ggw, I can totally empathize. The more you've been around and seen hundreds upon hundreds of concerts, the easier it is to say "I may skip this one". I've never seen the ' say I saw them would be cool, even if it's not the same thing as seeing them in the 80's. I'm happy I saw the Ramones when I did in 1994. Was it a great show? Probably not. Did I enjoy the hell out of it? Maybe. Am I glad I went, even though they were probably a shadow of their former selves? Yes. I know it sounds contrived, but I was able to see part of music history...I wish I could have seen Keith Moon, even at the end. When I tell 20-somethings that I got to see Nirvana, their jaws drop. The reality was it could have been a better show. But I'm happy I went and saw it with my own eyes.