Author Topic: For Walky  (Read 694842 times)


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Re: For Walky
« Reply #30 on: April 30, 2012, 04:57:18 pm »
I have no problem with sending someone out of our country who by their very first act of being here, show disrespect for our laws by being here ILLEGALLY.  If your first act in entering a country is to give the entire country a big hearty fuck you then they deserve to be brought to court, found guilty, sent to jail, then sent home when they are done with their time.  Those coming into this country illegally are one of several things that are driving this country into the shitter. 


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Re: For Walky
« Reply #31 on: April 30, 2012, 05:08:16 pm »
I have no problem with sending someone out of our country who by their very first act of being here, show disrespect for our laws by being here ILLEGALLY.  If your first act in entering a country is to give the entire country a big hearty fuck you then they deserve to be brought to court, found guilty, sent to jail, then sent home when they are done with their time.  Those coming into this country illegally are one of several things that are driving this country into the shitter. 

I have no problem kicking illegal immigrants out.. The law is the law and it should be enforced.. this is why I support the Arizona law. but the idea that illegal immigrants are driving "this" country into the shitter is just not supported by any evidence.

How the hell is a Latino working for below minimum wage driving the country into the shitter?

I think a far better case could be made that illegal immigrants are the one thing keeping the country from the shitter. Can you imagine how much less competitive our economy would be without this source of low cost labor??

And that is why regardless of the posturing by Republican candidates you haven't and won't see any change. The United States needs illegal immigrants. Otherwise why make it so easy for them to come in?


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Re: For Walky
« Reply #32 on: April 30, 2012, 10:40:30 pm »
I have no problem with sending someone out of our country who by their very first act of being here, show disrespect for our laws by being here ILLEGALLY.  If your first act in entering a country is to give the entire country a big hearty fuck you then they deserve to be brought to court, found guilty, sent to jail, then sent home when they are done with their time.  Those coming into this country illegally are one of several things that are driving this country into the shitter. 

I have no problem kicking illegal immigrants out.. The law is the law and it should be enforced.. this is why I support the Arizona law. but the idea that illegal immigrants are driving "this" country into the shitter is just not supported by any evidence.

How the hell is a Latino working for below minimum wage driving the country into the shitter?

I think a far better case could be made that illegal immigrants are the one thing keeping the country from the shitter. Can you imagine how much less competitive our economy would be without this source of low cost labor??

And that is why regardless of the posturing by Republican candidates you haven't and won't see any change. The United States needs illegal immigrants. Otherwise why make it so easy for them to come in?

By allowing a business to not hire a valid citizen and thus leaving one less job for an american who deserves it.

Your counter point is all but a joke.  First off the nationality of an illegal is 100% irrelevant.  But they take jobs form legal citizens.  Normally are paid under the table and thus do not pay taxes.  They spend little of their money back into the economy with most of it being sent home.  In other words they are a huge drain on the economy.


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Re: For Walky
« Reply #33 on: May 01, 2012, 06:08:35 am »
Not sure who's argument this supports at this point, but there WAS the story that Iran paid a Mexican Drug Cartel to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador... I imagine they would have come in the country illegally?

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Re: For Walky
« Reply #34 on: May 01, 2012, 10:40:55 am »
it supports mine, big guy!!

and thanks for all you do in your job!

i love my new thread

and wml7 . . . i really love him.  a lot.  like a stalker.

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Re: For Walky
« Reply #35 on: May 01, 2012, 10:59:41 am »
in relation to the new batman trailer release . . .


is a trailer


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Re: For Walky
« Reply #36 on: May 01, 2012, 11:07:24 am »
I have no problem with sending someone out of our country who by their very first act of being here, show disrespect for our laws by being here ILLEGALLY.  If your first act in entering a country is to give the entire country a big hearty fuck you then they deserve to be brought to court, found guilty, sent to jail, then sent home when they are done with their time.  Those coming into this country illegally are one of several things that are driving this country into the shitter. 

I have no problem kicking illegal immigrants out.. The law is the law and it should be enforced.. this is why I support the Arizona law. but the idea that illegal immigrants are driving "this" country into the shitter is just not supported by any evidence.

How the hell is a Latino working for below minimum wage driving the country into the shitter?

I think a far better case could be made that illegal immigrants are the one thing keeping the country from the shitter. Can you imagine how much less competitive our economy would be without this source of low cost labor??

And that is why regardless of the posturing by Republican candidates you haven't and won't see any change. The United States needs illegal immigrants. Otherwise why make it so easy for them to come in?

By allowing a business to not hire a valid citizen and thus leaving one less job for an american who deserves it.

Your counter point is all but a joke.  First off the nationality of an illegal is 100% irrelevant.  But they take jobs form legal citizens.  Normally are paid under the table and thus do not pay taxes.  They spend little of their money back into the economy with most of it being sent home.  In other words they are a huge drain on the economy.

incorrect on so many levels...

1. A business has no desire to hire an illegal over an American citizen. In fact they'd rather hire the American for obvious reasons such as wanting to avoid breaking the law. Businesses don't want to break the law if they don't have to. Moreover, it sounds like your problem is with the business doing the hiring. If as you say Americans want these jobs there is nothing precluding them from getting them. Go stand outside the Home Depot or wherever, take jobs as nannies, become contractors or whatever.

2. They spend little of their money? How do you figure this? They aren't exactly making so much money they save very much. Do they send some money home? Of course. But most of their money is going to be spent in the US on the basic necessities.

You want to think illegal immigrants are a drain on the economy but the reality is they are a big plus which is why the United States lets them in. Someone has to do these jobs and Americans aren't going to do them at those wages. Its the same situation in Europe. Of course, the United States can't very well admit this.

There is a long tradition in tough economic times of scapegoating and blaming/kicking the ones below you.


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Re: For Walky
« Reply #37 on: May 01, 2012, 11:44:24 am »
I have no problem with sending someone out of our country who by their very first act of being here, show disrespect for our laws by being here ILLEGALLY.  If your first act in entering a country is to give the entire country a big hearty fuck you then they deserve to be brought to court, found guilty, sent to jail, then sent home when they are done with their time.  Those coming into this country illegally are one of several things that are driving this country into the shitter. 

I have no problem kicking illegal immigrants out.. The law is the law and it should be enforced.. this is why I support the Arizona law. but the idea that illegal immigrants are driving "this" country into the shitter is just not supported by any evidence.

How the hell is a Latino working for below minimum wage driving the country into the shitter?

I think a far better case could be made that illegal immigrants are the one thing keeping the country from the shitter. Can you imagine how much less competitive our economy would be without this source of low cost labor??

And that is why regardless of the posturing by Republican candidates you haven't and won't see any change. The United States needs illegal immigrants. Otherwise why make it so easy for them to come in?

By allowing a business to not hire a valid citizen and thus leaving one less job for an american who deserves it.

Your counter point is all but a joke.  First off the nationality of an illegal is 100% irrelevant.  But they take jobs form legal citizens.  Normally are paid under the table and thus do not pay taxes.  They spend little of their money back into the economy with most of it being sent home.  In other words they are a huge drain on the economy.

incorrect on so many levels...

1. A business has no desire to hire an illegal over an American citizen. In fact they'd rather hire the American for obvious reasons such as wanting to avoid breaking the law. Businesses don't want to break the law if they don't have to. Moreover, it sounds like your problem is with the business doing the hiring. If as you say Americans want these jobs there is nothing precluding them from getting them. Go stand outside the Home Depot or wherever, take jobs as nannies, become contractors or whatever.

2. They spend little of their money? How do you figure this? They aren't exactly making so much money they save very much. Do they send some money home? Of course. But most of their money is going to be spent in the US on the basic necessities.

You want to think illegal immigrants are a drain on the economy but the reality is they are a big plus which is why the United States lets them in. Someone has to do these jobs and Americans aren't going to do them at those wages. Its the same situation in Europe. Of course, the United States can't very well admit this.

There is a long tradition in tough economic times of scapegoating and blaming/kicking the ones below you.

If it makes you feel better to believe such nonsense then by all means feel free.  The fact that you really believe that 'Americans wont do these jobs' proves how absurd your thought processes are.  The truth is that Americans will take the jobs if business were forced to stop hiring illegals and stop paying them below minimum wage.  The bottom line is that they are ILLEGAL.  I am sorry if you and your bleeding heart left wing nut jobs think that those of us who are law abiding citizens should support and condone ILLEGAL aliens here, but anyone who is rational and sane would clearly see how much of a huge drain they are on our society.  Please stop trying to play when you are so obviously unprepared and misinformed.  I'm out.  Enjoy the rest of the discussion on your own.  No need for me to continue when you have such absurd thinking.


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Re: For Walky
« Reply #38 on: May 01, 2012, 02:18:38 pm »
I have no problem with sending someone out of our country who by their very first act of being here, show disrespect for our laws by being here ILLEGALLY.  If your first act in entering a country is to give the entire country a big hearty fuck you then they deserve to be brought to court, found guilty, sent to jail, then sent home when they are done with their time.  Those coming into this country illegally are one of several things that are driving this country into the shitter. 

I have no problem kicking illegal immigrants out.. The law is the law and it should be enforced.. this is why I support the Arizona law. but the idea that illegal immigrants are driving "this" country into the shitter is just not supported by any evidence.

How the hell is a Latino working for below minimum wage driving the country into the shitter?

I think a far better case could be made that illegal immigrants are the one thing keeping the country from the shitter. Can you imagine how much less competitive our economy would be without this source of low cost labor??

And that is why regardless of the posturing by Republican candidates you haven't and won't see any change. The United States needs illegal immigrants. Otherwise why make it so easy for them to come in?

By allowing a business to not hire a valid citizen and thus leaving one less job for an american who deserves it.

Your counter point is all but a joke.  First off the nationality of an illegal is 100% irrelevant.  But they take jobs form legal citizens.  Normally are paid under the table and thus do not pay taxes.  They spend little of their money back into the economy with most of it being sent home.  In other words they are a huge drain on the economy.

incorrect on so many levels...

1. A business has no desire to hire an illegal over an American citizen. In fact they'd rather hire the American for obvious reasons such as wanting to avoid breaking the law. Businesses don't want to break the law if they don't have to. Moreover, it sounds like your problem is with the business doing the hiring. If as you say Americans want these jobs there is nothing precluding them from getting them. Go stand outside the Home Depot or wherever, take jobs as nannies, become contractors or whatever.

2. They spend little of their money? How do you figure this? They aren't exactly making so much money they save very much. Do they send some money home? Of course. But most of their money is going to be spent in the US on the basic necessities.

You want to think illegal immigrants are a drain on the economy but the reality is they are a big plus which is why the United States lets them in. Someone has to do these jobs and Americans aren't going to do them at those wages. Its the same situation in Europe. Of course, the United States can't very well admit this.

There is a long tradition in tough economic times of scapegoating and blaming/kicking the ones below you.

If it makes you feel better to believe such nonsense then by all means feel free.  The fact that you really believe that 'Americans wont do these jobs' proves how absurd your thought processes are.  The truth is that Americans will take the jobs if business were forced to stop hiring illegals and stop paying them below minimum wage.  The bottom line is that they are ILLEGAL.  I am sorry if you and your bleeding heart left wing nut jobs think that those of us who are law abiding citizens should support and condone ILLEGAL aliens here, but anyone who is rational and sane would clearly see how much of a huge drain they are on our society.  Please stop trying to play when you are so obviously unprepared and misinformed.  I'm out.  Enjoy the rest of the discussion on your own.  No need for me to continue when you have such absurd thinking.

I wrote that I don't condone it, support the Arizona law and think they should be sent back!


I guess its not enough unless I say they are leeches sponging on our generosity all the while being responsible for all our troubles.

By the way Ratbastard, calling people names or insulting them or their thinking is not a discussion but more a sign that one doesn't really know what they're talking about.

« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 03:05:42 pm by hutch »

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Re: For Walky
« Reply #39 on: May 01, 2012, 06:50:15 pm »

the best comment i read about this story was:  "so Romney is a wimp. can't defend a qualified gay that has worked for previous GOP administrations just because he doesn't want to offend some extreme bigots in his own party."


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Re: For Walky
« Reply #40 on: May 02, 2012, 11:10:00 am »
if every company in america dumped all people off of health care, and kicked their not covered butt to the curb, somehow i feel suddenly our country would have a health care system that worked and everybody would love it. suddenly it wouldn't become an issue for the politicians, it would be a issue of life and death.

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Re: For Walky
« Reply #41 on: May 02, 2012, 06:13:11 pm »

is this guy . . . really worth starting wwwiii over?

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Re: For Walky
« Reply #42 on: May 02, 2012, 06:38:18 pm »
without using the word liberal, or going off the head like an idiot about how the government is taking away our rights . . . can someone please explain to me in a rational, intelligent, non-partisan, no joking way on why we need this?

is there a horrible crime wave in virginia parks that this is needed? do roaming gangs of people attack others in state parks. is this for hunting? protection from bigfoot?

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Re: For Walky
« Reply #43 on: May 03, 2012, 10:16:08 am »

the only people that say pot isn't bad for you . . . are people that smoke it.

mind control is easy.


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Re: For Walky
« Reply #44 on: May 03, 2012, 12:14:48 pm »
without using the word liberal, or going off the head like an idiot about how the government is taking away our rights . . . can someone please explain to me in a rational, intelligent, non-partisan, no joking way on why we need this?

is there a horrible crime wave in virginia parks that this is needed? do roaming gangs of people attack others in state parks. is this for hunting? protection from bigfoot?

the strategy of gun owners, via the NRA, is to aggressively push for expanded gun rights.  they don't seek to maintain the status quo, they want more.  they aren't sitting still.  they are on the constant offensive and looking for new fights.  they would argue that these rights are already enshrined in the second amendment so they're simply demanding what is already theirs. 

love it or hate it, you gotta admit they've been effective at getting what they want.  they've repealed gun laws in DC, chicago, now VA parks, and i'm sure many more.

you ask the wrong question (but the logical one, IMO).  it's not about protection from gangs, hunting, or bigfoot.  it's about all guns all the time, everywhere.

that being said, guns rights are down-right f*cked up in this country.  stories like this only serve to further illustrate that point.  but what do i know, i'm an alien.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2012, 12:18:29 pm by sweetcell »