can't agree with you there. moshing is a form of interacting with the band, and the moshers want to show the band their enthusiasm/energy/etc.
Or, it's a form of latent homosexual bonding, since most of the chix get chased away from the front while guys get into rubbing against each other.
what sort of mosh pits have you witnessed? the ones i've seen don't involve much rubbing. they do involve collisions, thrown elbows, violent shoving, pushing people around, etc. that constitutes something homosexual for you? hey, whatever floats your boat ;-)
and some bands want to see moshing
Just more proof of how lame it is... originating in the 70s as an expression of rebellion, it is now so rote and hackneyed that bands actually expect it.
right. just like bands expect applause, or dancing, or even the crowd to listen to them. how contrived! if you ever react to a show in any way that's been done before, you're sheeple.
who knew it - those people that talk all the way through a show: they're rebels. they're flying their own flag of non-conformity. all customs and expectations are slavery.