(sigh) For starters, do some research on Climategate. There's plenty more once you are done with that. I've done my research. Now go do yours. We have actually entered a period of global cooling. (And no, i'm not referring to winter.)
climategate? as in the stolen e-mails? if you think those disprove global warming, you've really fallen for the anti-hype.
global cooling is a myth. have a look
here for references to the contrary, including a repudiation by the supposed "father of global cooling", Dr. Mojib Latif, whose work has been mis-quoted by mainstream media. also some interesting links on interpreting what those stolen e-mails really mean.
The earth... ALL of the planets go through natural cycles of cooling and warming, none of which is man-made. Just don't fall for all the corporate/tax scams that mobster Al and his clan try to impose on us. 'They' are the ones doing all the spinning. Or, I should say, lying; all for the purpose of raking in billions and trillions of dollars/pounds/etc., at everyone's expense with doing nothing to actually help the environment. Yes, do whatever you can to help and preserve Mother Nature but don't fall for their scams.
jag, you pride yourself on your independent thinking. you aren't told what is the what, you figure things out on your own. maybe that is your issue with global warming - you didn't discover it, it's a huge problem with huge implications, so it must be a conspiracy?
anyhoo, back to the storm - when is it supposed to hit? friday, or saturday?