Author Topic: 2011 DMV Awards (fighting)  (Read 13554 times)


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Re: 2011 DMV Awards (fighting)
« Reply #30 on: March 09, 2011, 04:14:32 pm »
Along with being fabulously wiener-ish, he and Ford nicely embodied my original point.

James Ford

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Re: 2011 DMV Awards (fighting)
« Reply #31 on: March 09, 2011, 04:21:45 pm »
Five years ago I wouldn't have predicted it, but indeed its true. ggw and I are in the same gang.

Along with being fabulously wiener-ish, he and Ford nicely embodied my original point.


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Re: 2011 DMV Awards (fighting)
« Reply #32 on: March 09, 2011, 04:23:50 pm »
Well you're both like 50 right?


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Re: 2011 DMV Awards (fighting)
« Reply #33 on: March 09, 2011, 04:30:40 pm »
Still waiting for Seth to implement the AARP discount at the box office.


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Re: 2011 DMV Awards (fighting)
« Reply #34 on: March 09, 2011, 06:01:43 pm »
I heard about the fight breaking out... it's unfortunate..


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Re: 2011 DMV Awards (fighting)
« Reply #35 on: March 09, 2011, 06:25:37 pm »
Yeah but we appear to have kinda made up on page 3.


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Re: 2011 DMV Awards (fighting)
« Reply #36 on: March 10, 2011, 12:45:51 pm »

Nah, its both. Hip hop has an ego-driven work ethic embedded in its ways. Its kind of taken over how some people act. On top of that, fans feel like their opinions are worth more than what they are. You can look a lot of hip hop message boards and see these kids trash a lot of artists because they feel they can and most of them can hide their faces when doing so. Too much ego, not enough people being humble.

Well, I do agree on the fact that there is a problem within Rap (Not hip-hop, the culture itself is not at fault) when it comes to those who create the art and those who judge it. I also understand your point on people talking bad about artist via the internet and feel safe due to anonymity, but that's the option you as an artist open yourself up to when you put your art on display for critics to critique, Because lets be honest.... What is the deference between a "Fan" and a "Hater" ???

The answer is truly, nothing. because when you get down to the basics of it, Both individuals are Critiquing an artist work. be it, for the good or for the bad. So I do not think that trash talking should be an issue, I have YET to find 1 artist that EVERYONE loves, it's natural to have haters and fans. Fan's opinion's are alot more valuable then the artist in which they are being opinionated about. and to prove this, take this into account.....

Today's "Rap Game", is centered around alot of negative lyric's, instrumentals that are high-paced and energetic, and a entire aura of "fast life". Back in the late 80's and early 90's it was "Conscious Rap" which was selling, record labels were booking and signing "Conscious Emcee's" but now it isn't about "Consciousness" no more, and the fan's are the dictators of that. If fan's stop today, and NEVER purchased another Lil Wayne Album I can put my bottom dollar on the line that 1 of 2 things may happen.
1). He just stop's rapping
2). He switches his style up, and start rapping the way the fan's want him to.

So on your view of fan opinions, they are very powerful with their words and their likes/dislikes. Fan's can either make or break you.

Now as far as the ego aspect, that's a tough one. All aspect's of human life, Especially within American Society is based on some dealings with one's Ego rather it be a Direct correlation or an Indirect one. When dealing with music (not just Rap) people display their ego's, some are more honest and genuine but for the most part (when rap is concerned) artist tend to boost their ego by painting their own histories, stories, plights, etc. in a brighter light then it should be in, or was in. If No rapper had Ego, then I doubt they would be interesting to listen to, and this not only goes for rappers but any musician as well.

This DMV 2011 Fight incident was an unfortunate one. because it paints DC-MD-VA in a negative light, and the crazy thing is that no one cared for a 2011 DMV awards until a fight broke out. Now alot of major publications are picking up on it and running with it, which says alot about how news publications make their name within the reporting/publication business. Negativity sells, and this is CLEARLY evident with the story of this event, and it is subtly shown (but also clearly evident) within main-stream rap music.

Fan's need to change to enforce a change on record producers, rappers and labels.

Good points made on all accounts. But what I meant by Ego, is basically rappers that go overboard with it. As in, they get way too self consumed anf forget about their surroundings, the people who either love/hate them, and etc. At some point, the humility of it all has to come into play. Ego Trippin' (Part II) by De La Soul always pinpointed that if you listen to it closely. And I can't say Lil Wayne would change how everyone else raps if he switched up to that. Why? Because the overshadowing of potraying the hard-ass image in hip hop is being embedded into the minds of a the public; in particularly, the youth. Thats when community outreach and other avenues help really breakdown what these younger kids see in some of the artists they imitate.

You're right, I'm not involved in the honky-tonk scene (DC has one?) but that doesn't stop from reading about things that I may find interesting that I'm not a part of.

right, and this thread has had 540+ views... so people are reading and are learning, just not commentin' :)

granted, half of these are GGW refreshing furiously to see if anyone responded to his DIS

Its all good. Sweetcell, you gotta point and thats kind of where I was getting to with this thread. We can all learn a thing or two from something as unfortunate as this happening. Hopefully, this will never happen again.


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Re: 2011 DMV Awards (fighting)
« Reply #37 on: March 10, 2011, 12:50:17 pm »
But what DeathAbove1979 stated is the ultimate problem, it reinforces the stereotype that overshadows what other artists have worked hard to defeat.

The problem isn't the artists. It's the fans.

Nah, its both. Hip hop has an ego-driven work ethic embedded in its ways. Its kind of taken over how some people act. On top of that, fans feel like their opinions are worth more than what they are. You can look a lot of hip hop message boards and see these kids trash a lot of artists because they feel they can and most of them can hide their faces when doing so. Too much ego, not enough people being humble.

And this is what I hate. De La Soul would rap about talking to monkeys and fish, and now it's all about fuck everyone and look at how important I am. That's why Odd Future is refreshing to me because these are just... essentially kids rapping about stupid shit and clearly having fun with it, and no matter how disgusting some of the lyrics are, Tyler has so many moments of just...pouring his soul onto these songs. From his frustration for getting no love from blogs, to rapping about how much he hates his father, it's all right there and he's not shy about it. Biggie did it, Wayne did, and it seems hard to see any other people doing much. And it's not just about that 1 song on an album, it's about an entire library, not just about making number 1 hits with production by Timbaland or The Neptunes, of which I both love. I just think there's very little hear in hip hop these days and it's hard as shit to find it.

I like Odd Future, too. Only thing with them is that they need a very polished group album with everyone involved. I listen to a lot of Swim Team (Open Mike Eagle, NoCanDo, etc.) and Doomtree (P.O.S., Dessa, SIMS, and etc.). 

I got some stuff you make like. Hit me up because I think there's still good shit out there but in hip hop, its cool to be disappointed. LOL. So therefore, people may not look out for the good stuff thats out.


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Re: 2011 DMV Awards (fighting)
« Reply #38 on: March 10, 2011, 01:03:20 pm »
I like Odd Future, too. Only thing with them is that they need a very polished group album with everyone involved.

I disagree. Earl and Tyler are superior rappers and Hodgy, Domo and Mike G are much more run-of-the-mill. And I think they've gotten their buzz because of the scratchy, lo-fi sound, which matches the feel of the videos and their whole general schtick. Listen to something like 'Yonkers' and all it is a couple of verses. No chorus, no familiar samples, no hooks or repeated phrases. It's pretty much just two instrumental parts, and his words. The best OF songs are based on great production/beats and great vocals, which means produced by Tyler and featuring Tyler and Earl only (as a producer, I think Left Brain is average).

I'm excited for 'Goblin' because its a Tyler album rather than OFWGKTA. Not sure if Earl is on it though, probably not (unless they recycle some old stuff recorded before his disappearance).

Didn't realize I was going to blather so much. Eh, who gives a shit.

James Ford

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Re: 2011 DMV Awards (fighting)
« Reply #39 on: March 10, 2011, 01:18:37 pm »
The sounds of a 30something white guy desperately trying to sound cooler and more relevant than someone from Fairfax.  ;D

I like Odd Future, too. Only thing with them is that they need a very polished group album with everyone involved.

I disagree. Earl and Tyler are superior rappers and Hodgy, Domo and Mike G are much more run-of-the-mill. And I think they've gotten their buzz because of the scratchy, lo-fi sound, which matches the feel of the videos and their whole general schtick. Listen to something like 'Yonkers' and all it is a couple of verses. No chorus, no familiar samples, no hooks or repeated phrases. It's pretty much just two instrumental parts, and his words. The best OF songs are based on great production/beats and great vocals, which means produced by Tyler and featuring Tyler and Earl only (as a producer, I think Left Brain is average).

I'm excited for 'Goblin' because its a Tyler album rather than OFWGKTA. Not sure if Earl is on it though, probably not (unless they recycle some old stuff recorded before his disappearance).

Didn't realize I was going to blather so much. Eh, who gives a shit.


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Re: 2011 DMV Awards (fighting)
« Reply #40 on: March 10, 2011, 01:28:25 pm »
it's like sentence horseshoes, where close only counts along side hand grenades. 


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Re: 2011 DMV Awards (fighting)
« Reply #41 on: March 10, 2011, 01:54:58 pm »
I like Odd Future, too. Only thing with them is that they need a very polished group album with everyone involved.

I disagree. Earl and Tyler are superior rappers and Hodgy, Domo and Mike G are much more run-of-the-mill. And I think they've gotten their buzz because of the scratchy, lo-fi sound, which matches the feel of the videos and their whole general schtick. Listen to something like 'Yonkers' and all it is a couple of verses. No chorus, no familiar samples, no hooks or repeated phrases. It's pretty much just two instrumental parts, and his words. The best OF songs are based on great production/beats and great vocals, which means produced by Tyler and featuring Tyler and Earl only (as a producer, I think Left Brain is average).

I'm excited for 'Goblin' because its a Tyler album rather than OFWGKTA. Not sure if Earl is on it though, probably not (unless they recycle some old stuff recorded before his disappearance).

Didn't realize I was going to blather so much. Eh, who gives a shit.
Well, this is Tyler's 2nd "album", 'Bastard' was his first one, and it's great. Earl had a song or 2 on his "album" that had Earl on it, and of course others. I think the OF mixtapes feature everyone, but I think everyone has their 'own' mixtapes or "albums" that feature them. I love Earl's the most, it's short, simple, and to the point. I love their low-fi ways and their 'we do it ourselves' kind of attitude and they do their own shit. I know Tyler signed to XL Recordings a couple weeks ago, so we'll see what happens.


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Re: 2011 DMV Awards (fighting)
« Reply #42 on: March 10, 2011, 08:17:54 pm »
I like Odd Future, too. Only thing with them is that they need a very polished group album with everyone involved.

I disagree. Earl and Tyler are superior rappers and Hodgy, Domo and Mike G are much more run-of-the-mill. And I think they've gotten their buzz because of the scratchy, lo-fi sound, which matches the feel of the videos and their whole general schtick. Listen to something like 'Yonkers' and all it is a couple of verses. No chorus, no familiar samples, no hooks or repeated phrases. It's pretty much just two instrumental parts, and his words. The best OF songs are based on great production/beats and great vocals, which means produced by Tyler and featuring Tyler and Earl only (as a producer, I think Left Brain is average).

I'm excited for 'Goblin' because its a Tyler album rather than OFWGKTA. Not sure if Earl is on it though, probably not (unless they recycle some old stuff recorded before his disappearance).

Didn't realize I was going to blather so much. Eh, who gives a shit.

LOL, its all good. You make some good points. I like Mellowhype the most out of them for some reason. Domo and Mike G's stuff was pretty good. I see what you mean as far as Tyler and Earl being on top of their game. I guess me, I see something else that could be added to what they're already doing, IMO. So far, its if the Neptunes fucked around and produced for some shock value rap. Which is not a bad thing but thats what it sounds like to me. And it works. 

See me, I don't mind the samples. Thats what a majority of hip hop stemmed from anyway. Maybe thats the "old school" in me but they what they do. Which works for them.


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Re: 2011 DMV Awards (fighting)
« Reply #43 on: March 11, 2011, 02:08:42 am »
Didn't Odd Future play U Street music hall not too long ago? Anyone go? I somehow missed it but I did see that Jimmy Fallon appearance (which blew my mind.)


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Re: 2011 DMV Awards (fighting)
« Reply #44 on: March 11, 2011, 10:21:26 am »
I went and it was great. Tyler is going to be a star, no doubt.
There's a lot about them that has been done before, especially if you're a Wu Tang fan, but that doesn't prevent me from constantly putting on Earl, Radical or Bastard. I'll give Blackenedwhite another try.