Honduras, just caught 5 Syrian "refugees" with fake passports trying to head to America. This, just changed.
your level of pussy is high.
Says the nutjob who says this:
anybody ever think that perhaps there is no way to prevent EVERY terrorist attack..that sometimes we will get hit and that is the price we pay for our freedom
nothing nutty about that..it is a fact.. you cannot prevent every attack..
what is nutty is to think that you CAN prevent every attack...
you can TRY to prevent every attack but sometimes you will not be able to
and we do not suspend our laws and our constitution because of terrorists... we continue to accept refugees.. that is what we do... to change the way we operate and live in fear is exactly what the terrorists want us to do...
Do you think we should be able to change laws to make Americans safer from guns?
Irrelevant..typical James Ford "I can't actually answer" so let me pose a question and try to find a more favorable tangent to go on...
There is no room for unconstitutional laws... we'd all be safer from "foreigners" by closing our borders and never letting anyone in or out (they could go out and become, you know, "radicalized").. doesn't mean we do it...of course some people who live in fear will want to do that....
what my views on the second amendment are really are irrelevant to the conversation.