Author Topic: Reagan Dead.  (Read 25342 times)


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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #75 on: June 07, 2004, 06:05:00 pm »
Originally posted by Rob_Gee_a.k.a _Guiny:
  I shoulda known this board would not be sympathetic to him. Once again, the whole country thinks one way and fifteen morons on this board think another, must be the wanna be rebels in them.
Yeah, right, there are only 15 crackpot board people who didn't love Reagan unconditionally.
 From today's  Washington Post [Get over it, they're even church-going people!?]:
 The Rev. Terry A. Smith III, pastor of First Baptist Church of North Brentwood, once attended a prayer breakfast at the White House with other members of the clergy during Reagan's presidency. But during services yesterday, Smith didn't say a word to his 2,800-member flock about the former president's death.
 "Reagan was not a friend to the African American community. He was a leader of the free world, but African Americans lost under his leadership," said Smith, who led the effort to integrate Prince George's County schools and businesses in the 1960s. "My sympathy goes to his family, but as far as his leadership in this country, he didn't do us any favors."
 Don Richardson, 40, a member of the choir of men and boys at National Cathedral, said he will participate in the state funeral Friday. "It's not an easy one to sort out," said Richardson, reflecting on his views of Reagan's presidency and his own role in the funeral. "Regardless of the president and what I might think of him, it's a matter of the office and honoring a leader of this country," Richardson said. But he added: "There were some significant social blind spots during his presidency that are difficult to forgive."
 "We were thinking about him," said Tom Dabney, 53, a lawyer who attended St. Mary's. "I think of him as a very charismatic, well-meaning person who did a lot to help the country regain its spirit. At the same time, he left the country open to serious problems we face today: the AIDS crisis, [the] plight of the mentally ill, [a] sense of entitlement amid the upper class that is so often disguised as patriotism. He did a lot for a country that was in crisis, and for that he deserves to be recognized. I personally did not vote for him."
 Although Reagan was never the most churchgoing of presidents, people said again and again that they admired his convictions and spoke of a man whose deeply held beliefs were almost a religion unto themselves.


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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #76 on: June 07, 2004, 07:58:00 pm »
wow, i wish i could say i'm sorry for my earlier comments.......
 i really, really wish that i could.............
 nah not really...............isn't freedom of speech wonderful.......  :D

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #77 on: June 08, 2004, 08:16:00 am »
i seem to recall hearing that the naming of the trade center was a tad ironic considering reagan was against trade and also the building of such centers with federal funds.
 i'm still a bit steamed over the way the reagan clones forced the metro system to rename the national station to reflect the airport name by threatening to cutoff funding.  a childish act if i've ever heard one.
 putting reagan on the dime over fdr is just plain stupid...


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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #78 on: June 08, 2004, 08:34:00 am »
Will Nancy or the monkey be on the reverse side?
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
  putting reagan on the dime over fdr is just plain stupid...

thirsty moore

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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #79 on: June 08, 2004, 08:51:00 am »
Personally, I think they should put his face on the ketchup packets they give out in public schools.


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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #80 on: June 08, 2004, 09:06:00 am »
Waaaaaaaaaaah, Ronald Reagan has all this cool stuff named after him and you don't.......You guys are sounding kinda jealous out there.   :D

Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #81 on: June 08, 2004, 09:11:00 am »
Well that spiritual guru guy, as well as the guy from sonic youth, were both named after board members. Oh, and a certain type of pig.
Originally posted by Rob_Gee_a.k.a _Guiny:
  Waaaaaaaaaaah, Ronald Reagan has all this cool stuff named after him and you don't.......You guys are sounding kinda jealous out there.    :D  

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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #82 on: June 08, 2004, 09:11:00 am »


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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #83 on: June 08, 2004, 09:13:00 am »
Originally posted by poorlulu:
  wow, i wish i could say i'm sorry for my earlier comments.......
 i really, really wish that i could.............
 nah not really...............isn't freedom of speech wonderful.......   :D  
Freedom of speech is great. So is the freedom to call your remarks what they were, completely classless.
 I think enough has been done to honor Reagan in terms of buildings, schools, etc., and that the dime should remain FDR's. But all the pomp surrounding his funeral is nothing unusual. Every President has had a week of memorials, and some more (FDR comes to mind). Media coverage is greater now, but the memorial schedule is nothing new.

thirsty moore

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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #84 on: June 08, 2004, 09:13:00 am »
Whew... I was hoping someone would pick up on that.
Originally posted by Dupek Chopra:

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #85 on: June 08, 2004, 09:38:00 am »
can't remember all the details but the whole ketchup is a veggie incident was according to my brother republican postering over a budget issue or something along those lines.  an old boss of my bro agreed to the be the fall guy in order to make a point.  of course once the news over ketchup was "ancient" history the fall guy had a better job on the hill.  
 so the reagan admin never really thought ketchup was a veggie...

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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #86 on: June 08, 2004, 09:40:00 am »


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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #87 on: June 08, 2004, 10:05:00 am »
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
  Well that spiritual guru guy, as well as the guy from sonic youth, were both named after board members. Oh, and a certain type of pig.
 LOL.......Great post.   :)

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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #89 on: June 08, 2004, 11:31:00 am »
Originally posted by Dupek Chopra:
Ask what? Who won the hockey game last night? Tell what? Tampa Bay won?