Seriously, Velvet Lounge fucking sucks. Sucks that DC9 is going under. Saw Plants and Animals there. One of the best shows ever.
Yes, it sucks if you're a whiny hipster who supports live music venues booked by a douchebag who ONLY books national acts forcefed by the pseudo-corporate agency triumvirate of Agency Group/Windish/Billions, or local acts that must draw "50 heads" or else they'll find themselves threatened by said booker. Same local bands will surely miss the great "door tally" and the expenses-first rip-off deal. Obviously, there's no love lost for me on this place.
I booked shows at DC9 in 2005 and 2006, and due to disinterested owners and really shitty soundmen, the vibe there was far less warm and exciting than it was at the Warehouse Next Door or the Velvet (post-Chris Connelly era). I had some good shows there despite the negativity, but the lack of support and dishonesty I received from the owners put me off enough so that I never wanted to deal with them again. Say what you want about the Velvet, but it's really the only small venue in DC that will take chances on challenging music and true independent artists. And if any of you actually went there to see these bands, you'd know that the scheduling has tightened up and many shows end before midnight during the weekday.
Anyway, this thread isn't a DC9 vs Velvet Lounge debate. I don't know the facts of this case yet, and neither does anyone else here, so I'll reserve judgment on the suspects until I hear further details. I will say this, however: under the influence of certain narcotics or revenge-fueled adrenalin or a combination of both, seemingly harmless people are capable of being violent, especially when there are five of them armed with wounded pride. And knowing two of the five being charged, I wouldn't be surprised to know that either caved in to their basest instinct to wallop a drunk asshole who threw a brick through a window at 2:30am.