Author Topic: The Judgement Day thread  (Read 19346 times)

James Ford

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Re: The Judgement Day thread
« Reply #45 on: May 24, 2011, 11:22:42 am »
Who are you to say they shouldn't? Have you been raped?

I guess people shouldn't be getting mad at Joakim Noah either. After all, he was only calling the guy a cigarette.

They shouldn't.

Do people get upset when people use the word "rape" and it's not referring to a violent act against women?


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Re: The Judgement Day thread
« Reply #46 on: May 24, 2011, 11:33:00 am »
The joke mention God and abortion in the same sentence, and in a thread about wacky Christians. If you don't see the implicated tie-in the baby abortion, you're even dumber than your screen name.

God decided he wasn't ready for the Rapture, so he had it aborted.

Here's the key. What you wrote, Rhett.

Also, look at the specific wording. "... so he had it aborted." That's the type of phrasing that is usually used for aborting a baby. If it were a rocket launch, it would usually be "... so it was aborted." Nit picky, I know, but that's the subtle communication within the art of the joke, if that's what you could call it. Besides, Doom has on occasion made several references in the past about never wanting kids and other eugenics sort of cracks towards various groups of people. There's a pattern there.

As I said before, I am pro-choice but I will call a spade a spade when I see it as such.


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Re: The Judgement Day thread
« Reply #47 on: May 24, 2011, 11:41:55 am »
You know, it's not the joke that bothers me so much. It only made me winch for a moment and that was it. What really bugs me is all the denial and side stepping of the issue. Grow some balls you guys and admit what you know damned well that it really meant! Gesh.

Of course, ultimately, only Doom can accurately tell us for sure what he meant.


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Re: The Judgement Day thread
« Reply #48 on: May 24, 2011, 12:28:04 pm »
Apparently, you're not friends with anyone who has been raped, or anybody who has faced the tough emotional decision to terminate a pregnancy. Amazing what some people think is funny.

actually, i am.  i've stayed up all night with a woman who had to struggle with the decision, and then i helped her through it the next day (no, it wasn't mine).  i've been in long-term relationships with 2 women who were victims of sexual assault.  so get off you goddamn high horse, rhett, 'cause you're not impressing anyone.  you're coming off as a jerk and a bully.  "the word has meaning *FOR ME*, so *I* get to decide how you do and don't use it!!!  and i'll shame you into thinking like me!".  fuck off with your thought-control.  if you can't handle people poking at your sacred cows, get the fuck off the internet.

you've done this sort of self-righteous grandstanding before - remember when you lied and told us that someone in your office had a child who committed suicide on the metro, in order to get us to stop making wise-cracks?  nice strategies ya got there.

James Ford

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Re: The Judgement Day thread
« Reply #49 on: May 24, 2011, 01:57:49 pm »
My how you get defensive when you're clearly wrong.

Would you toss around abortion jokes to those friends? Would you use a reference to being "raped by ticketmaster" around your friend who got raped? I promise I won't, if I ever meet your friends.

Like Frank Gallagher said in that other (closed) thread:

I've never met you personally Sweetcell, and it's probably just your writing style, but your comments almost always come over as insulting and 'high and mighty'.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 02:11:01 pm by James Ford »


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Re: The Judgement Day thread
« Reply #50 on: May 24, 2011, 02:45:11 pm »
I want to hear more from Jaguar on 'the art of the joke'


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Re: The Judgement Day thread
« Reply #51 on: May 24, 2011, 02:58:33 pm »
Would you toss around abortion jokes to those friends? Would you use a reference to being "raped by ticketmaster" around your friend who got raped? I promise I won't, if I ever meet your friends.

that's very kind of you, but newsflash: this isn't a private conversation with rape victims or someone who has had to deal with abortion.  this is a PUBLIC forum. 

but don't worry, i get it rhett.  you're in daddy-mode.  ya know those parents who can't talk about anything else other than their kids?  you're a variation on that: you only see the world through your i'm-a-dad glasses (nice frames, btw).  i think it's admirable how engaged you are with the upbringing of your child.  we need more parents like that.  but could you please keep your parenting private?  i don't need misguided life-lessons from you ("these are words you can and can't use, even in jest"), certainly not until you can tell the difference between a public forum and a private conversation.


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Re: The Judgement Day thread
« Reply #52 on: May 24, 2011, 03:07:27 pm »
I want to hear more from Jaguar on 'the art of the joke'


James Ford

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Re: The Judgement Day thread
« Reply #53 on: May 24, 2011, 03:09:49 pm »
If you want to continue supporting someone who made an insensitive, tasteless joke that some people on a public forum might find offensive, keep right on going. The next time I make an equally offensive joke and I get slammed, i'll be looking to you for support.

Would you toss around abortion jokes to those friends? Would you use a reference to being "raped by ticketmaster" around your friend who got raped? I promise I won't, if I ever meet your friends.

that's very kind of you, but newsflash: this isn't a private conversation with rape victims or someone who has had to deal with abortion.  this is a PUBLIC forum. 

but don't worry, i get it rhett.  you're in daddy-mode.  ya know those parents who can't talk about anything else other than their kids?  you're a variation on that: you only see the world through your i'm-a-dad glasses (nice frames, btw).  i think it's admirable how engaged you are with the upbringing of your child.  we need more parents like that.  but could you please keep your parenting private?  i don't need misguided life-lessons from you ("these are words you can and can't use, even in jest"), certainly not until you can tell the difference between a public forum and a private conversation.


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Re: The Judgement Day thread
« Reply #54 on: May 24, 2011, 03:22:42 pm »
I want to hear more from Jaguar on 'the art of the joke'

Just go read Freud's Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious. I already wrote my paper (and received a good grade) and don't feel like doing a rewrite.

Frank Gallagher

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Re: The Judgement Day thread
« Reply #55 on: May 24, 2011, 05:52:07 pm »
Would you toss around abortion jokes to those friends? Would you use a reference to being "raped by ticketmaster" around your friend who got raped? I promise I won't, if I ever meet your friends.

that's very kind of you, but newsflash: this isn't a private conversation with rape victims or someone who has had to deal with abortion.  this is a PUBLIC forum. 

but don't worry, i get it rhett.  you're in daddy-mode.  ya know those parents who can't talk about anything else other than their kids?  you're a variation on that: you only see the world through your i'm-a-dad glasses (nice frames, btw).  i think it's admirable how engaged you are with the upbringing of your child.  we need more parents like that.  but could you please keep your parenting private?  i don't need misguided life-lessons from you ("these are words you can and can't use, even in jest"), certainly not until you can tell the difference between a public forum and a private conversation.

HA HA...that's hilarious. I can't tell you how many times coworkers etc have said to me..."huh? You have kids?" Then I've had to make up an excuse because I didn't have a photo of my kids on me.

And what's up with those people who have photo's of their kids taped up between the gauges on the dash in their car? That's just creepy....

BTW - my daughter just graduated BU with honors this weekend...okay, that's my kid-bragging out of the way till my 8 year old graduates.


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Re: The Judgement Day thread
« Reply #56 on: May 24, 2011, 08:24:40 pm »
Maybe they're just surprised someone could stand you long enough to HAVE children with you?

HA HA...that's hilarious. I can't tell you how many times coworkers etc have said to me..."huh? You have kids?" Then I've had to make up an excuse because I didn't have a photo of my kids on me.

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: The Judgement Day thread
« Reply #57 on: May 24, 2011, 10:27:17 pm »
man...  I wish I'd given that joke an abortion before I posted it.


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Re: The Judgement Day thread
« Reply #58 on: May 24, 2011, 10:59:18 pm »
Whoda thought you would be verbally raped for it?

James Ford

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Re: The Judgement Day thread
« Reply #59 on: May 25, 2011, 07:44:56 am »
Thank goodness I'll never have a teenage boy in my house.  ;)