I gotta agree with Bags. As someone who worked in the transportation reform community for quite a few years, one of the biggest roadblocks I saw facing that community was the condescending holier than thou attitude of many of my colleagues. All it does is alienate the very people that they were trying to convince, convert or whatever.
Not everyone who gets behind the wheel of car is an ignorant earth hating neanderthal you know.....
I don't think any reasonable person would argue that cars are destructive to the environment, that the transportation system as it exists today is not an equitable one, that the feds earmark too many dollars for highways and not enough for public transportation, that dot's should fix the dilapitated roads that exist before building new ones, that the creation of new transportation infrastructure does not take into account the associated environmental impacts....blah blah blah blah.
But the bottom line is some of us need our cars.
I am done.