Author Topic: Fook Dan Snyder  (Read 8675 times)


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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2011, 04:57:53 pm »
Long story short, people will always go to the games.

No, they won't. They'll watch them on TV, they'll drive the needle on sports talk radio, hell they might even buy a hat or t-shirt every one in a while. But people will not always go to the games like lemmings. It's just too god damn expensive and the in-stadium product is just not worth it. Unless you love getting blackout drunk and acting like an asshole.
As much as I love going to Nats game, the main draw for me is exactly that. Drinking a shit load, yelling at New York/Philadelphia teams, and eating awful food.

You're not going to have a 90,000+ stadium not be 80% full because the team is awful. Redskins fans are faithful, if not the most faithful. I watched games on TV last year, i watched them all. I went to see them get their stupid assholes handed to them by the Steelers on MNF while a good half of the stadium were Shittsburgh fans. It's about pride. DC refuses to admit it's wrong hahahaha Now, 20 years? Then we might see the Skins fall off. So, what, 9 more years to go? Ovi's still here for another 9 or 10 right? Bryce Harper will only be 27 right? John Wall will be a crafty veteran? We'll see!


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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #31 on: April 27, 2011, 04:59:25 pm »
Long story short, people will always go to the games.

No, they won't. They'll watch them on TV, they'll drive the needle on sports talk radio, hell they might even buy a hat or t-shirt every one in a while. But people will not always go to the games like lemmings. It's just too god damn expensive and the in-stadium product is just not worth it. Unless you love getting blackout drunk and acting like an asshole.

you forgot one aspect of your equation . . . people like getting blackout drunk and acting like assholes.
I don't think you can ever "act" like a drunk asshole. It's like.... eating because you're "acting" hungry.

If you're doing it right, it always leads down that road.


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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2011, 05:02:04 pm »
all i know is that there are assholes . . . and then there are people who get very drunk to become assholes.  at sporting events, they are just assholes.


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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #33 on: April 27, 2011, 05:12:30 pm »
Ah! I agree with that. I like the loud, drunken, comradery. I have been the asshole though [throwing fries at Steelers fans; Throwing a 'terrible towel' in the trash can after ashing my cigarette on it and putting my cigarette out on it] but on the other hand, that same shit would happen in other cities. Especially if MY team was stomping their teams ass in their house and our fans were being obnoxious as hell.

I hate PA.


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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #34 on: April 27, 2011, 05:13:35 pm »
all i know is that there are assholes . . . and then there are people who get very drunk to become assholes.  at sporting events, they are just assholes.

Not quite. Add fuel to those assholes and they become drunken assholes2.


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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #35 on: April 27, 2011, 06:59:22 pm »
More fodder on this sorry excuse for a team...

My favorite part of the story is that his credit card was declined.

that is indeed a good part, but i'm loving his statement:

"I didn't touch her," Haynesworth responded, according to the document, adding that he doesn't "even like black girls."

excellent PR move there, sir.

Thousand Made-Up Loves

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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #36 on: April 27, 2011, 10:49:45 pm »
that is indeed a good part, but i'm loving his statement:

"I didn't touch her," Haynesworth responded, according to the document, adding that he doesn't "even like black girls."

excellent PR move there, sir.

Obviously you don't know who the fuck he is.


Justin Tonation

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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #38 on: April 29, 2011, 10:28:55 am »
More fodder on this sorry excuse for a team...

My favorite part of the story is that his credit card was declined.

that is indeed a good part, but i'm loving his statement:

"I didn't touch her," Haynesworth responded, according to the document, adding that he doesn't "even like black girls."

excellent PR move there, sir.

Haynesworth is also currently facing charges in Virginia for allegedly punching a man during a road-rage assault. That trial is scheduled for May. At one point last summer, he was also involved in lawsuits from a bank, an exotic dancer, a man injured in an automobile accident and complaints from his ex-wife that he wasn't paying for her health insurance or their children's bills.


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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #39 on: April 29, 2011, 10:37:26 am »

Thousand Made-Up Loves

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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #40 on: April 29, 2011, 11:10:24 am »
?All we wanted was the truth, the same thing that occurred up in Egypt where people were trying to find one thing -- people getting hurt and beat up to find one thing -- the truth,? [Snyder's spokesman] said. ?And that?s what this is all about.?

This is too much.  Casting themselves as David to the City Paper's Goliath.  I love it.

There is no other reason to explain the non-football decisions coming out of Ashburn than sheer insanity. Also gotta love this nugget from Wyillie on Wednesday:

Wyllie: Ladies in this audience, some day your husband will stand up for your honor.

Go fuck yourself, cunt.


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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #41 on: April 29, 2011, 11:23:04 am »
I'd enjoy seeing what Wylie could come up with if he did some freelance work for Gadhaffi

'no one loves freedom more than muhammar but i bet some people here have teenage children and sometimes they rebel against you but you know you're right and you have their best interests in mind and they're going through a phase and its all part of growing up and i think that's what muhammar is going through right now with his 'children' . . .and when other countries interfere, well that's like your mother in law telling you how to raise your children and i think we all want our mothers in law to shut the f*ck up'
« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 11:45:33 am by Mobius »


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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #42 on: April 29, 2011, 12:01:41 pm »
?All we wanted was the truth, the same thing that occurred up in Egypt where people were trying to find one thing -- people getting hurt and beat up to find one thing -- the truth,? [Snyder's spokesman] said. ?And that?s what this is all about.?

This is too much.  Casting themselves as David to the City Paper's Goliath.  I love it.

In other Redskins news, I thought they made sound decisions in the first round yesterday.
Very happy to see Orakpo getting some help on the Dline! Very excited to see how him and Kerrigan work out. That guy is a fucking MONSTER! He's a good 5 inches taller than Chris Cooley and maybe twice as wide hahaha


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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #43 on: April 29, 2011, 12:12:51 pm »
?All we wanted was the truth, the same thing that occurred up in Egypt where people were trying to find one thing -- people getting hurt and beat up to find one thing -- the truth,? [Snyder's spokesman] said. ?And that?s what this is all about.?

This is too much.  Casting themselves as David to the City Paper's Goliath.  I love it.

In other Redskins news, I thought they made sound decisions in the first round yesterday.
Very happy to see Orakpo getting some help on the Dline! Very excited to see how him and Kerrigan work out. That guy is a fucking MONSTER! He's a good 5 inches taller than Chris Cooley and maybe twice as wide hahaha
Not to nit-pick, but Orakpo play OLB, and so will this guy.


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Re: Fook Dan Snyder
« Reply #44 on: April 29, 2011, 01:32:59 pm »
From what I've heard and read it looks like they'll both be on the field, possibly Kerrigan more because he's a 3 down guy. No reason they can't switch out on plays or both be on the field at the same time