Did my first stand up comedy set last night. Frickin nerve racking heh.
that is awesome
DFA...the board's renaissance man (well you need to write a book and compete in a nija warrior or ufc competition)
I can only imagine Jules is wishing he knew in advance as he'd be sure to heckle the shit out of you
Hahah! I work out but I don't think I'm there yet!
@Killsaly Yeah my buddy runs an open mic at Jackpot in Chinatown every Monday. They pressured me into it, so I wrote some jokes for a few weeks and promised I'd go in last night. They gave me about 5 minutes and I ran close to 8 I think.
@Julian Its funny, I've actually been heckled at comedy shows so much. Comedians seem to lock in on me for some reason. I've been a big fan of comedy for years and years and I never EVER thought of heckling comedians, but I've been heckled as an audience member and it's super fucking annoying. One time I was out at the Arlington draft house and the female comedian pointed me and my friend out and said something along the lines of I must be gay to be with a girl as attractive as her. I chuckled and she asked me and I responded to her question, then she kept coming back, and I jokingly retorted and she snapped "THIS IS MY STAGE I HAVE THE MIC SHUT UP, WHY DO YOU WANT ATTENTION" and I just thought holy hell what is wrong with people. Went to an open mic at Stetson's last year and the same thing happened where a guy pointed me out sitting a table with some lady friends and he said there's no way I was with any of them [one was my gf btw] and he proceeded to keep talking shit about me for the rest of his set until I said "This isn't funny anymore, you don't have any jokes and you're picking on an audience member who hasn't responded to your verbal abuse for almost your entire set" and he tried to fight me.... I just have a face that's easy to hate or heckle I guess. I just never really understood it. One of the comedians heckled a chick in the audience last night, but to be fair before the host even started she had to yell out "I don't give a shit about this show!" so she deserved it lol.