Author Topic: Lost  (Read 10271 times)


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« on: May 19, 2009, 04:17:40 pm »
Hell.. I'll start the Lost thread.. work is going really slow.

Not sure where to begin.. so I'll toss out my favorite moment from this season and IMO the big question from the finale.

If you haven't seen the episode before the finale.. this is a bit spoilery.. stop now.  Or the finale.. or the episode "Some Like it Hoth" all are discussed within.

Best moment of this season - When Jack, Ellie, Kate and homeboy were walking through the jungle going to find the bomb.  Kate was all, "this is dumb, i'm out of here" the other were all "no you can't" and they pull the gun on her.  Then Bam!!  That split second where I thought Kate got killed was my favorite moment of the season.. quickly followed by my least favorite, in which we realize she didn't get killed.  Who's with me here?

Second best - Hurley re-writing "The Empire Strikes Back" and Miles bluntly stating - "That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard" ..or something to that affect.  I LOL'd.

Big Question -

Do you think Lapidus is a candidate?  A candidate for what?  To be the new leader of the whole island because they knew Jacob was going to bite it.  A new leader for the others?  A candidate for some eff'd up test they're going to perform?  Who knows.  That's what I've been pondering since the finale.

I'm up for some Lost chat.  It's about the only thing my tv is used for.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2009, 04:31:27 pm by imbecile »


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Re: Lost
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2009, 04:37:42 pm »
kate dying would have been a holy shit moment

cause she rules


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Re: Lost
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2009, 04:50:21 pm »
kate dying would have been a holy shit moment

cause she rules

Yeah, seriously.

I'd read an interview with the creators before the episode aired in which they were talking about how a fan favorite was going to die.  Much like Charlie, it was really tough for them to write their death into the story and a lot of fans weren't going to like it.

So, when I thought Kate got shot, I was like wow.. totally didn't expect them to do that.  So, it gave me all kinds of faith in the writers that they'd take the show wherever they wanted, whenever, regardless of whatever.  Then I was sad when I realized they were just teasing us that they'd do that.


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Re: Lost
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2009, 05:06:18 pm »
Lazy, but thank you nonetheless for taking it out of the TV thread.

BTW - none of my thoughts have changed.


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Re: Lost
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2009, 05:39:50 pm »
Jacob isnt dead.  A knife can not kill an Egyptian deity.

The season finale was probably my favorite episode this season.  At least the Island adventure is back in full swing, no more Oceanic 6 mainland crap. 

Firebutt McGee

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Re: Lost
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2009, 05:08:34 am »

So...this is hands down, the best show on TV. Probably ever.

Every week I freak the FUCK out and watch it, and now I have to wait 9 months before Season 6. Ugh.

First off, the season finale of Season 5 was probably my favorite episode of the show, period.  (The Season finale of Season 3 is a close second, with "The Constant" holding strong in third place.)


I really don't think Juliet is all.

Jacob is SUPER hot / creepy.

The writing is superb. SUPERB.


So, some themes. Has anyone noticed the theme of black/white in this season? It's everywhere! Notably, in the first scene in the season finale, with Jacob on the beach, and the guy that wants to kill him.


Ok, done freaking out.


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Re: Lost
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2009, 07:55:56 am »
I think the time on the island switched again before the bomb went off.  But, that leaves me to ponder, if that is true, then where is Juliet?  Would she be at the bottom of the hatch?  Or is she buried alive in the earth?  (Remember when Sawyer was trying to hold the rope when Locke was climbing down the well, and then the rope was buried in the dirt?)

Great observation about Lapedius.  Hadn't even really thought about that.  I love his character.  Grow back that beard!

Something that really messed with my brain, Flocke (fake locke) is the one who told Richard to tell Locke that he was going to die.  Which made Locke leave the island, which make Locke die, which made flocke exist.

So, has he been posing as Jacob all this time?  And why didn't the real Jacob come to get his cabin back?  I'm confused about that.

I think Jacob is most certainly dead.  Saying that he found the loophole.  But, I think Jacob's visit to the Oceanic survivors pre-island is his sort of fail safe against letting someone evil take over the island. 

I really don't want Sayid to be dead.  That would suck.

I like too how there is not really a good and evil on the show.  We don't know for sure yet whether Jacob is the good one or the evil one.  It's all about motivation.  Is Ben's motivation to protect the island or for self gratification?  Is he evil or good?  Is Widmore the good or evil one?  I like how my opinion about these questions has changed over the course of this season.


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Re: Lost
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2009, 08:17:14 am »
Jacob isnt dead.  A knife can not kill an Egyptian deity.

Funny, you call him an Egyptian deity.  As soon as we learned the dude on the beach with the hateful brother was Jacob.. I was like.. Esau??  WTF?  Recap:  Sons of Isaac, Esau was the eldest and was to be blessed and awesome, Jacob bamboozled Isaac into blessing him instead, thus Esau all kinds of resentful towards Jacob as he had to follow (if you'll call it that) his younger brother when the priviledge should've been his.  Not sure how that story works into the world of Lost, as far as I remember neither ended up dead by the others hand (directly or indirectly), but my biblical history is no good.

I think the time on the island switched again before the bomb went off.  But, that leaves me to ponder, if that is true, then where is Juliet?  Would she be at the bottom of the hatch?  Or is she buried alive in the earth?  (Remember when Sawyer was trying to hold the rope when Locke was climbing down the well, and then the rope was buried in the dirt?)

Ohh.. maybe she jumped back into the present, right about the time season two ended.  Her detonating that bomb could've blown the hatch that made Desmond naked?  No idea why that would fit in the story, but it wouldn't surprise me.  Oh wait.. turning the key did that.. nevermind.

Something that really messed with my brain, Flocke (fake locke) is the one who told Richard to tell Locke that he was going to die.  Which made Locke leave the island, which make Locke die, which made flocke exist.

That just blew my mind a bit.

I really don't want Sayid to be dead.  That would suck.

completely agree.  If he's not around till the end, I'll be sad.  He needs to start torturing people again though.


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Re: Lost
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2009, 08:56:33 am »
Lazy, but thank you nonetheless for taking it out of the TV thread.

BTW - none of my thoughts have changed.
usual 'i stopped watching around seasons 2 or 3' thoughts

the second half of season 3 until now have been fan-fucking-tastic


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Re: Lost
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2009, 09:49:56 am »
My "holy shit" moment of this season is when Locke (fLocke as you are calling him I guess), and Ben start to take the small boat out. The other people from the plane won't let them. Ben and Locke are like "whaddya gonna do about it?" The one dude reaches to his side and "BOOM!" Shot dead. Camera turns to Ben who is holding a gun and says "looking for this?" (something like that). Holy frick. BEN! That whole episode really...Ben is such a great character - evil - and the actor plays him well. And he shot Desmond - ay!

I love Desmond and Penny and who knows what their future holds. Since, Ben told Sun (sp?) to tell Desmond he is "sorry". Also, the actress who plays Penny is in a new show in the fall.
Does Daniel dying affect anything with Desmond since they are each others "constants"?

This and last season I wasn't into at all. Yet I know I have to patient while the story as it reveals itself. The Penny / Desmond reunited scene made up for last season. The end of this season makes me want more. (decent fight and suspense scene) Can't believe I have to wait until 2010!! Holy writer's strike!

Jacob is hot. lol. Funny how he can have a layered current hairstyle all these years and while on an island. Oh wait, I guess he time surfed...


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Re: Lost
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2009, 11:36:01 am »
I am still not convinced that Ben is evil.  I cannot figure out if it is Ben or Widmore who had the "island's best interest at heart".



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Re: Lost
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2009, 11:43:52 am »
Jacob isnt dead.  A knife can not kill an Egyptian deity.

Funny, you call him an Egyptian deity.  As soon as we learned the dude on the beach with the hateful brother was Jacob.. I was like.. Esau?? 
Well, I say Egytian Deity due to the Croc and Dog head statues everywhere.  And the way the temple looks. 

as for the statue, it seems to be Sobek, an egyptian god.

Gradually, Sobek also came to symbolize the produce of the Nile and the fertility that it brought to the land; its status thus became more ambiguous.[2] Sometimes the ferocity of a crocodile was seen in a positive light, Sobek in these circumstances was considered the army's patron, as a representation of strength and power.

Sobek's ambiguous nature led some En itself, for example, going to Duat to restore damage done to the dead as a result of their form of death. He was also said to call on suitable gods and goddesses required for protecting people in situation, effectively having a more distant role, nudging things along, rather than taking an active part. In this way, he was seen as a more primal god


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Re: Lost
« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2009, 01:36:36 pm »
Jacob isnt dead.  A knife can not kill an Egyptian deity.

Funny, you call him an Egyptian deity.  As soon as we learned the dude on the beach with the hateful brother was Jacob.. I was like.. Esau?? 
as for the statue, it seems to be Sobek, an egyptian god.

Actually, the statue is allegedly Taweret, "a deity of protection in pregnancy and childbirth":

this according to a Lost "puzzle spoiler" that was in Wired magazine last month, just recently solved by this guy:

As far as imbecile's "big question," I'd guess Ladipus is a potential "candidate" to embody Jacob, like Locke has with other guy.   But, as I always find myself saying with this show... WTF do I know?  :)


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Re: Lost
« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2009, 02:22:02 pm »
Ok, I still don't understand how/why Christian is on the fucking island. WHAT LIES IN THE SHADOW OF THE STATUE? WHY does/did Ben try to get everyone back on the island? If this WAS Jacob's plan to bring them all back then why did he do it? And he didn't seem surprised when [that dude who's trying to kill him] showed up AS Locke in his temple, although I guess you could say he had been waiting a long damn time. Why did Jacob 'summon' the Black Rock to the island? Summoning the black rock leads to opening the hatch which leads the the hatch blowing up which leads to finding other hatches which leads to an even longer chain reaction which all ends with Jacob dying.

So, by summoning the Black Rock to the island.... does Jacob know his days are numbered?


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Re: Lost
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2009, 03:13:21 pm »
The translation of What lies in the shadow of the statue is

He who will save us all.