Author Topic: Parenting issues  (Read 122637 times)


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Re: Parenting issues
« Reply #255 on: November 12, 2022, 12:06:58 pm »
Obviously it’s totally inappropriate for her to say that…. We’re just yanking your chain…from what you post here it doesn’t sound like she treats you as well as you deserve but things can be complex….we are only hearing your side although you are a thoughtful guy so I don’t think you are full of shit…sometimes putting down the partner is just a way of blowing off steam and it’s not really meant…sometimes people have a failing in one area but are exemplary in others…only you really know… sometimes there is a certain dynamic in a relationship with one partner being a bit dominant and the other more submissive …you got to weigh the good and bad in the relationship…personally I feel like people don’t change and these types of behaviors just get more engrained and worse… like she may talk about you like that now but in twenty years at thanksgiving watch out… only you can decide if it rises to the level of intolerable and take a stand…reality is once your daughter goes off to college you will be entirely free to leave the relationship if it’s not working for you…some people will just never leave no matter what…

And I think it’s more common than one would think….just nobody really admits it cause it’s a bit personal….my partner for years would yell at me in front of kids when I displayed my typical cluelessness “Do you have a brain tumor or something!?!” I didn’t like it after the 50th time…. Not so funny now that I got one so she doesn’t say it…


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Re: Parenting issues
« Reply #256 on: November 12, 2022, 04:43:50 pm »
my partner for years would yell at me in front of kids when I displayed my typical cluelessness “Do you have a brain tumor or something!?!” I didn’t like it after the 50th time…. Not so funny now that I got one so she doesn’t say it…

wait what??  for realz?  did I somehow missed this news?  dude, sorry to hear that...

Space Freely

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Re: Parenting issues
« Reply #257 on: November 12, 2022, 07:31:20 pm »
Thanks, Counselor Hutch, you've earned yet another beer. Someday we'll be at a show and you'll let me buy you one. Or two, given your penchant for cheap swill.

All pretty much on point and agree there's two sides to every story.

And damn, sensed you've been going through some health issues, but that's some serious stuff. I hope those closest to you have been helping you cope and rally. The world needs your NPR tote bag  carrying music nerd ass around for a long time to come.


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Re: Parenting issues
« Reply #258 on: November 13, 2022, 11:14:03 am »
Wow...really sorry hutch. Is this different from the original diagnosis? Damnit.


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Re: Parenting issues
« Reply #259 on: November 13, 2022, 12:22:22 pm »
Oh no it’s fine…it’s an indolent cancer… it’s treatable…wasn’t trying to freak anyone out…nice seeing you last night


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Re: Parenting issues
« Reply #260 on: November 14, 2022, 12:28:51 pm »
Oh no it’s fine…it’s an indolent cancer… it’s treatable…

glad to hear that. 

Re: Parenting issues
« Reply #261 on: November 27, 2022, 08:27:17 am »
Metal parents: when is an appropriate time to start introducing kids to darker and more aggressive music like death/black metal? Do you start them out on Maiden and Sabbath and let them find their own way to the hard stuff? (Not a parent yet btw just curious about the timeline)

Re: Parenting issues
« Reply #262 on: December 14, 2022, 05:12:54 pm »
Love this manchester menu


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Re: Parenting issues
« Reply #263 on: December 20, 2022, 06:43:50 pm »
I'm usually just a reader of this thread, however last night one of my offspring set our thermostat to 92 degrees... I
Lost my mind and my partner was angry at me for getting so upset at said offspring.

I then was angry at my partner for getting mad at me.

The end.

Julian, Bespoke SEXPERT

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Re: Parenting issues
« Reply #264 on: December 20, 2022, 08:25:07 pm »
I'm usually just a reader of this thread, however last night one of my offspring set our thermostat to 92 degrees... I
Lost my mind and my partner was angry at me for getting so upset at said offspring.

I then was angry at my partner for getting mad at me.

The end.
This is the moment. The moment Space and Yada ceased being individual people and started being, Spada.


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Re: Parenting issues
« Reply #265 on: December 20, 2022, 08:38:23 pm »
We have apps in CA that give us warnings of earthquakes.  Early this morning we had a 6.4 earthquake and the phone alerted me, rather loudly I might add, about said earthquake and to brace myself.  So I jumped out of bed and ran into the little one's room only to be reminded that she's already travelling for the holidays with mom.  Relieved that she wasn't going to have to be there for the impending big one, I braced myself for the shaking.  And I waited.  And waited.  There was no shaking.

Turns out that the earthquake was many miles away from SF (near Humboldt, for those in the know) and I was awoken really for nothing and set into panic, I suppose just for practice.  So as the adrenaline wore off and I was laying in bed going over what just happened, I realized that I put all of my concern into my toddler's well being, not even noticing that (1) my wife was not in bed next to me and (2) that I really put very little thought into her well being.  She's a grown adult so I'm sure she would have been fine (right?) and that my first priority should be with the weakest of the bunch and that's the four year old.       


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Re: Parenting issues
« Reply #266 on: December 20, 2022, 10:00:28 pm »
Sounds like fatherly instinct and the right thing to do...

I had never heard of this app you mentioned until I read your post... a half hour later I'm mindlessly watching a show called, "bay area revelations" and they mentioned the app. Weird.

Julian, Bespoke SEXPERT

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Re: Parenting issues
« Reply #267 on: December 20, 2022, 11:12:15 pm »
We have apps in CA that give us warnings of earthquakes.  Early this morning we had a 6.4 earthquake and the phone alerted me, rather loudly I might add, about said earthquake and to brace myself.  So I jumped out of bed and ran into the little one's room only to be reminded that she's already travelling for the holidays with mom.  Relieved that she wasn't going to have to be there for the impending big one, I braced myself for the shaking.  And I waited.  And waited.  There was no shaking.

Turns out that the earthquake was many miles away from SF (near Humboldt, for those in the know) and I was awoken really for nothing and set into panic, I suppose just for practice.  So as the adrenaline wore off and I was laying in bed going over what just happened, I realized that I put all of my concern into my toddler's well being, not even noticing that (1) my wife was not in bed next to me and (2) that I really put very little thought into her well being.  She's a grown adult so I'm sure she would have been fine (right?) and that my first priority should be with the weakest of the bunch and that's the four year old.     
And then you went to the strip club?

Space Freely

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Re: Parenting issues
« Reply #268 on: December 21, 2022, 11:06:41 am »
Space, what's the deal with Sturgill? Is he gone for good?

I thought you're the Sturgill guy, and would more likely know the answer. I don't know. I hope not?

I was listening to the Strugill/Angel Olsen duet on YouTube and I got an earful about "this Emmylou Harris shit" and the suggested videeo was a live Sturgill performance. I was thinking man, I should have given him more or a chance but apparently the other two thirds of the house didn't agree. And here I am holding my opinion in every time I hear how amazing Mariah Carey is and how great John Mayer's first album is. Sigh. Everyone has their own thing I guess.

Also, thoughts on my thermostat being set to 92? I'm sure this would've blown your heating budget for 2022 had this happened at your home. Feel free to respond in the parenting thread.

My apologies my first reaction was to laugh. What are you going to do? As long as it didn't catch the house on fire. Is anyone still upset about it? I'm sure you've shrugged it off and moved on, right?

On a tangential note....

My wife insists on having all the windows in the house open when it's 20 degrees out and the furnace is blasting because she "likes fresh air. (and I'm uncomfortably shivering and asking if we can shut some windows, her telling me I'd like it if "you were a real man, and not a pussy.")  C'est la vie.


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Re: Parenting issues
« Reply #269 on: December 21, 2022, 11:35:55 am »
I think smackie is the sturgill guy... but I wouldn't be surprised if he's done.

Re: no one is still mad about it nor do I care... I was more upset that my partner was pissed at me for yelling at my daughter about turning it up to 92.