Are you really this obtuse in real life? Do you need your diaper changed while you're at it?
Based on your stunningly emo-esque username, marginal grasp of the meaning of the big 25-cent word "obtuse", and adorably sophisticated choice of baby-reference insult, I can only presume you are an angry teenage girl who was having a bad day. As such, I'll overlook this little outburst, because good babysitting is hard to come by and who knows, maybe when you're a little older and more responsible, I could let you house-sit our dog and cats one weekend.
As an aside, dear, "obtuse" means "difficult to understand". I was in the office yesterday, and was relatively busy, and had a large bank of knowledge (the mostly-friendly users of this forum, who know the details of ticket office hours, ticket surcharges, etc) right in front of me. While I could indeed have made the telephone calls and done the investigating myself, it was helpful (and much faster) to ask these nice people a few basic questions on the subject of which most of them have extensive knowledge. I'm not sure what about that is "difficult to understand".