I'll accept the olive branch.
And I'll try to be less sensitive to barbs coming from people who don't know me, or just know me from this board.
I know some of the stuff I say, i just say it to get a charge out of people, I certainly don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings on a personal level.
Originally posted by Dupek Chopra:
I called Mankie and you both asswads today, ferchrissake!
I suppose I could be an archivist and dredge up tons of posts in the past you authored titled "The Bombay Doors Blows Goats" & "Bombay Doors Blows Donkeys for a nickel."
Or examples where your reply to me was, "Fuck You!" or "Fuck You Asshole!"
But I won't. Perhaps you're right Rhett. I'll admit it. I can be an asshole.
So let me use this post to extend and olive branch. Let's bury the hatchet, okay.
(P.S. You still will be open to the occasional barb, just like everyone else)