Author Topic: New Order gets back together without Hook (aka payback's a bitch)  (Read 13472 times)


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Re: New Order gets back together without Hook (aka payback's a bitch)
« Reply #30 on: September 09, 2011, 05:17:48 pm »

It's not fake.  Have YOU listened to "Technique" or "Pills 'n' Thrills & Bellyaches" recently?


Vas Deferens

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Re: New Order gets back together without Hook (aka payback's a bitch)
« Reply #31 on: September 09, 2011, 09:26:02 pm »

"I first I heard about this on Monday and it has taken me completely by surprise! Everyone knows that NEW ORDER without PETER HOOK is like QUEEN without FREDDIE MERCURY, U2 without THE EDGE, SOOTY without SWEEP!

On a more serious note, I do not understand the decision THE OTHER THREE have taken. I wish they had approached me first. I do not agree with the methods they have used and feel it would have been courteous and professional to have spoken to me in advance of the announcements. It is very sad."

Love PETER HOOK x Sept 2011


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Re: New Order gets back together without Hook (aka payback's a bitch)
« Reply #32 on: September 12, 2011, 11:44:50 am »

It's not fake.  Have YOU listened to "Technique" or "Pills 'n' Thrills & Bellyaches" recently?


Yeah, 'Technique' still stands up as a solid album. Listened to the Black Grape 1st album last week if that counts.

The bigger question is why were you listening to them?
"Stop living in the past"
"Evolve or die"

History is kinda cool. It can make you smarter (i.e. not sound like a dumbass).
For instance if you knew some music history you'd know Ian Curtis didn't 'leave' New Order.
He committed suicide when he was the singer of Joy Division.

Syd Barrett didn't even leave Pink Floyd. He was left behind because of mental/drug issues.

I still say you're being fake (with some need for attention that wasn't fulfilled in your youth).
You can't be this stupid.


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Re: New Order gets back together without Hook (aka payback's a bitch)
« Reply #33 on: September 12, 2011, 11:55:52 am »

It's not fake.  Have YOU listened to "Technique" or "Pills 'n' Thrills & Bellyaches" recently?


Yeah, 'Technique' still stands up as a solid album. Listened to the Black Grape 1st album last week if that counts.

Good.  Then we don't have to suffer.  Thanks for taking that bullet for us.



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Re: New Order gets back together without Hook (aka payback's a bitch)
« Reply #34 on: September 12, 2011, 01:13:12 pm »

It's not fake.  Have YOU listened to "Technique" or "Pills 'n' Thrills & Bellyaches" recently?


Yeah, 'Technique' still stands up as a solid album. Listened to the Black Grape 1st album last week if that counts.

Good.  Then we don't have to suffer.  Thanks for taking that bullet for us.


Ok, if you want the attention you so desperately desire, you could at least answer this question.

Why do you care what music people enjoy?

We're at a technological point where you can listen to anything you want, anywhere you want. It's not like the past where you were at the mercy of radio programming and the tastes of the masses or limited to where a piece of wax could be played.

C'mon you don't have to pretend you or anybody else suffers from the enjoyment of someones music taste.


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Re: New Order gets back together without Hook (aka payback's a bitch)
« Reply #35 on: September 12, 2011, 01:23:14 pm »

It's not fake.  Have YOU listened to "Technique" or "Pills 'n' Thrills & Bellyaches" recently?


Yeah, 'Technique' still stands up as a solid album. Listened to the Black Grape 1st album last week if that counts.

Good.  Then we don't have to suffer.  Thanks for taking that bullet for us.


Ok, if you want the attention you so desperately desire, you could at least answer this question.

Why do you care what music people enjoy?

We're at a technological point where you can listen to anything you want, anywhere you want. It's not like the past where you were at the mercy of radio programming and the tastes of the masses or limited to where a piece of wax could be played.

C'mon you don't have to pretend you or anybody else suffers from the enjoyment of someones music taste.

It's necropathetic.  Music is the only artistic medium where it's not only accepted but encouraged to revere music made generations ago.  And it's POP music.  It's like preserving a bag of Doritos.  There isn't a lot of 15 year-olds who love the Beatles anymore but there's a lot of 30 year-old who do.  Adult men and women who should be doing adult things and they play on their iphones, take money from mommy and step-daddy and play "The Beatles Rock Band."  Which is pathetic.  It's this whole Generation X thing.  Mom and Daddy got divorced and they never grew up.   It really is the enemy of progress.  Nostalgia.  If you want to live in the past, fine.  The rest of us have grown up and are moving on.  Listen to whatever you want.  But that won't stop me and a lot of others from regarding you with utter contempt.  Put on your ironic t-shirts and drink you soda and listen to Lenny Kravitz and complain about how George Lucas raped your childhood.

« Last Edit: September 12, 2011, 01:59:44 pm by Brian_Wallace »


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Re: New Order gets back together without Hook (aka payback's a bitch)
« Reply #36 on: September 12, 2011, 01:25:50 pm »
If the music of long ago doesn't hold up today, then the music of today won't hold up in 20 years. So don't bother listening to anything at all. And shut the fuck up.


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Re: New Order gets back together without Hook (aka payback's a bitch)
« Reply #37 on: September 12, 2011, 01:57:59 pm »
you regard me with "utter contempt"? Geez Brian Wallace..  thought you were my friend!  ::)

not knowing your history and assuming that things to be good must be "new" is what sucks....a lot of these new bands people rave about couldn't hold peter hook's jockstrap!


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Re: New Order gets back together without Hook (aka payback's a bitch)
« Reply #38 on: September 12, 2011, 02:09:57 pm »

Granted, you can't tell much from 20th century artifacts like hard-copy magazines but there really are only two mainstream magazines devoted to popular music: Spin and Rolling Stone.

One has the 20th Anniversary of Nirvana on the cover and the other has George Harrison...



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Re: New Order gets back together without Hook (aka payback's a bitch)
« Reply #39 on: September 12, 2011, 02:10:47 pm »
you regard me with "utter contempt"? Geez Brian Wallace..  thought you were my friend!  ::)

Not you, per se.  Just those REALLY excited about Paul Simon playing the club.



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Re: New Order gets back together without Hook (aka payback's a bitch)
« Reply #40 on: September 12, 2011, 02:57:44 pm »

It's necropathetic.  Music is the only artistic medium where it's not only accepted but encouraged to revere music made generations ago.  And it's POP music.  It's like preserving a bag of Doritos.  There isn't a lot of 15 year-olds who love the Beatles anymore but there's a lot of 30 year-old who do.  Adult men and women who should be doing adult things and they play on their iphones, take money from mommy and step-daddy and play "The Beatles Rock Band."  Which is pathetic.  It's this whole Generation X thing.  Mom and Daddy got divorced and they never grew up.   It really is the enemy of progress.  Nostalgia.  If you want to live in the past, fine.  The rest of us have grown up and are moving on.  Listen to whatever you want.  But that won't stop me and a lot of others from regarding you with utter contempt.  Put on your ironic t-shirts and drink you soda and listen to Lenny Kravitz and complain about how George Lucas raped your childhood.


Dude, sorry for basically calling you stupid and having ego problems. It's not productive.
I would seriously suggest expanding and exploring your thoughts. Take an art history course.

To say 'Music is the only artistic medium where it's not only accepted but encouraged to revere music made generations ago.' shows complete ignorance to some of the joys of humanity. No wonder you have 'utter contempt'.

The history of every artistic medium is accepted, encouraged, and revered! Have you never been to a museum or gallery? Looked at buildings? Been to a library?

You obviously have the skills for critical thinking, you just haven't explored the world enough to know it isn't flat.

Frank Gallagher

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Re: New Order gets back together without Hook (aka payback's a bitch)
« Reply #41 on: September 12, 2011, 03:04:33 pm »
People listen to  old music because todays music for the most part is SHIT! Name ONE current day band that people will still be listening to in 20 years time. *There are a handful of good bands but generally speaking todays garbage is unoriginal bad attempts at emulating bands from years past*

Brian is most likely a middle child who was not given much attention by mommy and daddy. He's not as smart as the older sibling and not as pretty as the younger one. He does whatever it takes to grab attention from anybody. Wether negative or positive is not important, it's just the attention he yearns for. He's feels he's the big man with his bold statements using big words....bless him.

James Ford

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Re: New Order gets back together without Hook (aka payback's a bitch)
« Reply #42 on: September 12, 2011, 03:23:39 pm »
99% of music from ANY decade sucks. It's just easier to find the good music from the past because someone else has already done the work for you. Or you've done it yourself, and your hindsight is bettter than your current vision.

People listen to  old music because todays music for the most part is SHIT! Name ONE current day band that people will still be listening to in 20 years time. *There are a handful of good bands but generally speaking todays garbage is unoriginal bad attempts at emulating bands from years past*

Brian is most likely a middle child who was not given much attention by mommy and daddy. He's not as smart as the older sibling and not as pretty as the younger one. He does whatever it takes to grab attention from anybody. Wether negative or positive is not important, it's just the attention he yearns for. He's feels he's the big man with his bold statements using big words....bless him.


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Re: New Order gets back together without Hook (aka payback's a bitch)
« Reply #43 on: September 12, 2011, 03:47:03 pm »
Music is the only artistic medium where it's not only accepted but encouraged to revere music made generations ago. 

Sure, it's not like people revere older painting or sculpture or are paying nine figures for a 70-year old Picasso, or a 50-year old Giacometti.


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Re: New Order gets back together without Hook (aka payback's a bitch)
« Reply #44 on: September 12, 2011, 04:25:25 pm »

I feel like that guy in that new car commericial about the Vermeer paintings.  There's also one with a Honus Wagner baseball.  I'm the guy with the car.

"What will I be doing in twenty years' time? I'll be dead, darling! Are you crazy?" - Freddie Mercury
