There is an extremely NSFW image (unless you work with Julian) floating around of inside the Batalan Theatre. One of the scariest/saddest photos I've ever seen. I'm not sure why I clicked the link. 
If it's the same one I saw [which apparently is taken after clean up started] I don't know how more people weren't killed to be honest. I heard an interview with one of the survivors of the theatre attack and they said the attackers just kept firing and reloading and firing for 10 or 15 minutes. So insane. I can't even begin to imagine something like that.
There's also video someone was taking of the show when the gunfire starts. Haven't seen that stuff though. Truly insane.
This is sad but I don't know if it's more sad to see just how immediately people used this to push their political agenda on Friday night. I had to stay off social media to avoid getting more angry about the situation.