I wasn't referring to icp fans as uneducated because I described what goes on at their festivals, being smoking weed, drinking beer, fucking, nudity, listening to music, repeat. that goes on at every festival, not so much to a degree than at a gathering. if the fbi labeled the dead fans a cult, and the band marched on Washington with as many deadheads as possible, then you better fucking believe people would be tripping balls in every museum, smoking pot in any place possible, drum circles everywhere, the worst lot food imaginable on every inch of the mall. Does that also qualify in me calling them uneducated?
sorry bearman, I know this a fun message board, but I had to make sure you knew that I was trying to prove a point about how no one will care about an ICP march on DC . . . and I only make fun of myself in this world, plus other gay people, because we are allowed to.
I've listened to ICP and other bands like them that play there. ok at best, not my style at most.