As an old man, I really appreciate both DC9 shows this week being a) early and b) short. I think I got back from the beach about 20 minutes before I had to leave for the show on Sunday.
Remember Sports was super fun. I don't like the most recent album as much as the others, but they were
Lifeguard was incredible. I hadn't really listened to that album much ahead of the show, but those kids killed it. Noisy & chaotic...been a long time since I saw an opener wow me like that.
Horsegirl rules. I missed their last show at DC9, but they sounded really great. Played a bunch of new songs too, which were all really good IMO. EDIT: I should mention the crowd was a lot of OLD dudes...I've gotten used to being the oldest guy in the room, but I was surprised how aged the crowd was. At first I assumed it was maybe the band's parents (both bands are young), but based on how many, I think it was just guys being pervy. Not me tho, don't say I was there to be a creep.
I've never been good with understanding how "popular" a band is, but i was surprised this was still at some place so small. I dunno...i guess i assumed they were a lot bigger than they are?