I actually meant it in all positive terms. It just seems that most folks here fall into one of two categories; the Brit-Pop folks and the Indie Rock folks. Obviously it's a sliding scale and doesn't necessarily mean that you
only listen to that type of music, but it's pretty clear cut.
It doesn't necessarily mean we all like the same music, but for the most part, it wouldn't be too hard on this board to name a band and easily guess who likes or does not like them. Please, before anyone feels the need to defend themselves, I'm speaking in super generic terms here. No need to point out all the various sub-sub-sub genres that you all love.
But some of you (Mankie, Rhett, and Dupek, for example), don't fall into those easily-definable categories. Personally, even though it can be frustrating watching you post yet another cynical rant against bands just to get a rise, for the most part, it's rather refreshing.
And that is one of my personal favorite parts of this board; hearing new opinions, especially on music. Kind what makes all of the posts about sports, politics and ticket service charges worht it
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
So what is the usual description of a 9:30 boarder, and why don't I fit it? :eek:
Originally posted by nkotbie:
Since there are quite of few people on here that don't seem to fit the usual description of what a 9:30 boarder seems to be (Rhett, Dupek, Mankie, etc.), I was wondering what brought everyone to this particular forum.
Personally, I wanted to see if anyone had anything interesting to say after the disasterous Murder City Devils set here a few years ago. Sure enough, they did, and I was hooked. How about the rest of you?