Julian's America II: Electric Boogaloo

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Julian, White Poet WARLORD:

Alessi Kitchen Designs

Giovanni Alessi's dream remains alive with the house of Alessi's Italian 2013 kitchenware line! Its bold, thoughful design spruces up even the drabbest of kitchens. It's literally like saying "my cat just died, but I don't care because these ice trays make perfect Italian Lira mark shaped ice cubes!" Every Alessi item fits the company's tag line of "art + poetry" with stunning attention to detail and forward thinking.

Team Julian has been going absolutely crazy over the spring 2013 Liconi set of deconstructed bowls made to look like tin foil meshings. I had a dinner party two weeks back and we used the Liconi 18" bowl as a crescent roll holder and the entire party screeched to a halt as no one wanted to pass the bowl around to the next person waiting. It literally upstaged Syria as the evening's topic of conversation.

What makes Alessi's products particularly attractive is the blend of avant garde sensibilities with classic western European touch. It's not Waterford or T + C, and it's never going to be. But it is always going to be feel both new and familiar all at once. Its a respectful nod to the past and a bold stepping through the door to the future all at once. Every Julian's American kitchen deserves to have a design upgrade before Thanksgiving cocktail season rolls around. What's in your cupboards?

Julian's America Score: 6.7 out of 10

Julian, White Poet WARLORD:

--- Quote from: kosmo vinyl on September 04, 2013, 12:44:18 pm ---Don't ask

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You know deep down you've always loved it.

Julian, White Poet WARLORD:

--- Quote from: James Ford on September 04, 2013, 12:46:26 pm ---Isn't it funny how julian reappears just as atomicfront leaves the country?

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at least we know atomicfront spends his European vacation time trollin the forum.


--- Quote from: stevewizzle on September 04, 2013, 12:41:23 pm ---wat

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indeed, don't ask... just enjoy.


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