Author Topic: Arlen Specter to switch parties, giving Dems filibuster proof majority  (Read 13628 times)


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Re: Arlen Specter to switch parties, giving Dems filibuster proof majority
« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2009, 03:28:21 pm »
It must really suck being  a republican right now....having most of the country think - correctly- that you ran the country into the ground..
personally i think the best strategy for the gop is just to sarcastically repeat "hope change" as often as possible


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Re: Arlen Specter to switch parties, giving Dems filibuster proof majority
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2009, 03:39:33 pm »
It must really suck being  a republican right now....having most of the country think - correctly- that you ran the country into the ground..
personally i think the best strategy for the gop is just to sarcastically repeat "hope change" as often as possible

you might be right...worked for the dems.


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Re: Arlen Specter to switch parties, giving Dems filibuster proof majority
« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2009, 03:42:10 pm »
It must really suck being  a republican right now....having most of the country think - correctly- that you ran the country into the ground..
personally i think the best strategy for the gop is just to sarcastically repeat "hope change" as often as possible

you might be right...worked for the dems.

only they werent being sarcastic. dumbass.


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Re: Arlen Specter to switch parties, giving Dems filibuster proof majority
« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2009, 03:43:12 pm »
just full of empty rhetoric with the use of a teleprompter. LOL!

Venerable Bede

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Re: Arlen Specter to switch parties, giving Dems filibuster proof majority
« Reply #20 on: April 28, 2009, 03:55:51 pm »
especially after whatever dear leader did to get the nomination, you shouldn't be so shocked anymore.

what are you referring to?  i don't want to start a fight (and to be honest, i'll probably dismiss your gripe as sour grapes), i'm just curious what your complaint is of obama's nomination campaign. 

i would have loved to see lieberman, specter, snowe, collins and ben nelson all jump ship together and become The Independents. 

agreed - THAT would have been amazing. 

as to your first part- NAFTA would be one example.  another would be the state secret defenses that the obama administration is expanding upon. . .both are examples where during the primary, obama stated he would a) re-negotiate nafta (to the cheers of environmentalists and unions alike) and b) criticized bush for using the state secret defense on wiretapping (to the cheers of lots of people who have no idea what's actually going on). . .instead, he has now come out and said there will be no renegotiation of nafta (which i'm thankful for; as an added bonus: he says the colombia free trade agreement should be passed as well...), and has a DOJ that is looking to expand where the state secret defense can be used on "illegal" wiretapping. . .

i would rather of specter engaged in a frank discussion about the future of the GOP- not that mitch mcconnell would listen, but there are a lot of people out there who don't like the GOP in washington.  part of that was apparent in the tea party protests, which were started in response to TARP (which specter voted for, and was probably the main reason why he was down in the polls).  i would rather specter have just become an independent, instead of switching to the democrats, where he will become another pain-in-the-ass moderate/conservative member of the senate that will bog down the precious agenda of the progressives. . .there were going to be republicans that would vote with democrats on some issues, and there were going to be democrats that voted with republicans on other issues. . .simply having "60" still isn't going to change that because of the reality of those 5 members. 

i have no doubt that specter truly believes that the gop in washington doesn't adequately represent him anymore. . .much like lincoln chaffee (who had no business losing his seat a few years ago). . .i know that some will see this as "addition by subtraction" (see manimtired), but specter always seemed to me to be a reasonable person (even if he did come up with that cockamamie "magic bullet" theory). 


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Re: Arlen Specter to switch parties, giving Dems filibuster proof majority
« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2009, 04:02:33 pm »
i voted for him in 98


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Re: Arlen Specter to switch parties, giving Dems filibuster proof majority
« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2009, 04:11:31 pm »
sorry man..i dont have the time or the need to write 5 paragraphs and justify myself to these morons. i'd rather just lol. 

uh oh . . . mannie went where he should not of gone.  i think a mod is in question for somebody calling another the "f word" even if they do misspell it in an attempt to downplay the meaning.  try the "n word" mister tired, and see how far that gets you.  ;)
« Last Edit: April 29, 2009, 05:01:58 am by thatguy »


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Re: Arlen Specter to switch parties, giving Dems filibuster proof majority
« Reply #23 on: April 28, 2009, 04:15:00 pm »
obama stated he would a) re-negotiate nafta

And I told you that wasn't going to happen repeatedly on this board.

i would rather of specter engaged in a frank discussion about the future of the GOP- not that mitch mcconnell would listen, but there are a lot of people out there who don't like the GOP in washington. 

You don't know that that didn't happen.

  i would rather specter have just become an independent, instead of switching to the democrats, where he will become another pain-in-the-ass moderate/conservative member of the senate that will bog down the precious agenda of the progressives. . .

Comcast made him do it.

Sage 703

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Re: Arlen Specter to switch parties, giving Dems filibuster proof majority
« Reply #24 on: April 28, 2009, 04:28:08 pm »
sorry man..i dont have the time or the need to write 5 paragraphs and justify myself to these morons. i'd rather just lol. 

uh oh . . . mannie went where he should not of gone.  i think a mod is in question for somebody calling another the "f word" even if they do misspell it in an attempt to downplay the meaning.  try the "n word" mister tired, and see how far that gets you.  ;)

« Last Edit: April 29, 2009, 05:02:22 am by thatguy »


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Re: Arlen Specter to switch parties, giving Dems filibuster proof majority
« Reply #25 on: April 28, 2009, 04:36:15 pm »
sorry man..i dont have the time or the need to write 5 paragraphs and justify myself to these morons. i'd rather just lol. 

uh oh . . . mannie went where he should not of gone.  i think a mod is in question for somebody calling another the "f word" even if they do misspell it in an attempt to downplay the meaning.  try the "n word" mister tired, and see how far that gets you.  ;)


stfu 703. 
« Last Edit: April 29, 2009, 05:02:37 am by thatguy »

Venerable Bede

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Re: Arlen Specter to switch parties, giving Dems filibuster proof majority
« Reply #26 on: April 28, 2009, 05:29:45 pm »
obama stated he would a) re-negotiate nafta

And I told you that wasn't going to happen repeatedly on this board.

i would rather of specter engaged in a frank discussion about the future of the GOP- not that mitch mcconnell would listen, but there are a lot of people out there who don't like the GOP in washington. 

You don't know that that didn't happen.

  i would rather specter have just become an independent, instead of switching to the democrats, where he will become another pain-in-the-ass moderate/conservative member of the senate that will bog down the precious agenda of the progressives. . .

Comcast made him do it.

1) and i said, "but he's a "different type of politician," when it turns out he's just another politician."

2) i know that didn't happen, i admitted as much- the GOP leadership in the senate and house are simply unable or unwilling to face reality, witness the way they've treated jeff flake (i'd argue that the democratic leadership is just as blind, as evidenced by pelosi's unwillingness to start an ethics investigation over the PMA group because john murtha is guilty as hell and he must have something on her)....

3) actually, i really wonder about this. . .specter has already announced his opposition to card check, and brought feinstein with him (along with both arkansas members). . .i can't imagine that he'd now go back on that.....reid must have given specter an assurance about that.  are the unions now to going to mysteriously support specter in his bid in the democratic primary?  i should check with mickey kaus. . . .


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Re: Arlen Specter to switch parties, giving Dems filibuster proof majority
« Reply #27 on: April 28, 2009, 05:45:03 pm »
uh oh . . . mannie went where he should not of gone.  i think a mod is in question for somebody calling another the "f word" even if they do misspell it in an attempt to downplay the meaning.  try the "n word" mister tired, and see how far that gets you.  ;)

indeed, quite offensive.  mannie is basically brain-dead - you expect him to understand such subtleties?  i doubt that a moderator will do anything - mannie has set such a low bar of what we expect of him, homophobia (as despicable as it is) is par for the course.  interestingly enough, his own party is slowly moving on without him (link)... yet another example of evolution leaving him behind.

and what he meant to post:

sorry man..i dont have the intelligence or the ability to write 5 paragraphs and justify myself to these morons. i'd rather just lol. 

keep on keepin' on, manimtired.

ok, back on track: about that Dem majority in the senate...


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Re: Arlen Specter to switch parties, giving Dems filibuster proof majority
« Reply #28 on: April 28, 2009, 05:59:41 pm »
1) and i said, "but he's a "different type of politician," when it turns out he's just another politician."

You're right, one who effectively used the media to swing trade negotiations.  It's a very clever stance to get what you want by threatening to renegotiate a treaty forcing the other side to meet your demands without actually having to renegotiate the entire treaty. 

It proved very effective in his first meeting with Calderon.  He doesn't have to renegotiate NAFTA to get what he wants, he just has to have Mexico, and to a lesser extent Canada, think that he will.

It's a much different negotiating stance then we saw over the last 8-10 years.

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Re: Arlen Specter to switch parties, giving Dems filibuster proof majority
« Reply #29 on: April 28, 2009, 06:07:14 pm »
Lieberman isn't a true independent, he's just a self-serving ass sucker.  He stands out even in a profession where such types are commonplace.
