the only advantage to the netbook would be the ability to modify and attach word docs (read: apply for jobs online) in the practical sense, right?
maybe download files (if you catch my drift)
Well, a full computer can be very useful for more demanding usage, but essentially you are correct.
There are times when a full keyboard will be necessary, especially if you plan to use this in a business setting. I take my netbook to every meeting in my quest to live a paper free life (failing, by the way) and I don't think this would be practical for that (especially if the screen is visible - for example, do I want the people in the meeting I'm in now to know that I'm replying to to you on the board? Probably not).
But if you're like me and the majority of your home use consists mostly of checking email, following fantasy sports teams, scores, and looking up stupid questions that may arise while watching TV or hanging out with friends, then I will gladly trade the keyboard for the larger screen and longer battery life. This is the perfect device for that. A stand will be required for porn though.
For minor edits of Word Docs, there are many cloud solutions available (and MS is working on their own version), but the touch keyboard will slow you down just a bit.
For downloading files and adding/saving attachments, just plug a flash drive in or, if your like me, save/add to/from your home server.