the stones recently toured... all the scalpers and resellers were furious because the stones priced the tickets so high there was little resale activity/margin... i think its brilliant... why shouldn't the artist get the money?
well I agree that the band should get all the money...
I think it wouldn't be too darn hard to come up with a system where you can't resell them directly, but the ticket vendor (ticketbastard) could charge another convenience fee if there was a buyer available (you could have a waiting list)
That way scalpers couldn't really get away with it and ticketbastard would be happy because they can make money on 1 ticket 2 or more times
and the band gets all the money they agreed to
Your name should be printed on the ticket with the +1,2,3 or 4 for the additional you have...
I'm just dreaming, but $199 for any that had better be front row, a drink, a shirt and a hand shake (or bj) from the artist