Author Topic: Sonar  (Read 6058 times)


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Re: Sonar
« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2011, 09:50:04 pm »
The one I saw there was ok.


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Re: Sonar
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2011, 08:15:08 am »
Like DC crowds are so attentive.  please.

Got Haggis?

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Re: Sonar
« Reply #17 on: May 05, 2011, 09:52:04 am »
there is some real hate going on for lonnie on the sonar facebook page - sonar now claiming that lonnie still owns sonar and demanded that they pay the taxes (for the liquor license i assume) before he would renew it...they paid taxes (using money from ticket sales) and then he didnt renew it - meaning sonar is broke, can't pay bands and can't sell alcohol to try to raise money to pay the bands

is that normal practice (using ticket money for things other than paying bands and then hoping you sell enough drinks to pay the band)? that sounds like a really bad business practice to me - but i know nothing about running a club

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Re: Sonar
« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2011, 06:22:09 pm »
break out the popcorn

that's awesome.  this guy seems serious and reasonable, so gawd i hope that's all true.  would mean that the "OMG WHAT ABOUT MAH DEFTONES?!?!?" crowd who were so quick to believe the slandering should be feeling pretty shitty about backing up such a poorly-run establishment.

then again, chances are the truth is somewhere in the middle.


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Re: Sonar
« Reply #20 on: May 05, 2011, 06:27:14 pm »
Copy and paste for those of us not on FB?


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Re: Sonar
« Reply #21 on: May 05, 2011, 07:04:15 pm »
What I could find online  ;D

I, Lonnie Fisher, am writing this statement to inform any interested parties of the true course of events that have led to Sonar?s decision to close its doors. As many in the music industry and many in the Baltimore area know, I co-founded Sonar in 2000 at a small spot in Canton, then moved the business to 407 East Saratoga Street, with the dream of creating Baltimore?s most vibrant and vital music venue. As fate would have it, although the dream was a great one, the reality of business was such that from the day those doors opened, that business was a continuous stream of lost revenue, headache, and heartache. By mid 2003, the business had to take on an outside investor, and everyone?s interest in the company (shares) were diluted. I retained 51% ownership through this period. By 2005, this investor had lost such an exorbitant amount of money that his wife finally said enough. The business was still losing money almost every single month, so we took on another investor who believed in the dream enough to pick up the torch and carry it: Daniel McIntosh, owner of the then Talking Head club. He began a string of investments in the club which almost quarterly saved the business from going out of business. With every new investment came a new dilution, and by 2007, I was no longer a majority shareholder in the company. I remember vividly the board meeting in which Dan stated that to continue investing in Sonar, he had to be the majority shareholder. By the time January 2009 rolled around, a date that will have significance later, I was down to 18%. However, important events in the business history occurred 1.5 years before then.
In April 2007, I was offered a ?day job? with a commercial development company, which I started on June 1, 2007. I announced to my beloved Sonar staff and friends that I was out of the business and everyone who knew the music industry in Baltimore in those days knew that to be the case. Owner and founder of Sonar leaves = BIG BALTIMORE NEWS. Within the week of taking the job, Dan and I walked over to Sonar?s bank, and I signed every single bank account over to him. From that date on, Sonar was fully under the control and direction of Daniel McIntosh. Since May 2007, I have not had one iota of involvement, let alone control, of one single aspect of Sonar?s business or its business decisions. I sent all remaining partners notice that I was resigning the presidency, my seat on the board of directors, and all responsibilities in the company.
Fast forward to late 2008. After a period of time in which I was showing leniency and a lack of urgency to get my name fully out of the business I no longer interested in and had a very small share in, I realized I had to finalize this era of my life and move on. Dan and I agreed that he would buy my final shares (18% of the company), and he made two payments to complete that transaction, one on December 16, 2008, then the final payment on January 21, 2009. I quote from the contract ?On Wednesday December 16, 2008, Lonnie Fisher agrees to sell Dan McIntosh his remaining shares in 407 Saratoga Inc? and further on ?On Wednesday January 21, 209, the balance ?.was paid in full?. Signed of course, by both parties and two witnesses.
As of that date, I was out, officially. The last pieces of the puzzle were to get my name off of the corporate charter, and to transfer the liquor license into someone else?s name, which unfortunately for me, I would find out, would require a lot of cooperation from Dan. To sum it up, he has refused to live up to his responsibilities to get me off the license. For 2.5 years, I have been imploring, pleading, sometimes threatening the business to complete its list of requirements to make that happen. Year after year, Dan has refused to complete the process.
I should explain how this works. All of this comes to a head annually in the months of March and April, which is when anyone holding a Baltimore City liquor license has to renew it. In order to renew it the holder of the license has to sign the form, but more than that, the majority shareholder of the company CANNOT CHANGE, or the license is no longer valid. In March of 2009, to put it plainly, I should not have signed the form because not only had majority ownership changed, I simply didn?t own even one share of the company anymore. I signed it because Dan and the other Sonar owners asked for a brief period of time to get their affairs in order, find someone to take the license, and do what they were supposed to do. He also gave me an iPad (full disclosure). I couldn?t bring myself to shut them down, and I also still felt an attachment emotionally to the thing I created for this city. I didn?t want to be the nail in the coffin, and I had faith that they would do what they needed to do right after the renewal as they promised. They didn?t.
2009 progressed and I continued to implore Dan to get me off the license. By then the transfer had been approved for the person to take the license, but in order for that piece of paper with my name on it to be torn up, and a new piece of paper printed with the new license holder, Dan had to do three basic things: Get the taxes up to date, complete a very minor checklist of business documents, and get the property re-inspected. He would do none of it. We had knock down drag out arguments about it. I would threaten to simply nullify the license, he would somehow talk me out of it, and convince me that he would do what he needed to do after this show or that show, or this month or that month.
2009 dragged into 2010. Again March was looming, and again we?re faced with the same form that needs to be signed. I told Dan I wasn?t signing, but then found out the business had a tax liability of at least $50,000.00! And guess who the state could collect from if Dan walked away? me. Not that they couldn?t try to collect from everyone involved, but I had no idea what could happen. So, I signed again. This time with a demand that if he didn?t get me off the license by June, I really was cancelling it. June was significant, because for two years now he promised that after ?Deathfest?, he?d be bursting out of the seams with cash and could pay for any repairs, licenses, etc? Deathfest happened that May. Two weeks later, Dan hadn?t even picked up the phone to call me! At this point, I hired a lawyer to try to force some action.
The attorney put Dan on notice of what needed to be done. I offered to help in every way I could. I even told Dan I?d come fix something myself in the building if I had to. He responded to none of it. Finally I had no choice, I told him on a certain date, we were nullifying the license. Literally on the day before we were going to do it, we got a communication from an attorney he had retained. ?Don?t do it, we?re going to work it out?. We wrestled with this attorney for several weeks, and we finally got THEM to produce a timeline. They stated that this document would be done by this date, this inspection would happen on this date, this tax would be paid on this date, etc... Note: This was THEIR timeline, and trust me, it wasn?t short. If I asked you to guess how many things on the checklist they completed, I bet you could guess by now: NONE. Literally, not one. Not even the most simple one page document could they produce.
So we again threatened a shut down. Then all of the sudden the ORIGINAL money guy showed back up on the scene, claiming he had assigned someone to deal with this and promised action. I actually had faith it would occur since this guy was a corporate type of guy, and had no involvement in the music scene to speak of. Well, once again, nothing happened. Now it was 2011. Due to me getting busy with other things, I just kind of let it slide, and then Dan approached me pre-March to ask me to sign the form once again. All this time, he was telling me how Sonar was getting on a path to profitability and the corner was turning, and things were going to be rosy in 2011. I wanted to believe. All this time, I never held him any malice, and Sonar was still the entity I created for this city. I told him I?d sign, one last time, but this really was the time he?d have to put up, or shut down? He gave me an iPad2.
Here is where our story takes an unfortunate turn. In mid March I was questioned by the IRS about my involvement with Sonar. How or why this came to be is not for this discussion, nor is the nature of that questioning anyone?s business but mine. Suffice it to say, that the gig was up. They were aware that I had turned the finances of the business over to Dan in 2007, and they were aware that I no longer held any stock in the company whatsoever, let alone a controlling interest. If I had any intention of helping Sonar stay in business one more time, it was now an impossibility. My choice was clear: Sign the form and be at risk for fines and jail time, or not sign. Not really much of a choice in the end.
Now we come to the current unpleasantness. Due to the inability to face their own incompetence, Sonar?s majority owner Dan McIntosh, and his staff, have gone on a full court press to slander my name, distort the truth, and otherwise harass me by any means they can. I truly feel bad for all of the bands, patrons, and fans who are being misled, whose shows are now being cancelled, and who are otherwise being confused by this ridiculous ruse. The simple truth is, HE is the one to blame for the mess he?s in. I have had a 24 year career in music and everyone who has ever known me knows exactly what an honorable and even courageous life I?ve led in the music industry toward both the patrons and the people in the business. Everyone in Baltimore knows the difference in our professionalism.
Just one example, one rumor they are circulating about me, is that I have stolen the ticket money for the upcoming shows, and thus they cannot give people refunds. I haven?t had access to a penny of Sonar?s money since June of 2007. 2007! If you have a ticket to a Sonar show the truth is, Sonar?s current owner has spent your ticket money on expenses of the business. This is why they started their own ticket company, so they could spend your ticket money as it came it and hope for the best.
Unfortunately, Sonar?s operators are still in a phase of their lives where they think all the rules of the world should bend to their needs, simply because they owns a music venue. Well there?s a way to do it right, and there?s a way to do it wrong, and the way they are doing it is wrong.
And by the way, I?ve mailed Dan?s iPad back."


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Re: Sonar
« Reply #22 on: May 05, 2011, 07:21:21 pm »


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Re: Sonar
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2011, 02:00:21 am »
Woah no refunds? Sonar might be burned to the ground...


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Re: Sonar
« Reply #24 on: May 06, 2011, 02:12:34 am »
When you think about it, we lost 2 clubs (Sonar & Talking Head) in one closing! Real shame especially since The Ottobar's bookings have been so lame recently. (Going on record now saying that I've been suspecting money problems at The Ottobar which is why I suspect that their calendar has gotten so weak. Mind you, that's pure speculation on my part and may very well be very wrong... and sure hope so.)

The economy sucks all over (except in DC and Rhett's backyard it seems). The clubs are hurting and the people just don't have the money to support them regardless of how badly they'd like to. Won't help with the increase of the Maryland liquor tax starting July 1st. You know damned well the bars will hike up their drink prices to compensate which will only result in a stronger push/pull between the clubs/bars trying to survive and the people having to make discretionary budgeting decisions that don't always favor their bar tabs.


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Re: Sonar
« Reply #25 on: May 06, 2011, 05:46:39 am »
This tweet made me chuckle:
"CRASS have been moved to Eleanor Rigby's in Scranton PA!!"

How is this reasonable? And who would see Crass in 2011, anyway?



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Re: Sonar
« Reply #26 on: May 06, 2011, 07:44:01 am »
wow PA huh?  I bet that means the Deftones show will be moved to NY  ;D

Got Haggis?

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Re: Sonar
« Reply #27 on: May 06, 2011, 09:36:48 am »
it's not reasonable at all...4 hours away. what.  i hated when the talking head moved into destroyed the lounge portion of sonar that was nice to hang out in

but they did have good drink specials there sometimes ($5 for tallboy pbr and a shot of rail whiskey)

lets hope the shellac show doesn't get moved to 'nearby' scranton

pretty interesting that they moved to their own ticket company so they could use sales from the tickets to pay their debt.  not shady at all.


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Re: Sonar
« Reply #28 on: May 06, 2011, 04:43:13 pm »

Got Haggis?

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Re: Sonar
« Reply #29 on: May 06, 2011, 06:21:53 pm »
And the crass show is back in, just no alcohol.  They were so quick to tell people no refunds- talk about burning bridges. I would certainly think twice before purchasing advance tickets there