Author Topic: Reagan Dead.  (Read 25341 times)


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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #30 on: June 07, 2004, 10:03:00 am »
they weren't trying- if they went broke it was from afghanistan not star wars

Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #31 on: June 07, 2004, 10:08:00 am »
I this and tell me it wasn't because his first wife was a total bitch.
 Four years later the young couple adopted a son, Michael. They were promoted by Warner's as the dream Hollywood couple, and every fan magazine monitored their lives. "Ronnie and I are perfect counterparts for each other. I blow up, and Ronnie just laughs at me. We've never had a quarrel, because he's just too good-natured," said Jane in one interview. Several years after that, the lovebirds became known in the press as "Those Fightin' Reagans," and rumours of a rift in the marriage were rampan. Louella Parson, who trived on such matters, told Jane in a column, "I want to write a story and settle all this talk once and for all." Jane was quoted by Louella as replying, "Believe me, I'm going ot find out who has started all this talk....Can't gossips let us keep our happiness?"
 In 1947 the marriage did break up. "We're through," Jane said to a columnist druing a trip to New York. "We're finished, and it's all my fault." Reagan found out about the termination of his marriage when he read it in the column. He have long interviews to Louella and to her archrival, Hedda Hoper, both of whom took his side. "If this comes to a divorce, I'll name Johnny Belinda as a co-espondent," Hedda Hopper quoted him as saying. Jane had become so immersed in her new career as a dramatic actress that she wore pellets wrapped in wax in her ears so that she would not be able to hear during the fliming of the deaf-mute movie. Hedda Hopper had more to say ont he subjec: "I can't really believe it yet. I don't think Ronald Reagan does either. It caught him so flatfooted, so patheically by surprise. I talked ot Ronnie the day he read int he newspapers what Jane should have told her husband first."
 They were divorced in 1948, the same year she won the Academy Award. Jane got custody of the two children, and Reagan got weekend visitation rights. Jane testified that her husband's overriding interest in filmland union and political activity had driven them apart. Friends speculated at the time that Jane's emergence as a bona fide star and Reagan's concurrent slide from box-office favour contributed to the breakup. Others felt that Jane was simply bored with him. Before th egovernorship and his truly remarkable rise as a recognized world leader, friends from that periode remember, he did indeed engage in long, ponderous, yawn-producing discourses on a variety of subjects. AN ongoing joke in Hollywood druing his campaing for the governorship of California was a remark attributed to Jane Wyman about her former husband. When asked what he was like, she allegedly said, "If you asked Ronnie the time, he'd tell you how to make a watch."
Originally posted by Bollocks:
Wasn't Nancy his second wife...wonder if he was loving and faithful to his first wife?


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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #32 on: June 07, 2004, 10:21:00 am »
Rhett...all EX-wives are bitches...DUH!
 Why so defensive of a President who did NOTHING for minorities, education or aids research while tripling the nations deficit?
 What else do you want to name after the fucker for crying out loud? Why not just cut to the chase and rename this town "Reagan DC" and be done with it.
 And 93 is a damn good innings if you ask me, I'd be sympathetic if he popped it in his 50's or so...but to live to 93 is pretty eff'n good.
 By the way, I absolutely refuse to call National Airport anything but National Airport.

Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #33 on: June 07, 2004, 10:37:00 am »
I'm not defensive of his actions of president.
 I just find mocking his death OFFENSIVE. Regardless of his politics, he carried himself well as a human being, I thought.
 It's not like he was a drug-addled self-destructive rock star goon who can't help but ot invite derision and mockery. You know, like Curt Cobain or Layne Staley.
Originally posted by Bollocks:
  Rhett...all EX-wives are bitches...DUH!
 Why so defensive of a President who did NOTHING for minorities, education or aids research while tripling the nations deficit?
 What else do you want to name after the fucker for crying out loud? Why not just cut to the chase and rename this town "Reagan DC" and be done with it.
 And 93 is a damn good innings if you ask me, I'd be sympathetic if he popped it in his 50's or so...but to live to 93 is pretty eff'n good.
 By the way, I absolutely refuse to call National Airport anything but National Airport.


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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #34 on: June 07, 2004, 10:41:00 am »
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
 [QB]  Layne Staley.

 is he still dead then?


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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #35 on: June 07, 2004, 10:49:00 am »
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
 [QB] I'm not defensive of his actions of president.
 I just find mocking his death OFFENSIVE. Regardless of his politics, he carried himself well as a human being, I thought.
 It's not like he was a drug-addled self-destructive rock star goon who can't help but ot invite derision and mockery. You know, like Curt Cobain or Layne Staley.

 I think those mocking, and I don't think I was mocking....but anyway, if we are, it's probably a reaction to all the bullshit on the telly over the weekend...You'd think he was the mesiah or something. What cracks me up about the media over here is for example, you get the local news at 6pm and the lead story is "Reagan Dead"...then you get all the tributes and posthumous arse licking for an hour...then at 7pm you get the national news and the lead story is "Reagan Dead" NO SHIT! We've just had it shoved down our throats for the past hour!...then of course you get another hour of posthumous arse licking all over again.
 BTW, did ANYTHING else happen that was newsworthy over the weekend, because they sure as shit didn't report on anything else?

Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #36 on: June 07, 2004, 10:49:00 am »
Dude, he may still be dead, but his music is still alive in the hearts of his fans, from Boise to Dundalk.
Originally posted by poorlulu:
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
 [QB]  Layne Staley.

 is he still dead then? [/b]


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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #37 on: June 07, 2004, 10:58:00 am »
I shoulda known this board would not be sympathetic to him. Once again, the whole country thinks one way and fifteen morons on this board think another, must be the wanna be rebels in them. It's a sad day when I agree with pretty much everything Rhett says. I have no idea what he did right or wrong cause politics isn't my thing but I'm sure he did a helluva better job then you guys did....Oh wait, you weren't President, he was, and you never will be.


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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #38 on: June 07, 2004, 11:01:00 am »
sigh... it always turns into one of these messy little arguments. And coincidentally, Rhett is in the minority again. It's sad when anyone dies, true enough. I think what most of the folks are reacting to is the non-stop, never-ending, relentless push by reagan-supporters (who also happen to have prominent roles in the current administration) to make him the be-all end-all. If you liked Reagan, you tend to REALLY like him. And vice-versa. Regardless of his accomplishments, good or bad, he is not the legend his followers make him out to be. And to be beaten over the head with a solid week of this propaganda is a daunting task. It's unfortunate his last years were so difficult, and I do feel for Nancy (even thoguh she's always seemed a bit odd herself). But in the end, his legacy in the eyes of non-republicans is not an entirely positive one. Thus, we quickly grow tired of all the media coverage etc...

Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #39 on: June 07, 2004, 11:04:00 am »
Hey Guiny, would you feel the same way if it were Clinton who died? Haven't you said some disparaging things about him?
 I agree with Keithsg's comments above.
 Although I've spent far too much energy defending the honor or someone who I would have never voted for.
 So I'll pass that task on to you, and ggw if he wants it, while I go get some work done.
Originally posted by Rob_Gee_a.k.a _Guiny:
  I shoulda known this board would not be sympathetic to him. Once again, the whole country thinks one way and fifteen morons on this board think another, must be the wanna be rebels in them. It's a sad day when I agree with pretty much everything Rhett says. I have no idea what he did right or wrong cause politics isn't my thing but I'm sure he did a helluva better job then you guys did....Oh wait, you weren't President, he was, and you never will be.


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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #40 on: June 07, 2004, 11:04:00 am »
Originally posted by Rob_Gee_a.k.a _Guiny:
  I shoulda known this board would not be sympathetic to him. Once again, the whole country thinks one way and fifteen morons on this board think another, must be the wanna be rebels in them. It's a sad day when I agree with pretty much everything Rhett says. I have no idea what he did right or wrong cause politics isn't my thing but I'm sure he did a helluva better job then you guys did....Oh wait, you weren't President, he was, and you never will be.
What you mean is the whole right-wing propaganda mainstream media thinks one way and broadcasts it so the sheep-like doodles believe it, and 15 morons on this board thinks another. Listening to Air America this morning, the callers were sympathetic that he'd died, but saying how he wasn't really that good a president...which he wasn't.
 If I was president instead of him, I would've taken money from Starwars and put it in aids research...I wouldn't have given those massive tax cuts to the very wealthy while cutting education programs...and I wouldn't have sold arms to Iran, or invaded Grenada.

Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #41 on: June 07, 2004, 11:06:00 am »
In your esitmation, what president's are "legends", and what did they do to earn their legendary status?
 Aren't Guided By Voices and the Fall legendary?  :D  
Originally posted by redsock:
  sigh... it always turns into one of these messy little arguments. And coincidentally, Rhett is in the minority again. It's sad when anyone dies, true enough. I think what most of the folks are reacting to is the non-stop, never-ending, relentless push by reagan-supporters (who also happen to have prominent roles in the current administration) to make him the be-all end-all. If you liked Reagan, you tend to REALLY like him. And vice-versa. Regardless of his accomplishments, good or bad, he is not the legend his followers make him out to be. And to be beaten over the head with a solid week of this propaganda is a daunting task. It's unfortunate his last years were so difficult, and I do feel for Nancy (even thoguh she's always seemed a bit odd herself). But in the end, his legacy in the eyes of non-republicans is not an entirely positive one. Thus, we quickly grow tired of all the media coverage etc...

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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #42 on: June 07, 2004, 11:07:00 am »
<img src="" alt=" - " />


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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #43 on: June 07, 2004, 11:10:00 am »
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
  Hey Guiny, would you feel the same way if it were Clinton who died? Haven't you said some disparaging things about him?
Yes Rhett, I would feel the same way about Clinton, I suppoted Reagan when he was President, I supported the first Bush when he was President, I suppoted Clinton when he was President and I support the second Bush now that he's President. Why? Cause they are President and I'm not....Period. If I thought I could do it better, then I'd find a way to run and do it myself, instead I just come here and listen to everyone play internet President's.

Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #44 on: June 07, 2004, 11:12:00 am »
Turn your television off and do something else,dude. If they got shit on, just say no and turn it off.
     I watched a two minute horserace Saturday, and had the baseball game on in the background while I painted a room yesterday. Wasn't even aware of any of the Reagan coverage.
Originally posted by Bollocks:
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
 [QB] I'm not defensive of his actions of president.
 I just find mocking his death OFFENSIVE. Regardless of his politics, he carried himself well as a human being, I thought.
 It's not like he was a drug-addled self-destructive rock star goon who can't help but ot invite derision and mockery. You know, like Curt Cobain or Layne Staley.

 I think those mocking, and I don't think I was mocking....but anyway, if we are, it's probably a reaction to all the bullshit on the telly over the weekend...You'd think he was the mesiah or something. What cracks me up about the media over here is for example, you get the local news at 6pm and the lead story is "Reagan Dead"...then you get all the tributes and posthumous arse licking for an hour...then at 7pm you get the national news and the lead story is "Reagan Dead" NO SHIT! We've just had it shoved down our throats for the past hour!...then of course you get another hour of posthumous arse licking all over again.
 BTW, did ANYTHING else happen that was newsworthy over the weekend, because they sure as shit didn't report on anything else? [/b]