Author Topic: RE: CT School Massacre  (Read 52290 times)


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Re: RE: CT School Massacre
« Reply #120 on: December 21, 2012, 02:54:02 pm »
There should be a gun tax sufficient to cover mental health coverage for anybody who wants it.


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Re: RE: CT School Massacre
« Reply #121 on: December 21, 2012, 02:56:11 pm »
There should be a gun tax sufficient to cover mental health coverage for anybody who wants it.

OMG yes. Very, very good point.


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Re: RE: CT School Massacre
« Reply #122 on: December 21, 2012, 03:00:02 pm »
NRA blames Video Games, The Media, Hurricanes, Foreign Aid, and Gun Free Zone signs.

Also wants armed guards at every school.


Well their opinion on the subject is as relevant as Jerry Sandusky's opinion on fixing the child molestation issues in the country. 


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Re: RE: CT School Massacre
« Reply #123 on: December 21, 2012, 03:00:41 pm »
There should be a gun tax sufficient to cover mental health coverage for anybody who wants it.

OMG yes. Very, very good point.

why can't victims sue gun manufactures?  I think that would pretty much solve the problem by bankrupting every company. 


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Re: RE: CT School Massacre
« Reply #124 on: December 21, 2012, 03:08:34 pm »
NRA calls for armed guards in every U.S. school

Barely 90 minutes after the United States observed a moment of silence in memory of Newtown?s victims, the National Rifle Association revealed what is needed to stop more senseless tragedies like the one that forever changed the country a week ago: More guns.

No one should have been surprised by NRA executive vice-president?s Wayne LaPierre?s Friday call to place armed police guards in every U.S. school, even if the massacre of 20 children in Newtown was supposed to have changed the conversation on gun control.

The NRA did not become arguably the most powerful lobby group in the United States by caving in at the first sign of a fight. Its move to use the Newtown tragedy to push its agenda for more guns, in a country that already has an estimated 250 million or so of them in private hands, is a warning to the politicians now contemplating gun control.

?We can't lose precious time debating legislation that won't work,? Mr. LaPierre insisted at a Friday ?press conference? at which he took no questions and was interrupted twice by gun control activists, one with a banner reading: ?The NRA is killing our children.?

The media, a strident Mr. LaPierre added, ?perpetuate the dangerous notion that one more gun ban ? or one more law imposed on peaceful, lawful people ? will protect us where 20,000 others have failed.?

For those hoping the NRA was about to turn over a new leaf when it said earlier this week that it intended to offer ?meaningful contributions? to prevent a repetition of Newtown, Friday?s let down was manifest.

No one expected the organization to outright endorse a new ban on assault weapons or high-capacity ammunition clips. But by signalling its active opposition to such measures, passing them just became a lot harder, if not impossible.


(emphasis mine)
« Last Edit: December 21, 2012, 03:11:13 pm by sweetcell »


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Re: RE: CT School Massacre
« Reply #125 on: December 21, 2012, 03:10:52 pm »
Meanwhile, Columbine and Virginia Tech had armed security onsite when their respective massacres occured. But still, great plan NRA.


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Re: RE: CT School Massacre
« Reply #126 on: December 21, 2012, 03:22:01 pm »
of course the NRA wants guns in every school...they are the lobbying arm of gun manufacturers, so guns in every school = great business for gun companies


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Re: RE: CT School Massacre
« Reply #127 on: December 21, 2012, 03:58:45 pm »
today's press conf by the NRA was a good development in the national dialogue, because they laid bare how out of touch with mainstream sentiment they are.

*if* they had any sense of strategy, they would have laid low, made some pretty statements about working through the issue, and waited for the storm to blow over while working behind the scenes.  instead, they've made a stand.

a big, stupid, isolationist stand.

observe how well that approach has worked for the tea party and other off-flavors of conservatism.  my prediction: the NRA will lose influence in the coming years.  it will become easier for politicians to say "no" to the NRA. 

the country is moving forward while the NRA is trying to throw down anchors.  they will be left behind.


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Re: RE: CT School Massacre
« Reply #128 on: December 21, 2012, 04:43:48 pm »
If they allow guns in school and it happens again, it's because there aren't armed guards in every room. If it happens with an armed guard, it's because there aren't enough armed guards. If it happens again, it's because the schools aren't militarized with enough weaponry to protect the couple of hundred kids in this school.

The logic is fucked and insanely laughable.

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Re: RE: CT School Massacre
« Reply #129 on: December 21, 2012, 05:36:12 pm »
two words

home school

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Re: RE: CT School Massacre
« Reply #131 on: December 21, 2012, 05:58:05 pm »
'Keep in mind that all of this is deliberately designed to serve an overarching strategic goal ? distraction. The NRA absolutely must keep the focus off of the problem of easy gun availability, and what can be done about it, for as long as possible.

The media narrative the NRA hopes for out of this presser is twofold: NRA criticizes media for maligning gun owners; and NRA calls for armed security guards in schools. This is standard obfuscation from the NRA, which always tries to distract from the discussion about the need for reform by characterizing the push for it as driven by elite cultural disdain for gun culture and ordinary gun owners. And focusing only on schools is about diverting the conversation away from the broader epidemic of gun violence.'


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Re: RE: CT School Massacre
« Reply #132 on: December 21, 2012, 06:32:35 pm »
A British news organization had to say "this is not a spoof" repeatedly when covering the NRA press conference according to Twitter.


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Re: RE: CT School Massacre
« Reply #133 on: December 21, 2012, 08:47:24 pm »
Obama urges lawmakers to make one last try for fiscal crisis deal, leaves for Hawaii... LOL   That fucking retard has not been in DC long enough to wipe his ass let alone actually do work as President and he is taking a trip to Hawaii?  Fuck you you god damn libtard socialist fuck.  So you are too spineless to do your job.  You run around with all kinds of guns protecting your lame ass, yet you won't work on the economy and you want to scare Americans into taking more ineffective action AND we have to pay for all your play time!  How the fuck do you sleep at night?


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Re: RE: CT School Massacre
« Reply #134 on: December 21, 2012, 09:29:07 pm »
How many guns do you own?