Author Topic: Anonymous Terrorists  (Read 6478 times)


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Anonymous Terrorists
« on: January 26, 2013, 03:07:37 pm »
As I said before, it is sad that this young man died.  He was an extremely intelligent person and had a lot to offer the world.  It is ashamed that he chose to continually break the law and then when the time came to answer, he chose the cowards way out.

"Anonymous says Swartz was 'killed because he was forced into playing a game he could not win ? a twisted and distorted perversion of justice ? a game where the only winning move was not to play.'"

No, he was killed by himself because he got caught breaking the law and was not willing to accept the consequences of his actions.

"'There must be a return to proportionality of punishment with respect to actual harm caused,' it reads, also mentioning recent arrests of Anonymous associates by the FBI."

So because THEIR VIEWS are that the maximum potential punishment for this man's crime was too much they have the right to commit acts of domestic terrorism.  Playing by those rules, if someone doesn't think that Anonymous' actions are just in this instance, that person should be allowed to set their homes on fire and rape their significant others.  You really want these to be the rules of our society?

Yet another story:

Thousand Made-Up Loves

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Re: Anonymous Terrorists
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2013, 07:19:32 pm »
I'm sorry you have such little value for human life.

James Ford

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Re: Anonymous Terrorists
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2013, 07:48:04 pm »
I guess the same could be said about the guy who killed himself.

I'm sorry you have such little value for human life.


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Re: Anonymous Terrorists
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2013, 11:43:30 pm »
I'm sorry you have such little value for human life.

I have a very high value on human life.  Nothing I said indicated otherwise.  It was a sad thing that this extremely intelligent and gifted young man got himself in such a position.  A terrible waste.  The point I was making was that the view of Anonymous that the young man was 'forced to play a game' is a total crock of crap.  he was not forced to do anything at all.  He, unfortunately, chose to break the law.  His suicide was the way he elected to deal with matters when it came time to accept the consequences.  Very sad indeed, but it in no way what-so-ever justifies the actions of Anonymous.

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Re: Anonymous Terrorists
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2013, 01:56:40 pm »
i don't know much about this case except bits and pieces, but i think that most if not all of the stuff this kid downloaded was free, uncopyrighted magazine journals, most of which had to do with anthropology i think.  he could not make money off them, he could not distribute them, he could not threaten people with the material.  mit and the government chose to make an example out of this kid because he was charged on the same day or very close to it as the whole private manning / wikileaks.  they could not get julian, so they decided to charge him with how many felonies because of downloading anthropology articles?  really?  and now everybody involved is doing "soul searching" investigations and swear this will never happen again.  tell that to the kids parents.  he was facing life in prison or close to it.  his entire career, his entire life, his entire struggle as an activist (he was instrumental in getting sopa killed), gone.  i don't condone suicide, actually i fucking hate it and what it can do to everybody else . . . but this kid got royally screwed by all involved and now let's just all move along, nothing more to see.

plus, i just don't understand 'anonymous'.  are they real, are they organized, or are they legion?  i would love if there was an organization that oversaw our government, and their only job was to make sure it ran efficient and top notch at all times, like the machines in a factory.  have the best parts, put out the best products, be the best company.  simple.


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Re: Anonymous Terrorists
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2013, 06:58:59 pm »
Walky the data he took MAY have been available elsewhere free (I have also heard that was the case yet I have not tried to find proof of that) but that is not the point here.  He broke into a computer (gained unauthorized access) on several occasions.  What he did once there is 100% irrelevant.  It is the same as if I had gone down the block and broken into each house I came to just to watch TV for a few minutes.  I didn't take anything but I am still guilty of breaking and entering.  None of this at all even comes close to justification for a group of thugs to break into additional computer systems (which by the way kept the legitimate users of those sites from being able to do what they needed to).  I do question why it is that this young man found it necessary to kill himself.  If he really did believe that he did not break the law (which seems very far fetched to me for someone so intelligent to think), or if he were willing to face the consequences of his actions, he should have stood up as a man and dealt with the situation.  It is really sad that such talented young people come to such a tragic end especially at their own doing.  This young man already had done a great deal of good (hell he helped create RSS) and I can only imagine what all else he would have accomplished had he not chosen to end his own life.


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Re: Anonymous Terrorists
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2013, 07:44:05 pm »
honestly ratbastard you are one sick bastard..

the guy is dead ok? what more do you want? you want to say he deserved it? he was a bad guy? a coward?

he is dead dude. he can't defend himself, ok?

on top of him being dead you want to throw sand on top of him and step on him and say he was a coward and broke laws? he's dead dude. what is the point?

you are a pathetic excuse for a human being.

the fact you started this thread to get on your high horse just leaves me speechless... i am reminded of the classic anti-mcarthy line "have you no sense of decency?"


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Re: Anonymous Terrorists
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2013, 08:11:24 pm »
honestly ratbastard you are one sick bastard..

the guy is dead ok? what more do you want? you want to say he deserved it? he was a bad guy? a coward?

he is dead dude. he can't defend himself, ok?

on top of him being dead you want to throw sand on top of him and step on him and say he was a coward and broke laws? he's dead dude. what is the point?

you are a pathetic excuse for a human being.

the fact you started this thread to get on your high horse just leaves me speechless... i am reminded of the classic anti-mcarthy line "have you no sense of decency?"

Hutch you are missing the entire point.  The actions I am saying are WAY out of line are those of the cowards at Anonymous.  THAT is the reason I started the thread.  Those domestic terrorists are taking advantage of this young mans death to promote their agenda.  I responded to Walkies post about what that young man did with facts.  I am very sorry if you fail to see that this young man's life was wasted for such stupid actions.  The deal is that Anonymous is nothing but a gang of thugs who spew hatred and vile in an attempt to justify their criminal activity.  That is blatantly obvious to anyone who has any sense of reality and decency at all rather than one who says anything is justified as long as it is done against someone perceived as being more successful than themselves and thus the success MUST be obtained out of bad and evil.


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Re: Anonymous Terrorists
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2013, 10:15:59 pm »
I we were playing a drinking game where we all had to drink every time RatBastard says "young man"  we'd all be blotto.

young man young man young man young man

Young man is one of those terms you use when feigning concern.


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Re: Anonymous Terrorists
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2013, 11:19:52 pm »
I we were playing a drinking game where we all had to drink every time RatBastard says "young man"  we'd all be blotto.

young man young man young man young man

Young man is one of those terms you use when feigning concern.

Is it not an accurate description of the individual involved?


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Re: Anonymous Terrorists
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2013, 12:03:21 am »
you know who else used to say "young man" a lot?



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Re: Anonymous Terrorists
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2013, 12:30:21 am »
you know who else used to say "young man" a lot?

LOL That was funny as shit.

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Re: Anonymous Terrorists
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2013, 09:08:06 am »
i saw them open for cher once . . . omg, did i just admit that.  anyway, they were very old and sort of a joke but they are the village people so it was sort of cool.  you could tell the crowd just wanted them to sing ymca and get off stage.  and they knew it to.  the cop was getting pissed that the crowd wasn't jumping up and down for their tired, love boat/fantasy island era act.

Thousand Made-Up Loves

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Re: Anonymous Terrorists
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2013, 11:06:48 am »
It is the same as if I had gone down the block and broken into each house I came to just to watch TV for a few minutes.  I didn't take anything but I am still guilty of breaking and entering.

You are out of your fucking mind. Did you really compare violent crime to computer crime? I'm sure you still insist that the gap between crack and powder cocaine sentencing is fair and race-neutral.


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Re: Anonymous Terrorists
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2013, 11:26:28 am »
It is the same as if I had gone down the block and broken into each house I came to just to watch TV for a few minutes.  I didn't take anything but I am still guilty of breaking and entering.

You are out of your fucking mind. Did you really compare violent crime to computer crime? I'm sure you still insist that the gap between crack and powder cocaine sentencing is fair and race-neutral.

Again you miss the point.  I pointed out that the fact he took something that was available for free was NOT what the crime was.  But to the extent that he broke into computers, yes he did commit a crime and he was charged with the crimes he committed.  Simple, end of story.  Now, back to the original point of the thread, that being these terrorists at Anonymous are nothing more than a bunch of thugs who used the death of a person to justify their actions.  They are the types who should be thrown in jail forever and not allowed to see the light of day again.  They are a perfect example of what is wrong with this country in that everything is always someone else's fault and anyone who has become successful in life is a bad guy who must be taken down.