Author Topic: What's Up With The Subpop Site?  (Read 1721 times)


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What's Up With The Subpop Site?
« on: January 22, 2004, 06:46:00 pm »

ratioci nation

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Re: What's Up With The Subpop Site?
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2004, 06:56:00 pm »
I don't know, but I like it


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Re: What's Up With The Subpop Site?
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2004, 07:13:00 pm »
not what's up with the subpop site, but more like..
 What's up with 99.1 playing the postal service "such great heights" now?! i actually felt like wretching. there fm goes again, ruining a perfectly wonderful thing.


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Re: What's Up With The Subpop Site?
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2004, 07:15:00 pm »
That is FABULOUS.  I hope it stays up a while.


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Re: What's Up With The Subpop Site?
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2004, 07:27:00 pm »
teeeeeee heeeeeeeee
 10.0: A reissue from the late '70s / early '80s that no one could get away with dissing you for owning (even if they WERE sick of it 4 years ago)
 9.5-9.9: Flaming Lips, White Stripes and Radiohead -- ALL JAMMING TOGETHER!
 9.0-9.4: You must post your love for this record on EVERY message board on earth
 8.5-8.9: Inspirational, maybe even to the point of motivating you to move out of your parents' basement
 8.0-8.4: Worth leaving your dorm room to buy (remember to bring sunglasses, natural feels way different than fluorescent)
 7.5-7.9: Try to review a record of this caliber without saying 'hipster' or 'tousled hair', I dare you
 7.0-7.4: Worth downloading (Reminder: finish term paper on the effects of file sharing on the music industry)
 6.0-6.9: Maybe we should put together a book of all our reviews because they're way too hard to find on our website. Paper is the new internet!
 5.0-5.9: Burn a copy from the radio station where your lab partner works
 4.0-4.9: Something we liked last year, but SO isn't this year
 3.0-3.9: A Sub Pop release from the mid to late '90s (BURNED!)
 2.0-2.9: Tribute album
 1.0-1.9: I got kicked out of a band that sounded like this
 0.0-0.9: Breaks new ground for terrible but for some reason we're still reviewing it


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Re: What's Up With The Subpop Site?
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2004, 07:34:00 pm »
lulu, you just beat me!  I was going to post the ratings key too.  
 Calm down, Unctious, LuLu didn't literally beat me, just figuratively.

thirsty moore

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Re: What's Up With The Subpop Site?
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2004, 08:48:00 pm »
This is great...
 Pitchfork Staff Member says ??Hi? to real life woman
 Other staffers admonish one of their own for ??selling out?
 [Posted Friday, January 22nd, 2004 06:00:00 Popdork Pacific Time]
 Jed Maheu reports:
 Last Friday at a Pretty Girls Make Graves show, Pitchfork staff member Andy Ward said ??Hi? to an actual woman. This marks the first time a member of the Pitchfork staff has made direct verbal contact with someone of the opposite sex. Normally content with sitting in his mother??s basement eating Cheetos and watching bootlegged Jawbreaker videos, Andy somehow got the courage to speak openly to a girl at last Friday??s show. The ??Hi? in question came in direct response to ticket girl Mollie Neuman??s ??that??ll be twelve dollars please.? Although ??here ya go? or ??thanks? would have been a more appropriate response this does show progress in Andy??s attempt to mix within his peer group. When asked what he thought of Andy??s attempt at conversation with a female, fellow staffer Jon Slade was quick to point out that ??although it would be nice to have a female friend someday, I think that Andy has lost all sense of his indie cred.? Jon then quickly scurried away into a nearby Japanese toy shop and emerged hours later with what looked to be smeared chocolate on his face and ??Pocky? sticks hanging out of his back pocket. Andy??s previous verbal encounters with women have included crying when his 6 year old cousin Sandy broke his Clikitat Ikatowi tape and his trip to the nurse??s office in 4th grade after some older kids hit him in the head with a kick-ball.