pm »
My favorite quote so is from a CNN report (well, what did not air) where a woman confronts the CNN reporter asking her why she stopped filming. The reporter states there are too many postrs with inapproriate images and the women blurts out "There's not that many signs with Hitler on them..." classic.