Author Topic: Thievery Corporation closes label  (Read 27960 times)


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #30 on: April 25, 2014, 04:42:39 pm »
People.  Just understand.  Hutch just loves music more than you and is more deserving of its pleasures.

that doesn't seem entirely fair chaz....

but it is noted that the fact that ESL, one of the few local record labels of any note, has closed down has been met with a general yawn.. who gives a shit....

really ESL and Dischord are all I can think of... .any others of any substance at all?


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #31 on: April 25, 2014, 04:46:05 pm »
I'm a salmon baby.

Those fish all die after fighting against all those rocks and currents.


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #32 on: April 25, 2014, 04:48:39 pm »
They might not be substantial to you, but I personally dig the music that a few local record labels release.

Friends Records
Fan Death Records
I Had an Accident Records
Accidental Guest Records
Ehse Records

(only covering Baltimore and Annapolis, I cant think of any DC ones right now...)


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #33 on: April 25, 2014, 04:49:21 pm »
People.  Just understand.  Hutch just loves music more than you and is more deserving of its pleasures.

that doesn't seem entirely fair chaz....

Probably not.  But live and let live my man!  Life is short! 

I feel ya about the crappy sound part. 

I used to have the sweetest system.  But life got crazy, I sold it off piece by piece.  One day i'll do it again.  One day.


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #34 on: April 25, 2014, 04:53:25 pm »
This conversation again?  Or should I say still?

The music industry had everybody on board with Napster and rather than embracing new technologies and delivery models, they fought it.  The movie industry did the same thing initially, but decided to embrace alternative pay models sooner and are benefiting.

When are all other content producers going to realize the porn industry model?  They continue to make money hand over fist by embracing new technologies and delivery models and being early adopters.  How is it working for them an no one else despite being (semi) limited to an 18 and over restriction?

Because they're not assholes, adjust to their audience quickly and embrace new technologies.  Hell they drive some of them!

It's time to stop blaming the consumers on this one and look long and hard at the resistance from the industry while the consumers needs and desires passed them by.


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #35 on: April 25, 2014, 04:56:41 pm »
They might not be substantial to you, but I personally dig the music that a few local record labels release.

Friends Records
Fan Death Records
I Had an Accident Records
Accidental Guest Records
Ehse Records

(only covering Baltimore and Annapolis, I cant think of any DC ones right now...)

I was thinking of Friends record as being the best local label.  I have a bunch of their releases.  Never heard of the label Hutch is going on and on about. 


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #36 on: April 25, 2014, 04:57:51 pm »
I am with you on Friends... I have a ton of their cassettes and vinyl, and go to a lot of the Friends heavy bands shows in town... Plus Jimmy is the nicest dude in the Baltimore music scene.


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #37 on: April 25, 2014, 04:58:31 pm »
Also I guess Accidental Guest is a DC based label, since it is ran by one guy who lives in NW DC...


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #38 on: April 25, 2014, 05:00:53 pm »
If you had a job of any importance you probably wouldn't be listening to music at work. Or posting on music message boards.

i just can't deal with people who listen to music streamed on shitpie laptop speakers or their phones and think they're doing the world a favor and are cool...
How do you know what setups people have for music consumption?  You are making assumptions on people's consumptions and presenting it as fact. 

100 years from now no one is going to care what you did at work.  I don't know about you but I prefer not being at work.  When I am there I do prefer  to make it somewhat bearable.   Music helps.


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #39 on: April 25, 2014, 05:06:02 pm »

It's time to stop blaming the consumers on this one and look long and hard at the resistance from the industry while the consumers needs and desires passed them by.

Huh? Like what? Consumers are largely perfectly happy streaming music for free or at most paying 9.99 for accesss to a bazillion records..

WHat else can the music industry do? They've handed over almost their entire catalogs- with notable exceptions- to non-music businesses who don't give a rats butt about music ...

The artist is the one getting ripped off.. not the consumer....I don't see the consumers on this thread feeling jacked or clamoring for better sound or more free music... the message is "hey mac its the way it is.. get with the program"

As I wrote earlier in this thread- completely ignored I note- record companies and a&r men provided a music industry service...they specialized in music....spotify does not specialize in music...they specialize in music delivery... they are the equivalent of the guys who used to take the cds from the warehouse to the Tower Records and the Tower Records itself... music provision is not music creation.....the music industry service has been replaced by what people keep referring to as a "business model" without actually defining it which seems to consist of music should be free baby cause thats just the way it is..

I can't speak to the porn industry I'm afraid... ;D

James Ford

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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #40 on: April 25, 2014, 05:12:06 pm »
I'm with you there. Shouldn't you be headed out the door my now? I worked 9+ hours from home today. TV, music, and beer while on the clock and on the couch. Can't beat that.

If you had a job of any importance you probably wouldn't be listening to music at work. Or posting on music message boards.

i just can't deal with people who listen to music streamed on shitpie laptop speakers or their phones and think they're doing the world a favor and are cool...
How do you know what setups people have for music consumption?  You are making assumptions on people's consumptions and presenting it as fact. 

100 years from now no one is going to care what you did at work.  I don't know about you but I prefer not being at work.  When I am there I do prefer  to make it somewhat bearable.   Music helps.


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #41 on: April 25, 2014, 05:21:40 pm »

It's time to stop blaming the consumers on this one and look long and hard at the resistance from the industry while the consumers needs and desires passed them by.

Huh? Like what? Consumers are largely perfectly happy streaming music for free or at most paying 9.99 for accesss to a bazillion records..

WHat else can the music industry do? They've handed over almost their entire catalogs- with notable exceptions- to non-music businesses who don't give a rats butt about music ...

The artist is the one getting ripped off.. not the consumer....I don't see the consumers on this thread feeling jacked or clamoring for better sound or more free music... the message is "hey mac its the way it is.. get with the program"

As I wrote earlier in this thread- completely ignored I note- record companies and a&r men provided a music industry service...they specialized in music....spotify does not specialize in music...they specialize in music delivery... they are the equivalent of the guys who used to take the cds from the warehouse to the Tower Records and the Tower Records itself... music provision is not music creation.....the music industry service has been replaced by what people keep referring to as a "business model" without actually defining it which seems to consist of music should be free baby cause thats just the way it is..

I can't speak to the porn industry I'm afraid... ;D

The artist doesn't have to have a record label they don't have to allow their music to be streamed.  The artists get money when their music is streamed.  They don't get money when their music is downloaded from pirate bay.  Streaming is long term revenue for bands.  Most people buy albums when they are first released and listen to the album over their life time.  The artist gets a very small portion of this revenue.  And they only get it once.  

I think you are anti technology.  Streaming music is great.  If the artist is not getting enough money they need to negotiate better deals. Celebration were on a major label and they weren't getting squat so they quit the game.  Amanda Palmer quit her label as we'll and went on her own.  You seem to think artists we're getting a ton of money from album sales in the past and that is only true from the huge bands and performers most got nothing.  


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #42 on: April 25, 2014, 05:23:20 pm »
I'm with you there. Shouldn't you be headed out the door my now? I worked 9+ hours from home today. TV, music, and beer while on the clock and on the couch. Can't beat that.

If you had a job of any importance you probably wouldn't be listening to music at work. Or posting on music message boards.

i just can't deal with people who listen to music streamed on shitpie laptop speakers or their phones and think they're doing the world a favor and are cool...
How do you know what setups people have for music consumption?  You are making assumptions on people's consumptions and presenting it as fact. 

100 years from now no one is going to care what you did at work.  I don't know about you but I prefer not being at work.  When I am there I do prefer  to make it somewhat bearable.   Music helps.

I am not working now.  I have to work later tonight so I am enjoying some relaxation time.  Seems like you have a pretty swell job. 


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #43 on: April 25, 2014, 05:27:49 pm »
I'm with you there. Shouldn't you be headed out the door my now? I worked 9+ hours from home today. TV, music, and beer while on the clock and on the couch. Can't beat that.

If you had a job of any importance you probably wouldn't be listening to music at work. Or posting on music message boards.

i just can't deal with people who listen to music streamed on shitpie laptop speakers or their phones and think they're doing the world a favor and are cool...
How do you know what setups people have for music consumption?  You are making assumptions on people's consumptions and presenting it as fact. 

100 years from now no one is going to care what you did at work.  I don't know about you but I prefer not being at work.  When I am there I do prefer  to make it somewhat bearable.   Music helps.

I am not working now.  I have to work later tonight so I am enjoying some relaxation time.  Seems like you have a pretty swell job. 

not only that, you're paying his salary!


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #44 on: April 25, 2014, 05:29:39 pm »

I think you are anti technology.  

anti- technology? of all the horrible insults I have had to endure this is the worse...

sir, have you no decency?