Author Topic: Fook Dan Snyder  (Read 8673 times)


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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2011, 11:07:16 am »
I think Snyder is a puke owner as much as the next guy, but I kind of wonder about this. The WCP said he was "caught" forging names, which as Snyder said, does go to the heart of his business integrity. If this is a lie, then the WCP should state that for the record (and not in a singsongy "dude get over it lol!") kind of way. The fact is, Snyder gets roasted in the media ALL THE TIME and hasn't sued.

Maybe I'm taking him on his word a bit too much (I read his WP op-ed) but it seems like he has reason to want this corrected. If in fact he was caught forging names and he's lying or skewing the truth, then sure, fuck him. But if the WCP just made shit up because he's unpopular, then that's bullshit.

The forgery thing isn't "a lie" per se, more a technicality.  The CP said "Snyder was caught forging names" when it should have said "Snyder's firm" was forging names when switching their long distance carriers.  They were fined for it, so it's not like the forgeries didn't happen.  It is just a matter of attributing it to the firm rather than the douchebag himself.


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« Last Edit: April 27, 2011, 11:38:18 am by azaghal1981 »


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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #17 on: April 27, 2011, 11:14:25 am »

I guarantee you that if the Skins win two games in a row the stadium will be full again and people will be out en masse in their maroon SUVs with the flags out...It has always been thus


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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2011, 11:19:21 am »
my favorite is he wants the cp to retract the "going all Agent Orange on federally protected lands" part because he didnt actually use agent orange

Frank Gallagher

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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2011, 11:20:48 am »

I guarantee you that if the Skins win two games in a row the stadium will be full again and people will be out en masse in their maroon SUVs with the flags out...It has always been thus

hmmmmmmm....the redskins always had a full stadium even when they turned shit. What happened there?

Thousand Made-Up Loves

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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2011, 11:32:34 am »
Not that anyone needs another reason to take issue with the lawsuit, but...
In Mr. Snyder's piece in yesterday's WP explaining his view of the refiling, he claims the refiling is pretty much only for legal technical reasons -- proper venue.  A pretty big omission is the fact (as reported in today's WP) the suit now adds McKenna as a defendant.    Going after the little guy... (admittedly the big guy and instigator in the case, sure).     That's a pretty big difference.   Even if it is standard legal practice to add that sort of entity to this sort of suit, the fact that Snyder not only doesn't mention that in his writing but strongly asserts the suit is the same, is troubling.   (Yes, the suit may be the same; however the vibe is certainly different now that the author is facing this shit now)   Ugh.

Yep, Snyder is a small-penised, yellow bellied, chicken shit coward. Not that we needed any more proof of this.


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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2011, 11:36:14 am »
my favorite is he wants the cp to retract the "going all Agent Orange on federally protected lands" part because he didnt actually use agent orange

Nor has he ever replanted the trees, as he was compelled to do as part of the legal settlement.

Thousand Made-Up Loves

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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #22 on: April 27, 2011, 11:37:41 am »
If this is a lie, then the WCP should state that for the record (and not in a singsongy "dude get over it lol!") kind of way. The fact is, Snyder gets roasted in the media ALL THE TIME and hasn't sued.

Suing everytime you feel slighted doesn't send out the same chilling message to the entire industry in DC as suing some alt-weekly writer and lying and hamhawing about it the entire way. Snyder and his lawyer cronies haven't keep their stories straight from the start.

I'm almost about to cancel my Post subscription over running that piece of shit's lie ERRR op-ed in the paper.

James Ford

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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #23 on: April 27, 2011, 11:40:35 am »
Breaking news:

The City Paper is now also reporting that Snyder helped Barry Soroto forge his long form birht certificate.


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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #24 on: April 27, 2011, 01:45:02 pm »

I guarantee you that if the Skins win two games in a row the stadium will be full again and people will be out en masse in their maroon SUVs with the flags out...It has always been thus

hmmmmmmm....the redskins always had a full stadium even when they turned shit. What happened there?

Speak English my good man.. out with it.


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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #25 on: April 27, 2011, 04:13:50 pm »

I guarantee you that if the Skins win two games in a row the stadium will be full again and people will be out en masse in their maroon SUVs with the flags out...It has always been thus

Did you think they wouldn't be?

As much as fans are up in arms about Dan and the overall shittacular decade of football, there are thousands and thousands, if not millions, of fans willing to buy up those tickets that people are now starting to sell for cheap. Fortunately or unfortunately, the Skins have a die hard fan base. While they may fluctuate for the Wizards and the Capitals, they just never will for the Redskins. 75+ years of tradition just trumps any sort of anger over an owner's 11 year tenure? Turn on any sports talk radio station in the area, they talk about the Skins 80 to 85% of the time. DC is a football town. If the Caps won 3 Cups in 5 years, it wouldn't be better than the Skins winning 1 Lombardi trophy. At least, that's my opinion and how I see it.

Long story short, people will always go to the games.

Thousand Made-Up Loves

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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #26 on: April 27, 2011, 04:26:37 pm »
Long story short, people will always go to the games.

No, they won't. They'll watch them on TV, they'll drive the needle on sports talk radio, hell they might even buy a hat or t-shirt every one in a while. But people will not always go to the games like lemmings. It's just too god damn expensive and the in-stadium product is just not worth it. Unless you love getting blackout drunk and acting like an asshole.


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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #27 on: April 27, 2011, 04:28:37 pm »
Long story short, people will always go to the games.

No, they won't. They'll watch them on TV, they'll drive the needle on sports talk radio, hell they might even buy a hat or t-shirt every one in a while. But people will not always go to the games like lemmings. It's just too god damn expensive and the in-stadium product is just not worth it. Unless you love getting blackout drunk and acting like an asshole.

you forgot one aspect of your equation . . . people like getting blackout drunk and acting like assholes.


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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #28 on: April 27, 2011, 04:32:57 pm »

I guarantee you that if the Skins win two games in a row the stadium will be full again and people will be out en masse in their maroon SUVs with the flags out...It has always been thus

Did you think they wouldn't be?

As much as fans are up in arms about Dan and the overall shittacular decade of football, there are thousands and thousands, if not millions, of fans willing to buy up those tickets that people are now starting to sell for cheap. Fortunately or unfortunately, the Skins have a die hard fan base. While they may fluctuate for the Wizards and the Capitals, they just never will for the Redskins. 75+ years of tradition just trumps any sort of anger over an owner's 11 year tenure? Turn on any sports talk radio station in the area, they talk about the Skins 80 to 85% of the time. DC is a football town. If the Caps won 3 Cups in 5 years, it wouldn't be better than the Skins winning 1 Lombardi trophy. At least, that's my opinion and how I see it.

Long story short, people will always go to the games.

I think you're agreeing with me! :)


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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #29 on: April 27, 2011, 04:49:58 pm »
More fodder on this sorry excuse for a team...

My favorite part of the story is that his credit card was declined.